Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 521 Bald Youth

Chapter 521 Bald Youth
"You can only know this after a comparison." Someone said.

Shi Xiaohu and Shi Wukong in mid-air nodded to Mu Rongchun, their expressions remained calm.

They knew that Mu Rongchun was the Nine Realms Immortal Mansion, but so what?The background of the Buddhist family is not comparable to that of a family.

Mu Rongchun's face was also indifferent, wondering if he was really sure in his heart that he could defeat the two Buddha disciples.

"I will also compete with the two Buddha disciples!" Another voice sounded.

Everyone followed the sound and saw that it was a woman. This woman was extremely domineering, with her ponytail tied behind her, she looked heroic.

"It's the Pearl of the Orient!" When everyone saw this woman, their eyes froze.

In the Southern Immortal Territory, the Buddha Sect, the Mu Family, and the Dongfang Family are three pillars of confrontation!
The Dongfang family has a proud daughter of heaven, the Pearl of the East.

"Could it be that the Pearl of the Orient also broke through the Nine Realms Immortal Mansion?" Everyone frowned, with doubts in their eyes.

"Pearl of the Orient was a Six Realm Immortal Mansion a year ago. It's only been a year. Could it be that it has broken through the Nine Realm?" Some people couldn't figure it out.

If this is the case, the speed of this breakthrough is too fast.

When empty.

Shi Xiaohu and Shi Wukong looked at the Oriental Pearl, nodded lightly, and said, "I didn't expect Miss Mingzhu to also break through the Nine Realms Immortal Mansion."

The beautiful eyes of Oriental Pearl looked at Shi Xiaohu and Shi Wukong, and said: "I am not the Immortal Mansion of the Nine Realms, but the Immortal Mansion of the Eight Realms!"

The brows of Shi Xiaohu and Shi Wukong couldn't help but tremble, and the Eighth Realm Immortal Mansion wants to compete with them?
There's no chance of winning at all.

Mu Rongchun couldn't help looking sideways at the past, the Oriental Pearl Tower was very heroic, and its appearance was even more impressive.

With the capital of Emperor Star, it's hard for men not to like her.

"Miss Pearl, I don't know if you have a chance of winning tomorrow?" Mu Rongchun waved a fan in his hand, looking at the Oriental Pearl.

Oriental Pearl glanced at him, and said calmly: "Of course there is a chance of winning!"

Mu Rongchun smiled, he didn't believe it, after all everyone is Emperor Star.

And the Buddha's sons are all from the Nine Realms Immortal Mansion, and the Oriental Pearl is from the Eight Realms Immortal Mansion. Although there is only a small difference in the realm, they are very different in terms of combat power.

Everyone also showed disbelief. There was a small gap, how could the Oriental Pearl Tower win?

Dongfang Mingzhu looked indifferent, she knew that everyone would not believe it, but it didn't matter.

In the crowd not far away.

Ye Tianling's gaze was looking at the Oriental Pearl. Back then, Dongfang Qingqing, the patriarch of the Dongfang family, liked Ye Fu.

However, Ye Fu had the problem of strict control over his wife at that time, and he always listened to his wife's words, and did not dare to do anything beyond his control.

But Dongfang Qingqing still liked Ye Fu, until Ye Fu broke through to Tianzun, the communication between the two of them was much less.

But when Ye Fu's wife began to point the sharp sword at Ye Fu, Ye Fu was heartbroken, his stable Buddha's heart collapsed, and he urgently needed a woman to talk to.

Later, Ye Fu chose Dongfang Qingqing as the person to confide in, just because Dongfang Qingqing knew him very well.

Later, Ye Fu died and was killed by Gu Xiaolian's previous life.

Ye Tianling walked over slowly until he reached the Oriental Pearl, and couldn't help smiling and said: "Oriental Pearl, what a good name, I wonder if we can make friends?"

"You want to pick me up?" Oriental Pearl glanced at Ye Tianling with disdain in her eyes.

Seeing this, everyone was dumbfounded, who is Ye Tianling from?That's a lot of guts.

Buddhist disciples Shi Xiaohu, Shi Wukong, and Mu Rongchun couldn't help but also looked at Ye Tianling.

The patriarch of the Dongfang family, Dongfang Qingqing, is the peak fairy king, and Dongfang Mingzhu is the proud daughter of the Dongfang family.

Emperor Star, Nine Realms Immortal Mansion, whether it is identity, appearance, martial arts talent, or future prospects.

The Oriental Pearl Tower is definitely first-class, but what about Ye Tianling?People who are not well-known, who know how to see through the secrets of other people's cultivation bases, can see it.

Ye Tianling is just a fairy house.

With such a state and no background, how dare she take the initiative to talk to Oriental Pearl?
"Toad wants to eat swan meat." Someone said disdainfully.

"Don't pee and look in the mirror, are you worthy of Miss Mingzhu? Even if you want to be friends with her, you don't have the qualifications!" Someone else sneered.

Ye Tianling ignored them, looked at the Oriental Pearl and said indifferently: "I'm curious, how can you defeat Buddha tomorrow."

"Tomorrow, you will know." Oriental Pearl said lightly, she was also a little curious, Ye Tianling's appearance seemed unusual.

"Hehe." Ye Tianling looked into her eyes and said with a smile: "Dongfang family, is there a monk here?"

After Dongfang Mingzhu heard this, Liu Ye raised her eyebrows, looked at Ye Tianling, and said calmly: "Whether my family is here or not, does it have anything to do with you?"

"Hehe." Ye Tianling smiled faintly, then turned and left.

Before leaving, he said to Oriental Pearl: "Tomorrow, I will defeat you!"

After the Oriental Pearl Tower heard this, her eyebrows frowned, and she wanted to defeat herself in the Immortal Mansion?
Everyone was also dumbfounded.

Don't be afraid to flash your tongue when you talk big.

Shi Xiaohu and Shi Wukong's faces were calm, and their eyes were also calm.

They all saw that Ye Tianling was only a fairy mansion in one realm, and with so many small realms, Ye Tianling would definitely lose.

Oriental Pearl nodded to everyone, and then left.

Ye Tianling's appearance touched her the most. Just now, Ye Tianling mentioned whether a monk had come to the Dongfang family.

That's right.

There was indeed a monk from the Dongfang family. This monk was very handsome, but he didn't have the temperament of a monk. But the strange thing was that the secret technique that this monk taught her was too strong.

This is not the most important thing, the important thing is that this monk is actually sharing the same room with Dongfang Qingqing, the patriarch of the Dongfang family!
The Oriental Pearl returned to the family as quickly as possible. The Dongfang family is located in the canyon, which forms a space of its own, filled with peach blossoms and fresh air, like a paradise, very suitable for long-term living here.

In a courtyard of the Dongfang family, a bald young man in a red cassock was embracing an extremely beautiful beauty, who exuded a mature and charming aura.

"Qingqing..." The bald young man pressed against the beauty's beautiful chin, and said with a smile, "Tired?"

"Tired..." Dongfang Qingqing stared at him, this smelly monk is really powerful.

"But I'm not tired, I'm full of energy, what should I do?" Ye Fu looked at Dongfang Qingqing meaningfully.

"Get out!" Dongfang Qingqing rolled her eyes, ever since she and Ye Futan were together.

She was being tortured all day and night, it was too much for her.

Ye Fu smiled, he was just teasing Dongfang Qingqing on purpose.

Just then.

The courtyard gate was pushed open.

Dongfang Mingzhu stepped into the courtyard and saw Ye Fu pressing the patriarch's chin, she felt dark, this dead monk!

(End of this chapter)

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