Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 532

Chapter 532

Tianshu puffed his cheeks, and said to Ye Tianling dissatisfied: "If my mother doesn't like me, how can she be with my father? Then she created me?"

"Even so, your mother and your father are now rivals? You said your mother likes you, at least you have to prove it to me..." Ye Tianling said.

"Hmph!" Tianshu turned his face away, embraced his arms, and snorted coldly, "Do you know why my father asked me to wait for you!"

"Why." Ye Tianling asked. When he met Tianshu in the secret realm before, he thought that Tianshu was helping him guard his ruins.

But now it seems that there are other reasons.

Tianshu sat down cross-legged, facing Ye Tianling with her pretty face, and said: "Because my father knows that my mother cares about me, he is afraid that you will be in danger, so let me stay by your side, and I can be a hostage in critical times. Sometimes my mother will have scruples if she kills you!"

"That's it." Ye Tianling rubbed his chin and looked at Tianshu with a smile. Originally, he was thinking to see if he could take Tianshu as a hostage and threaten Wuming.

But the premise is that Wuming cares about the Heavenly Book. If he doesn't care, he can't threaten him at all.

"I didn't expect your father to think so comprehensively." Ye Tianling smiled, pinched Tianshu's pink face, and said: "Then I...can I kill?"

"Of course!" Tianshu blinked.

Ye Tianling nodded, and then continued to practice.

This time there was a lot of movement in his cultivation, he ignored those concerns and directly used the Heaven Swallowing Art. From today onwards, he has really used the Heaven Swallowing Art.

Only in this way can he make a quick breakthrough and allow him to reach the peak of Tianzun within two years!

At that time, you will be able to be the ruler.

When he was practicing, the dense aura with a radius of [-] meters from Lingmiaozong directly formed a vortex, and the aura flowed rapidly in the vortex, and finally turned into spiritual liquid, and then submerged into Ye Tianling's whole body at an extremely fast speed.

After a full two days, Ye Tianling was shocked. His martial arts broke through and reached the Three Realms Immortal Mansion.

Ye Tianling did not stop practicing, but continued, immersing himself in the practice.

If he wanted to reach the Immortal Mansion of the Five Realms in just a few days, he had to practice non-stop.

Tianshu was sitting beside him, his little feet playing in the water.

The movement of Ye Tianling's cultivation was too great, and it couldn't help attracting the attention of many people.

Lingmiao and the others came over to investigate the situation, and they couldn't help blinking when they saw the terrifying shock caused by absorbing spiritual energy.

What exactly is this practice?
"Who is that little girl? She's so cute." Dongfang Qingqing looked at Tianshu from a distance, the incarnation of Tianshu was indeed very beautiful and cute.

"It was brought out by Tianling from the Death City in Tianyuan Secret Realm." Xiao Ran said.

"Tianyuan Secret Realm... Death City..." Dongfang Qingqing's beautiful eyes flickered, Tianyuan Secret Realm was originally jointly controlled by the three major sects of the Eastern Immortal Territory.

Now this little girl has been in the secret realm and was brought out by Ye Tianling. Her identity is somewhat curious.

Ye Fu's eyes were looking at Tianshu. He felt that Tianshu gave him a familiar feeling, and Tianshu didn't look like a person.

Tianshu felt Ye Fu's gaze, turned his head to look, a smile appeared on his pretty face, then stood up, and walked towards Ye Fu bouncingly.

When he walked up to Ye Fu, he threw himself on him and hugged him tightly.

"Uncle Buddha..." Tianshu arched his head on his chest, feeling like he was being coquettish.

"You are... Heavenly Book?" Ye Fu was taken aback for a moment, then guessed, in his impression, this little girl was very similar to Heavenly Book.

"I'm Tianshu..." Tianshu raised his head and blinked his eyes.

"..." Ye Fu was surprised that Tianshu followed Ye Tianling all the time.

"You asked him to use that technique?" Ye Fu raised his eyebrows and asked Tianshu.

"En." Tianshu nodded lightly.

Ye Fu was silent, there were some things that he didn't fully understand, Ye Tianling was a little anxious to use the Heaven Swallowing Art now.


It happened that what Tianshu said to Ye Tianling made Ye Tianling use the Heaven Swallowing Art again.

"Uncle Buddha, let's go play... let Uncle Tianling practice." Tianshu said, then took Ye Fu's arm and left here.

Dongfang Qingqing frowned slightly, looked at Lingmiao and the others and asked: "Do you know who this girl is from?"

Lingmiao and the others shook their heads. They didn't know the origin of Tianshu, but... Tianshu actually knew Ye Tianling and Ye Fu. It seemed that they had known each other for a long time.

And they couldn't see what realm the heavenly book was, which made them doubtful, what is the origin of this heavenly book?
"Follow the past to have a look." Dongfang Qingqing said, and followed along with Lingmiao and the others.

Ye Tianling practiced without distraction.

Outside the Lingmiao Sect.

Suddenly, a voice sounded, and the voice echoed throughout the Lingmiao Sect!

"Sect Master Lingmiao! I am Lie Wuliang, a disciple of Huangfu Tianzun, and I have brought the Absolute Yin Body that you want here." Lie Wuliang said.

Some time ago, he reached an agreement with the Lingmiaozong. When he returned to the border area, he brought Gu Xiaolian, the body of absolute yin, and the Lingmiaozong gave him a heavenly treasure.

It took him a lot of effort to bring Gu Xiaolian here!

Inside the Lingmiao Sect.

Lingmiao and the others all looked up, especially Ye Fu, who had been waiting for his former wife in Lingmiaozong.

Now, is it finally here?

When he looked around, there were four figures standing outside Lingmiao Sect.

One of them is Lie Wuliang, and the other one is a handsome man, he is standing very close to the stunning beauty beside him.

This beauty looked to be about eighteen or nineteen years old, and she exuded a touch of indifference, which seemed unapproachable.

Her appearance and figure belonged to the top level, Ye Fu sized it up, and finally looked into her eyes.

"Is it her?" Ye Fu muttered to himself.

"There is a Heavenly Venerable!" Lingmiao's eyes were vicious, and she saw the four of them, including a middle-aged man, standing there, as if he had merged with the heaven and the earth, and seemed to be detached from the fairyland.

Anyone who gives people this feeling is basically Tianzun!

"No problem!" Ye Fu took a step and appeared outside the Lingmiao Sect.

"Who are you!" Lie Wuliang couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he saw the strange monk!
"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I can represent the Lingmiao Sect!" Ye Fu stood with his hands behind his back, his face calm, his eyes fixed on the beautiful woman, and he said softly: "Any body with absolute yin, as long as you add Lingmiao All of them can be vigorously cultivated by the Lingmiao Sect, and they will be given a heavenly treasure!"

Gu Xiaolian looked at Ye Fu with her beautiful eyes. Originally, she had heard from Xie Wuliang that the Lingmiao Sect in the Immortal Realm was recruiting women with the best Yin body, and would give a treasure of heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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