Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 536

Chapter 536 Disobedient

At this moment, only Gu Xiaolian, Chi Menghan, and Ye Tianling were left.

On Gu Xiaomian's cold face at this time, Liu Yemei frowned slightly, what did she hear!
Ye Tianling was actually integrating the forces of all parties, and then promoted the people of each force to the status of Emperor Star.

The emperor star is high above the sky, even if it is her, it is because she has no other distractions, maintains a belief, and has been polished by her father many times, that she has reached the emperor star level.

As for the vital water that Ye Tianling mentioned, one drop can turn a person into an emperor star, isn't this too outrageous?

In her heart, she was categorically unbelieving.

Chi Menghan was better, she stood there quietly without saying a word.

Ye Tianling couldn't help looking at Chi Menghan. Chi Menghan was also his wife in the previous life. In this life, although she had stayed by his side, he hadn't slept with Chi Menghan yet.

"Menghan, what do you think of me?" Ye Tianling walked to her side.

After a period of contact, Chi Menghan's vigilance towards Ye Tianling has completely disappeared.

In the past few days, I also know what kind of person Ye Tianling is.

"It's okay." Chi Menghan said lightly.

"Yeah." Ye Tianling nodded lightly, tentatively putting his arms around Chi Menghan's neck.

"What are you doing! Let me go!" Chi Menghan frowned, and took Ye Tianling's arm away.

"Asshole!" Seeing this, Gu Xiaolian's face was extremely cold, Ye Tianling and Ye Fu were the same kind.

Ye Tianling glanced at Gu Xiaolian, but said nothing.

He looked at Chi Menghan and said with a smile: "Why are you resisting me so much? You were my wife in the previous life, and we will be together sooner or later."

"Wait until I recover my memory! Now! Don't touch me!" Chi Menghan said with a cold face.

"Just touch." Ye Tianling stretched out his hand, wanting to touch her face.

"I'll fight with you!" Chi Menghan frowned immediately, throwing his fists at Ye Tianling continuously.

When Gu Xiaolian saw this, she also joined the battle group. Judging from this scene, Chi Menghan was in the same situation as her.

They were all trapped in the Lingmiao Sect by some unfounded wife from the previous life.

Bang bang bang!
For a moment, powerful forces collided with each other, but neither of the two women used the treasure of heavenly treasure, they just relied on normal attack methods.

But Ye Tianling's realm is much higher, no matter how they attack, they can't hurt Ye Tianling a little bit.

"Stop, stop!" Ye Tianling shouted, he didn't expect that he would make Chi Menghan and Gu Xiaolian anxious.

"Hmph!" Chi Menghan stopped attacking, she looked at Ye Tianling with a cold face, and said coldly: "If there is another time, I will really fight with you."

Ye Tianling rolled his eyes, it seems that Ye Fu's way of treating Gu Xiaolian will not work on him at all.

But Gu Xiaolian was still attacking Ye Tianling, she had been holding back a surge of anger in her heart, and now she needed to vent it like this, the only way to make her feel better.

"Are you still beating me?" Ye Tianling said to her while parrying: "If you continue like this, be careful that Brother Buddha sleeps with you again until you doubt life."

After hearing this, Gu Xiaolian immediately stopped attacking, which really warned her.

She was really afraid that Ye Fu would bully her again like that.

"You!" Gu Xiaolian's face was extremely indifferent, and there was a burst of anger in his eyes.

"In less than ten days, my father will definitely come to save me. My father is a three-step celestial being, so it's easy to wipe you off!" Gu Xiaolian said coldly.

"So what?" Ye Tianling's expression remained unchanged, and he said leisurely: "Whether your father comes or not, it can't change the fact that you are already a Buddha brother woman. In addition, although your father is a three-step heavenly venerable, but... a member of the Lingmiao Sect. The background cannot be easily shaken by a three-step Tianzun."

After hearing this, Gu Xiaolian panicked for no reason. Could it be that the Lingmiao Sect has even more powerful treasures?
For example, two-star, three-star, four-star treasure?If this is the case, wouldn't it be useless if her father came?

"Ye Tianling!" Chi Menghan said at this moment, she looked at Ye Tianling with beautiful eyes, and said in a deep voice: "You are treating her too much, because she is Ye Fu's previous wife, so Ye Fu doesn't care about her feelings, Bullied her! Now you are still like this, has your conscience been eaten by dogs!"

Ye Tianling shrugged, he looked at Chi Menghan and said leisurely: "From Brother Buddha's standpoint, there is nothing wrong with him doing that. Xiao Lian is his wife in the previous life, but Xiao Lian already has a fiancé in this life. Brother wants to cut off this alliance, the only way is to completely destroy Xiao Lian and make her unable to marry."

Ye Tianling went on to say: "I didn't treat you like Brother Buddha because you don't have any messy couples, and you have been staying by my side all the time, so you are in a safe situation. If you have a fiancé like Xiao Lian, I will also marry you." I will do like Brother Buddha, I will sleep with you until you doubt your life, and sleep until you are pregnant!"

"You!" Chi Menghan's face was livid with anger, Ye Tianling actually said such words in public, why did she doubt her life after sleeping, it was unbearable!

But after thinking about it, from the perspective of Ye Tianling and Ye Fu, they can only do this.

Gu Xiaolian's face was still extremely indifferent, she looked at Ye Tianling coldly with her beautiful eyes, and said coldly: "Why do you think that I am Ye Fu's previous wife? Do I have a mark on my face that I am his wife?"

"All the wives of Brother Buddha and I have one thing in common! That is... everyone is 17 years old, born on August [-]st in summer, and in addition, they are all yin bodies!" Ye Tianling said leisurely. .

"Heh!" Gu Xiaolian sneered, "Then how do you tell the difference, am I your wife in a previous life or his wife in a previous life?"

"This makes it easier to distinguish." Ye Tianling looked into her eyes and said, "You were called Gu Xiaolian in your previous life, and you are still called Gu Xiaolian in this life. From this, you can be sure that you are Brother Buddha's wife."

"In addition, Menghan's previous life was called Lin Menghan, Xiao Ran's previous life was called Ye Li, and Qingxue's previous life was called Ye Qingxue. In this life, their surnames have changed, but their names have not changed!" Ye Tianling looked at Gu Xiaolong. Lian said: "You stay obediently in Lingmiaozong now, don't think about waiting for your father to rescue you, if you are disobedient, I will let Brother Buddha sleep with you every day, until you are pregnant!"

"You!" Gu Xiaolian's face was extremely cold and her hands were shaking. She hated the feeling of being threatened.

"You bastard!" Gu Xiaolian said.

"Now! Shut up!" Ye Tianling glanced at her.

"I won't, what can you do to me!" Gu Xiaolian gritted her teeth, wishing she could crush Ye Tianling to pieces.

"Hehe." Ye Tianling gave Gu Xiaolian a meaningful look, and said, "You're going to die tonight!"

Gu Xiaolian's beautiful eyes are bursting with anger, can it be that she can't even speak a word now!
(End of this chapter)

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