Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 537

Chapter 537
Ye Tianling didn't say anything, but fabricated many bottles on the spot, each containing a drop of vital water.

It was not until all the organic water was put into a fingernail-sized bottle that all the bottles were put away.

A total of 100 million bottles, that is, 100 million drops of organic water, can raise the aptitude of 100 million people to the emperor star level.

At this time.

Lingmiao brought ten people, one of them was the chief elder, Hua Qianyue, who was the Immortal King of the Eighth Heaven.

There are nine others who are the core elders of the sect, and they are all Seventh Heaven Immortal Kings.

With a flick of his sleeve, Ye Tianling passed ten bottles of vital water to them, and then ordered: "Drink it."

Hua Qianyue and the others took a look at Lingmiao, and seeing Lingmiao nodded, they drank the vital water.

As soon as they drank it into their stomachs, they felt a strange force transforming them.

It's like changing their fate against the sky, forcibly raising all their aptitudes!
"What... what's going on..." Hua Qianyue looked at Ye Tianling with shock in her beautiful eyes, and asked, "I feel like I'm already an emperor star!"

"This is called Vitality Water. After drinking it, one's aptitude can reach the Emperor Star level." Ye Tianling said.

The hearts of the nine core elders were also turbulent. They were originally emperors, but now, they are already emperors.

All emperor stars can become respected in the future, it's just a matter of time.

"I feel like I'm about to break through!" Hua Qianyue said suddenly.

Ye Tianling and the others didn't think it was strange, after all, Hua Qianyue had stayed in the realm of the Eighth Heaven Immortal King for too long.

It's not surprising to feel a breakthrough after suddenly becoming the capital of the Emperor Star.

"I'm going to break through too..." "I'm going to break through too..."

The nine core elders also spoke one after another.

"Then let's break through first." Ye Tianling looked at them.

Hua Qianyue and the others nodded, and then left immediately. At this time, their hearts were even more joyful, although they didn't know how Ye Tianling had such a magical thing.

But now they are all emperor stars, and it is just around the corner to break through to the Supreme Heavenly Venerable in the future.

Ye Tianling looked at Lingmiao at this moment, and said, "I'll give you a thousand drops of vital water. You need to find very reliable disciples in the sect, and then give them the vital water."

"En." Lingmiao nodded lightly, she knew the importance of this matter, a miraculous thing like vitality water must be given to disciples who have enough trust.

And this needs to be screened again and again.

"When the Demon Sect and the Dongfang family are all here, set up a phantom formation to draw out the dark and light sides of their hearts, and distribute the vitality water at that time."

Lingmiao said.

Ye Tianling tapped lightly, and then gave Lingmiao a thousand drops of vitality water.

Then Lingmiao left, Mozong and the Dongfang family will be stationed in Lingmiaozong later, and she is going to tidy up the open space.

Although Xiao Ran and Duanmu Qingxue have already gone to work, but...the two girls are too young after all, and they can't do a good job with the sect's affairs.

Another half an hour passed.

Dongfang Qingqing brought hundreds of thousands of clansmen here. It can be said that the entire Dongfang family has moved here.

The Dongfang family has existed for tens of millions of years, and it goes without saying how many descendants there are...

From the first generation to the youngest generation, there are tens of thousands of generations.

Dongfang Qingqing first arranged the clansmen in Lingmiaozong, and then came to find Ye Tianling.

Ye Tianling told Dongfang Qingqing in the same words, all of them are going to screen out enough trustworthy clansmen, and then take the vitality water.

Ye Tianling also gave Dongfang Qingqing a thousand bottles of vitality water, after which Dongfang Qingqing left.

at this time.

A dark shadow appeared outside Lingmiaozong, Ye Tianling looked up and couldn't help smiling.

"Brother Mo is here..." Ye Tianling took a step and stood in the air. He looked at the 30 disciples of the Mo Sect, Ye Mo and Leng Xue.

"Arrange the disciples of the Demon Sect in the Lingmiao Sect first." Ye Tianling looked at Leng Xue and said.

Leng Xue nodded lightly, and then entered the Lingmiao Sect with 30 disciples.

Ye Tianling looked at Ye Mo in a red robe and said, "Now that the Demon Sect, the Dongfang Family, and the Lingmiao Sect are all gathered in one place, I want to unite the three major forces into one."

Ye Mo nodded lightly, Ye Fu had already told him on the way.

"Have you decided on the name of the faction?" Ye Mo asked.

"The God of War Palace!" Ye Tianling's eyes showed a deep and remote aura. Back then, he, Ye Mo and Ye Fu jointly created a force called the Three Dao Palace.

Because Ye Mo proved the way with demons, Ye Fu proved the way with Buddha, and he... proved the way in a special way, and the three kinds of ways are condensed, so it is called the Palace of Three Paths.

Back then, when I was in Immortal Realm, the Three Dao Palace was very famous, no matter whether it was the Immortal King or the Heavenly Venerable, everyone was terrified when they heard the name of the Three Dao Palace.

Back then, the Three Dao Palace slaughtered all directions, and no one dared to provoke them in the Immortal Realm or the Border Region.

It's just because the Three Dao Palace is so powerful that it makes people fear in the bottom of their hearts.

Normally, it would be awesome for a family to have a Seven-step Heavenly Venerate.

But what about the Three Paths Palace?There are nine peak Tianzun in one family. This kind of power is so powerful that it is difficult for people not to be afraid.

"The Palace of God of War..." Ye Mo and Ye Fu thought about it. Does the Palace of God of War... mean the end of the war?

Ye Tianling looked at the two of them and explained: "We were defeated back then, this time we will fight to the end, the ultimate battle!"

"Then it's called God of War Palace!" Ye Mo and Ye Fu looked at each other, and they both agreed with the name of God of War Palace.

"En." Ye Tianling nodded lightly, and then the three of them went to work.

Ye Mo wants to help Leng Xue organize the disciples of the Demon Sect, and Ye Fu wants to help Dongfang Qingqing organize the forces.

Ye Tianling wants to set up a large phantom formation with Lingmiao, and select highly loyal disciples from it.

Only when the trust level is high enough can you take the water of vitality, otherwise, if you take the water of vitality to those who may rebel, you may point the finger at yourself and others in the future.

Just in case, a large phantom array must be set up.

And outside the fairyland.

There has been an uproar.

In the Southern Immortal Domain.

The Mu family and the Buddhist sect, the two top forces, all frowned. Not long ago, they saw the entire Dongfang family leave. A total of [-] clansmen left the Dongfang family.

"Is this going to a full-scale war? Or is it going to take refuge?" Jin Huazi, the patriarch of the Buddhist sect, frowned thoughtfully.

He couldn't figure it out, the Dongfang family had a deep heritage, unless it provoked the power of Tianzun in the border area, wouldn't the family leave like this?
Moreover, he didn't hear any rumors that Dongfang Qingqing provoked the forces of Tianzun.

"This matter must be investigated." Jin Huazi said in a deep voice, the Dongfang family left collectively, something must have happened, and the Dongfang family is so powerful that they left collectively, which is enough to affect the trend of the entire fairyland.

(End of this chapter)

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