Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 539 Tens of Thousands of Emperor Stars

Chapter 539 Hundreds of Thousands of Emperor Stars

"Kill! Kill!" For a moment, countless disciples shouted together, wanting to kill the phantom enemy that appeared.

Ye Tianling and others looked at this scene and nodded in relief. As long as these disciples have family affection, friendship, love, and conscience in their hearts, they can overcome the fear in their hearts. Even if they know they will die, they will fight the enemy with their backs.

Ye Tianling and the others continued to look around, and they saw that some people were so frightened that they knelt on the ground, begging for mercy.

What's more, he is abandoning his companions and running away constantly!

There are also some who even use their companions as shields!

When Ye Tianling and the others saw this scene, there was neither sadness nor joy on their faces.

The God of War Palace was founded, only elites, as long as they are truly loving and righteous, can survive and die with the sect!
Time passed slowly.

After an hour, Ye Tianling withdrew the phantom array.

When the 50 disciples suddenly saw that their enemies had disappeared, each of them suddenly realized.

It turned out that everything in my mind just now was false.

Logically speaking, when an army of millions suddenly appeared in their minds, they would immediately think that something was wrong, and those with a little knowledge would know that it was an illusion.

However, the phantom Ye Tianling arranged was different. With the help of the Celestial Treasure, everyone felt that the time flow was fast forwarded ten thousand times!
The picture that just appeared in their minds is already a hundred years later, so they will not think it is an illusion.

On the sidelines.

Lingmiao, Lengxue, and Dongfang Qingqing looked at the crowd with relief, and they were satisfied with most of the people's performance just now.

Only a small number of people are ruthless, cold-blooded, and even took the lives of their companions because of their own escape!

Lingmiao snorted coldly, she pointed her jade finger, and suddenly countless ice arrows shot out, and then the ice arrows seemed to know who to kill, and suddenly killed a group of people.

Bang bang bang!
In an instant, the hearts of thousands of people were pierced!The person with a piercing heart not only did not live and die with the sect, but even... even harmed his companions!

Leng Xue also made a bold move at this time, and with a wave of her hand, a total of 3 people fell to the ground without breathing.

A cold light flashed across Dongfang Qingqing's beautiful eyes, and she slapped it out with her slender hands, the terrifying power was divided into a hundred, directly attacking and killing a hundred clansmen!

Bang bang bang!
For a time, many people were killed in the huge square.

among them.

Dongfang Qingqing killed the fewest people, because the 10 people in the Dongfang family were all related by blood, even if there was only a little blood relationship, they were still members of the same clan.

It is precisely because they have the same bloodline that the Dongfang family betrayed the fewest people.

There were a total of 10 female disciples of the original Lingmiao Sect, and a thousand were killed by Lingmiao. Generally speaking, the bad guys are still in the minority, and most of them want to live and die with the sect.

Leng Xue killed more people, a total of 30, because there are [-] disciples of the Demon Sect, which is too many, so there is this base number here.

The second is that many disciples of the Demon Sect have problems in their cultivation, and have become bloodthirsty and selfish people.

At this time, many disciples were puzzled when they saw their suzerain suddenly killed some people.

On the sidelines.

Lingmiao was the first to speak, and she scanned the crowd with her beautiful eyes and said slowly: "You have all experienced illusions just now, and the fact that you are still standing here shows that you are kind and righteous. When you see your companion being killed, you will feel angry in your heart. I am very pleased that I will think about fighting the enemy desperately."

Lingmiao pondered for a while, and then said: "As for the people I killed just now, they experienced the same illusion as you, but...they chose to kneel down and beg for mercy, and some even betrayed their companions just to save their own lives. Such a person should be killed!"

Dongfang Qingqing on the side, her face is extremely indifferent, the Dongfang family is different from other forces.

The Dongfang family is a family force, with blood ties from top to bottom, but traitors appeared in the tribe who were born from the same root. Dongfang Qingqing couldn't bear this.

She looked at her clansman with beautiful eyes and said in a deep voice: "The clansman I killed just now was selfish in times of crisis. In order to save his own life, he even betrayed his brother, wife, and parents. Such a person must If you want to die, you don’t deserve to live in this world anymore!”

After hearing this, many members of the Dongfang family all had extremely ugly faces. They were born from the same root, so they should love each other, but those members of the clan still do something to their own people, it is simply unforgivable!
Dongfang Qingqing looked at everyone, and said slowly: "Now kill everyone who should be killed! From now on, in this world, there will be no Lingmiao Sect, no Demon Sect! Only the God of War Palace!"

"The Palace of the God of War! The Palace of the God of War!"

The more than 40 disciples present responded in unison, and their voices were like a rainbow, resounding throughout the entire sect.

At this time.

Lingmiao, Dongfang Qingqing, and Lengxue passed the vitality water given to them by Ye Tianling to everyone's hands!

Lingmiaomei looked at many disciples and said, "This is rare! As long as you drink it, everyone's aptitude can reach the emperor star level!"

After hearing this, many disciples were shocked. This water actually has such a heaven-defying effect!

There are also many fairy kings among them. They have stayed in the realm of fairy kings for too many years, and now they know that they have such a role!They were overjoyed, if they became Emperor Stars, not only would they be able to advance one step further, they would even be able to reach the realm of Heavenly Venerate!

All of a sudden, countless people drank the vital water in their hands one after another. As soon as they entered their stomachs, they felt that their original aptitude had been changed again.

At this moment, some disciples of the King's Talent suddenly became Emperor Stars!
This made them overjoyed, Emperor Star!This is a step up to the sky!

For a while, many people were extremely excited, they!The future is bright!

Ye Tianling looked at the excited faces of many disciples, and couldn't help showing a faint smile on his face.

He said with a smile to Ye Mo and Ye Fu beside him: "They have all become emperor stars, and they will be a great help in the future. In the future, the God of War Palace will stand proudly in the entire fairyland!"

Ye Mo nodded lightly. He looked at Ye Tianling and said, "We only have two years now, and it may take a long time for them...to reach the realm of Heavenly Venerable."

"It's true! But it's okay!" Ye Tianling looked at the loli Tianshu behind him, and then said to Ye Fu and Ye Mo: "Actually, the Tianshu still has something to use. Its book itself presents a piece of space, and the time of space The flow can be accelerated tens of millions of times!"

Ye Mo and Ye Fu looked at the book in surprise, and couldn't help saying: "I always thought you were useless at all, but I didn't expect it to be useful."

"Hmph!" Tianshu pouted, turned his head away in dissatisfaction, it was so annoying to think she was useless all the time.

"By the way, then we should be able to enter her space, so we don't have to wait until two years later?" Ye Mo raised his brows and said.

Ye Tianling shook his head and explained: "We are different, her space cannot accommodate us."

Ye Mo and Ye Fu raised their brows, feeling strange.

(End of this chapter)

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