Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 533 Tears of Despair

Chapter 533 Tears of Despair

"Then hand over the treasure quickly!" The handsome man beside Gu Xiaolian stood with his hands behind his back, he looked at Ye Fu and said, "Xiao Lian is the daughter of Dharma King Tianzun, she joined the Lingmiao Sect in name at most! "

"Cough cough." Lie Wuliang coughed, and he said to Ye Fu: "I'll talk about the matter between you later, first give me my Tianzun treasure, it was agreed at that time, as long as I give Gu Xiaolian Bring it here, and Lingmiaozong will give me a one-star treasure."

Ye Fu glanced at him, waved casually, threw a one-star treasure to Lie Wuliang, and then said coldly: "You can go!"

"Okay." Lie Wuliang looked at the treasure of Tianzun in his hand, and couldn't help swallowing, he didn't expect that he could also have the treasure of Tianzun.

When Gu Xiaolian saw the Celestial Treasure in Lie Wuliang's hands, he couldn't help but feel a ripple in his heart.

Even if her father is a three-step Tianzun, there is still no Tianzun treasure, just because there are too few Tianzun treasures, and many extremely rare materials are needed to create a Tianzun treasure.

And Ye Fu?Just casually giving a one-star treasure to Lie Wuliang, it is conceivable how profound the foundation of this Lingmiao sect is.

Lie Wuliang took the one-star treasure and left. He was very savvy. He met Lingmiao and others before, and each of them had a heavenly treasure. He knew that Lingmiaozong was not easy to mess with.

Since you can't afford it, then leave immediately.

The handsome man next to Gu Xiaolian saw that Lie Wuliang had obtained a treasured artifact, and a hint of jealousy flashed in the depths of his eyes imperceptibly.

A person like Lie Wuliang actually has the treasure of Tianzun, and the son of his majestic four-step Tianzun does not have the treasure of Tianzun, so how can he have the face to hang out in the border area in the future?

"I heard that there is a relic of Tianzun in the Nine Flames Secret Realm of Lingmiaozong. To open the relic, you must be a woman with a body of absolute yin. Your Lingmiaozong only gave Xiao Lian a treasure of Tianzun, which is too much!" Yingjun The man looked at Ye Fu and said leisurely.

"Qianchou." Gu Xiaolian frowned and said to him, "It's already pretty good to get a piece of Heavenly Venerable Treasure."

Xue Qianchou shook her head and said: "The initiative is in our hands now, why are you willing to only want a piece of Heavenly Treasure, after all I am your fiancé, don't you want to get me a piece of treasure too?"

Gu Xiaolian frowned slightly and remained silent.

When Ye Fu heard that Xue Qianchou claimed to be Gu Xiaolian's fiancé in this life, a cold light flashed across his eyes.

"You open the Tianzun ruins of the Lingmiaozong, and the Lingmiaozong will give you a one-star treasure. If you agree, follow me to the Nine Flames Secret Realm!" Ye Fu looked at Gu Xiaolian.

"Agreed." Gu Xiaolian replied.

"Then follow me." With a wave of his sleeve, Ye Fu led Gu Xiaolian into the Lingmiao Sect.

Xue Qianchou also followed closely behind, but... Suddenly, Lingmiaozong activated the sect-protecting formation, blocking Xue Qianchou from outside.

Seeing this, Xue Qianchou turned pale with anger, looked at Lingmiaozong, and shouted in a deep voice: "My father is Lord Fengxie, you dare to block me outside, could it be that Lingmiaozong wants to start a war with my blood family?" !"

"If you keep yelling, your mouth will be torn apart!" A figure appeared from Lingmiaozong, and it was Hua Qianyue, the chief elder.

"You, an Immortal King of the Eighth Layer, dare to tear me apart. I think you are tired of working!" Xue Qianchou saw Hua Qianyue, and a cold light shot out from his eyes.

in the frontier.

How many fairy kings are respectful when they see him, how can they be like this now?He was reprimanded by an eighth-level heavenly king.

Hua Qianyue was too lazy to talk nonsense, and with a flick of her sleeve, a treasure of Tianzun appeared in her hand. The terrifying majesty of Tianzun was like a stormy sea, and she slapped Xue Qianshou.

Xue Qianchou is only at the Ascending Origin Realm, even if she is wearing fairy clothes, she can't resist the might of the Heavenly Venerate Treasure at all.

Puff puff!
Xue Qianchou spurted blood wildly, trembling all over, his eyes gush with endless coldness, his majestic son of the Four-step Heavenly Venerable, was actually suppressed by Hua Qianyue, the Eighth Heaven Immortal King!
"Get out!" Hua Qianyue's Celestial Treasure trembled slightly, and suddenly an irresistible gust of wind whizzed out. The gust of wind swept Xue Qianshou, and swept him out of the Eastern Immortal Realm in an instant.

Hua Qianyue took back the Celestial Treasure, with a cold expression: "There are so many annoying things."

Within the Lingmiao Sect.

Ye Fu took Gu Nianlian to the Nine Flames Secret Realm slowly. On the way, Ye Fu asked: "That person was your fiance just now?"

"Yes." Gu Xiaolian pondered for a while, then said.

"Are you willing to marry him?" Ye Fu paid attention to the change of her expression.

"It doesn't matter whether you want to or not." Gu Xiaolian said, "My marriage was arranged by my father. He hoped that I could marry Xue Qianchou."

Ye Fu nodded lightly, and his calm heart caused waves at this moment.

What he was most afraid of happened. Although Gu Xiaolian didn't have a lover in this life, she didn't object to this marriage, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Ye Fu didn't blame her either. After all, Gu Xiaolian had no memory of her previous life. In this life, she was just a blank sheet of paper and had to start all over again.

"Don't you want to marry someone you like?" Ye Fu raised his eyebrows and continued to ask.

"I don't have anyone I like." Gu Xiaolian said.

"So you just let it go, you know, you and Xue Qianchou became a Taoist couple, and you want to give him a child." Ye Fu reminded.

"As long as I don't want to, he won't even try to touch me!" Gu Xiaolian said lightly.

"You are too naive." Ye Fu has already made a decision in his heart. It is very difficult to stop this marriage through normal methods. Only...

"The Tianzun Secret Realm has arrived!" Ye Fu flicked his sleeves, opened the Nine Flame Secret Realm of Jiuyan Mountain, and brought Gu Xiaolian into it.

There are flames everywhere in the Nine Flames Secret Realm, but there is one place that blocks the flames, and there is a small courtyard.

"Where is the relic of Tianzun?" Gu Xiaolian blinked.

Ye Fu was silent, his eyes showed a deep and remote breath, and then a ray of light flickered in his eyes.

He suddenly turned around, and with the power of the Heavenly Venerate Treasure, he firmly suppressed Gu Xiaolian. Under the suppression of the Tianzun Treasure, the Nine Star Immortal Clothes she was wearing couldn't exert the slightest effect.

"You...what are you going to do!" Gu Xiaolian panicked, she saw the evil fire surging in Ye Fu's eyes, that kind of evil fire seemed to swallow her alive.

"I'm sorry! But... you are mine, and you will always be mine!" Ye Fu stretched out his hand and gently placed it on Gu Xiaolian's shirt.

"Don't..." Gu Xiaolian's eyes showed fear, and her panicked face suddenly turned pale.

She is only 17 years old this year. Under the protection of her father, she has been living happily. Everyone respects her. How could she have thought that someone would plot against her?


"Stop it..." Gu Xiaolian shed tears in despair.

(End of this chapter)

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