Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 520

Chapter 520
"Oh?" Ye Tianling was thoughtful, the Buddhist sect is in Dabi, can No.1 get the source of heart washing?

Thousands of years ago.

Ye Fu practiced Buddhism, but because of Gu Xiaolian's betrayal, he practiced Buddhism to the extreme.

The ultimate Buddha is the devil, and the ultimate devil is the Buddha.

At that time, Ye Fu turned into a demon. If it wasn't for the book of eternity to condense a little of the world's origin into a heart-washing source, it would have washed away Ye Fu's demon nature.

Although many years have passed, the effect of washing the heart source has been greatly reduced, but it is still of great help to ordinary practitioners.

This is not the most important.

The important thing is that if Ye Fu is in the Southern Immortal Territory, he will definitely try his best to get the source of Xixin, which contains his treasure of life and soul.

"Among the younger disciples of the Buddhist sect, are there any outstanding ones?" Ye Tianling looked at the old monk and asked.

"Yes." The old monk clasped his hands together and said leisurely, "Shi Xiaohu and Shi Wukong of the Buddhist sect are both disciples of the Buddha sect's emperor star."

"Is there someone named Ye Fu?" Ye Tianling asked.

"I've never heard of it." The old monk shook his head.

Ye Tianling frowned. Logically speaking, Ye Fu was reborn with memories, and his treasures and fairy weapons were basically in the Southern Immortal Territory.

If you want to have the ability to protect yourself as soon as possible, you must obtain the fairy artifacts and treasures from the previous life.

However, the old monk had never heard of Ye Fu, which made him feel strange.

"Then I'll go to Buddhist sect." Ye Tianling took a step and left Xixin Temple.

Now that he holds the Celestial Treasure in his hand, it is easy to get the Xinxin Source, but in this way, it will be much more difficult for him to find Ye Fu.

Seeing Ye Tianling leave, the old monk couldn't help but feel relieved. If the source of Xixin was robbed, he would be dereliction of duty.

Ye Tianling left here.

His figure was flying in the air, and his eyes and ears were open, listening to the discussions of the people below.

The people below are talking about the battle of the younger disciples of the Buddha Sect in the Southern Immortal Territory.

"The main reason for this battle is to wash Xinyuan. It is said that Xixinyuan once washed the Buddha. If you can get Xixinyuan, you may be able to feel some heavenly breath!"

"That's right. Back then, the Buddha entered Xixinyuan with many scars. The Xixinyuan and the Buddha's body were almost fused together. There was also the remaining blood of the Buddha in the Xixinyuan. Even if it was just a little licking, it might be able to make our body Cultivation has skyrocketed!"

"Forget it, there are many talents in the Southern Immortal Territory, Shi Wukong and Shi Xiaohu of Guangfo Sect are very strong, and they also practice the secret method of the Buddha clan, I am afraid that there are very few people who can be stronger than them."

Someone sighed and said: "Who says it's not? The Buddhist sect has compassion in mind, but everyone knows that the ultimate source of this cleansing is between Shi Wukong and Shi Xiaohu."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Shi Wukong and Shi Xiaohu both practice extremely powerful Buddhist secret techniques. Looking at the younger generation, who can be their opponent?
When empty.

Ye Tianling listened to everyone's discussion and didn't take it seriously, even though the Buddha with the capital of the emperor star was already very evil.

In the future, it is also possible to reach the realm of Heavenly Venerable, but...if Ye Fu is there, these two Buddha disciples are nothing.


Ye Tianling flew to Fozong, which has a vast territory, but no matter the mountains, streams, or creatures in the river, they have all been baptized by Buddhism and Taoism for a long time.

Even any creature in the Buddhist sect has spirituality and understands human language.

Ye Tianling landed in front of the gate of the Buddhist sect, and there were two monks standing there with their hands folded in front of the gate.

"Why did the benefactor come here?" One of the monks said slowly.

"To cleanse my heart." Ye Tianling said lightly.

"Please benefactor." Monk.

Ye Tianling nodded faintly, and walked into the Buddhist sect. As soon as he stepped into the Buddhist sect, he felt that there was a different atmosphere here, which could calm people's mind instantly and let people get rid of distracting thoughts in their minds.

Ye Tianling knew that this was because of the influence of the Dao source power of the Buddha clan.

Ye Tianling didn't care, and continued walking forward.

There is an open place in the Buddhist sect, where many monks and disciples of other sects from the Southern Immortal Territory gathered.

When Ye Tianling walked, few people paid attention, he just stood in the crowd and looked around.

At this time.

There was a monk in a red cassock who appeared in mid-air. He didn't exude a powerful aura, but he exuded a gentle feeling, giving people a very approachable feeling.

"Shi Wukong!" Everyone said one after another, and their brows became serious.

Shi Wukong is a Buddhist son of the Buddhist sect, with the capital of the emperor star, plus the realm of the Nine Realms Immortal Mansion, he is extremely powerful.

Another figure stepped over the void. He was also wearing a red cassock, and he also exuded a feeling that people felt very approachable.

"Shi Xiaohu!" Everyone's eyes focused again, and the two disciples of the Buddha Sect came.

In the crowd, Ye Tianling looked at the two Buddha disciples with a calm expression. After all, the Buddha disciples are just Buddha disciples. If they are Buddha disciples from the border area, they will be very strong!

The Buddha sons in Xianyu are Emperor Stars, while the Buddha sons in Borderlands are Super Emperor Stars.

Compared with the Buddhas in the Immortal Realm, the Buddhas in the Borderlands are much, much stronger.

half empty.

Shi Wukong twirled the Buddhist beads, looked at the crowd calmly and said calmly, "Tomorrow at noon, in the Southern Immortal Territory, all the arrogances in the Immortal Mansion Realm can participate in the competition. The No. 1 in the competition can get the heart-washing source!"

After everyone heard this, their faces were complicated. Both Shi Wukong and Shi Xiaohu were Emperor Stars, and they were also both Immortal Mansions of the Nine Realms, and they were only one step away from the Ascending Origin Realm.

With this kind of aptitude and this kind of realm, if you want to defeat them, you may only have the Emperor Star. Moreover, they must all be souls of the nine realms, even if they are only a small difference in realm.

The Buddhist sect's secret method has strong interference and can affect people's mind. If the will is not firm enough and the strength is not strong enough, it will be easy to lose.

"Tomorrow! I will compete with you two!"

At this time, a voice sounded in everyone's ears, and everyone followed the voice to look.

There was a man in front of him. The man was dressed in white, his black hair curled up on his head, his face was ruddy, and there was a faint smile on his face.

"Mu Rongchun!"

When everyone saw this man, their hearts were turbulent.

Mu Rongchun is the young patriarch of the Mu family, and the Mu family is one of the three top powers in the Southern Immortal Territory.

"It's rumored that Mu Rongchun broke through the Nine Realms Immortal Mansion, I don't know if it's true or not." Someone said with a frown.

"Does it need to be said? It must be true." Someone said: "If he is not the Nine Realm Immortal Mansion, how can he openly say that he wants to compete with the Buddha? Unless he is the Nine Realm Immortal Mansion, otherwise he is not qualified Say something like that."

"That's true." The man nodded and said, "The Mu family's wild fan secret method is very powerful. I don't know how it compares to the Buddhist sect's secret method."

(End of this chapter)

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