Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 538 The God of War

Chapter 538 The God of War

Mu Nantian, the head of the Mu family, also frowned. Although he had an issue with the Dongfang family in the previous martial arts competition in the Buddhist sect, the strength of the Dongfang family is unquestionable.

However, such a powerful family has all left, and they don't know where they went. This is worth thinking about.

"This matter must be investigated!" Mu Nantian said in a deep voice.

In the Western Immortal Domain.

At this moment, Zhao Zhiwei, the sect master of Shanzong, was frowning with black eyebrows. She looked puzzled. Half an hour ago, she learned that all the people in the Mozong sect had left.

For this reason, she went to check it out, and sure enough, the Mozong was empty at this time.

The cultivation resources inside have also been emptied long ago.

"Why did they all disappear suddenly? Did the Demon Sect provoke some powerful existence?" Zhao Zhiwei shook her head, guessing various possibilities in her heart.

In the end, it just turned into a shaking of the head. Her beautiful eyes showed a hint of inquiry, and she whispered to herself: "This matter! We need to find out!"

The news of the departure of the Mozong and the Dongfang family spread throughout the entire fairyland at lightning speed.

After many forces learned about it, they couldn't help discussing it one by one.

"The Demon Sect and the Dongfang Family are both top forces, and it's intriguing to suddenly leave like this!" said the Immortal King.

"I saw that the Demon Sect was heading towards the Eastern Immortal Territory before, so it should have gone to the Eastern Immortal Territory." A famous expert said.

"Eastern Immortal Realm? Go and have a look...Look at the Demon Sect leading so many people, is it possible that they are going to fight with someone?" The curiosity of many immortal kings has been tickled, and they all want to know why the Demon Sect leads so many people. Many people went to the Eastern Immortal Domain.

Many experts in the Southern Immortal Territory were no exception, and many people there also saw that the Dongfang family was heading towards the Lingmiao Sect.

All of a sudden, Mu Nantian from the Southern Immortal Region, Jin Huazi from Fozong, and Zhao Zhiwei from Shanzong from the Western Immortal Region all set off for the Eastern Immortal Region.

And in the Eastern Immortal Territory.

All the small sects became noisy, and some low-level people were terrified. They patted their chests and jumped and said, "Is this still letting people live? There are so many treasures of heaven in the Eastern Immortal Territory during this time. I have confronted Tianzun before, and every confrontation will affect us."

"This time the 30 troops of the Demon Sect and the [-] members of the Dongfang Clan have entered the Lingmiao Sect, so it's not a war, is it?"

"This Eastern Immortal Territory really can't stay any longer, it's too hot, there will be big disturbances every now and then, and the heart is about to jump out..." Everyone planned to leave this Eastern Immortal Territory.

This Eastern Immortal Territory is too difficult to stay, who knows if a terrifying battle will break out in the next moment?

There is a saying that when the strong fight, the ants suffer, and these ants cannot bear a little damage at all.

"Let's go... Go to the Northern Immortal Territory, it's the most peaceful place..." a fairy king yelled.


In Lingmiaozong.

At this time, the 30 disciples of the Demon Sect, the [-] members of the Dongfang family, and the [-] female disciples of the Lingmiao Sect were all gathered in a huge square.

Looking from the sky, it is densely packed, full of figures.

In the sky at the very front of the square, there is a row of viewing seats floating there, and Ling Miao, Dongfang Qingqing, and Leng Xue are sitting on the viewing seats at this moment.

The three of them are all stunning beauties, and they are all the actual power holders of each force, which can be said to be powerful.

And in the densely packed square.

Many female disciples of the Lingmiao Sect frowned. The Lingmiao Sect has always had only female disciples, but now there are so many male disciples, which makes them feel very uncomfortable.

The disciples of the Demon Sect and the members of the Dongfang family were also baffled. At first they thought that a war was about to start, or they might offend a powerful existence, so they avoided the limelight.

But I didn't expect...it would be like this...

On the sidelines.

Lingmiao was the first to speak. She looked at the hundreds of thousands of female disciples of the original Lingmiao Sect and said slowly: "Because of changes in the situation, the Demon Sect, the Dongfang Clan, and the Lingmiao Sect have now been merged into one, named the God of War Palace!"

After hearing this, many female disciples couldn't help but freeze in their hearts. The world of practice is extremely cruel, and sects are being eliminated every day.

However, no matter how it happened, in the Immortal Realm, the forces like the Peak Immortal King would not necessarily be wiped out for tens of millions of years.

That is, something happened in the Immortal Territory recently, and then the Pingnan Sect, the Futu Sect, and the Divine Eagle Sect in the Western Immortal Territory were wiped out.

And now.

What is the situation that actually merged the Demon Sect, the Dongfang Family, and the Lingmiao Sect into one sect?
Did they all offend powerful forces?Such as Tianzun?

On the sidelines.

Dongfang Qingqing looked at the many clansmen, and said slowly: "The three major forces have merged into the God of War Palace, one is because we have offended the powerful Celestial Lord, and the other is because we want to gain a foothold in the frontier and become a force at the level of Celestial Venerable!"

After hearing this, the members of the Dongfang family couldn't help but condense in their hearts, offending Tianzun!
And now the three forces have turned into one force, and then they want to gain a foothold in the border area?This bear's heart is not insignificant.

Leng Xue looked at the 30 Demon Sect disciples, and said lightly: "From now on, there will be no Demon Sects in the Immortal Domain! Only the new force, the God of War Palace!"

Many Demon Sect disciples responded in unison, their voices were loud and echoed throughout the entire sect.

Lingmiao's beautiful eyes looked at everyone, and said slowly: "Now the Lingmiao Sect has disappeared, and your current sect is called the God of War Palace, and the God of War Palace only needs elites! The elites here do not refer to martial arts talents, but when the sect is in danger, you have to fight with others. Loyal ministers who will live and die with the sect!"

Lingmiao stood up slowly, and she looked at the 30 members of the Dongfang family, the [-] disciples of the original Demon Sect, and the [-] female disciples of the original Lingmiao Sect.

Shen Sheng said: "This sect asks you! Are you willing to live and die with the God of War Palace!"

"Will! Will! Will!"

There were a total of 50 people, and the voices were as powerful as a rainbow and thunderous, giving people a very shocking feeling.

"Very good!" Lingmiaozong's beautiful eyes looked at Ye Tianling in the distance, and then nodded to him.

With a flick of his sleeve, Ye Tianling activated the phantom array!
When the phantom formation was activated, the entire square was suddenly enveloped by a strange red light. This red light was so strange that it could disturb people's minds.

This kind of phantom formation was specially arranged by Ye Tianling. Anyone who is disturbed by the phantom formation will see their sect destroyed, and then various scenarios will appear.

These scenes, without exception, draw out the darkest side of human beings.

a time.

Integrating the huge square, a total of 50 people saw thousands of troops descending on their sect.

And slaughtered all directions, until the end, their sects were destroyed, and their daughters were cruelly bullied.

During this period, many disciples saw this scene, their eyes were full of blood. Their close disciple died, and their Taoist companion was bullied even more.

They can't wait to kill all the people who came, even if the corpses are broken into pieces, they can't relieve the hatred in their hearts.

Ps: Because the work is in transition, the update will be reduced. For the time being, Emperor Ye has two chapters a day, and the new book has two chapters a day. The transformation is successful and stable, and the normal update will resume.

(End of this chapter)

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