Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 540 Time Flow

Chapter 540 Time Flow

Ye Tianling said: "We have been erased by the Eternal Book, covering up the secrets of heaven, so now we are dead, how can dead people enter her space?"

Ye Mo and Ye Fu nodded lightly, and said nothing more. If it was so easy for them to reach the peak, there would be no need for the Book of Eternal Ancients and Wuzun.

"Can Xiao Lian and the others do it?" Ye Fu raised his brows and asked.

Ye Tianling shook his head, and said, "Neither of them will work, but Lingmiao, Dongfang Qingqing, and Lengxue are fine."

"That's fine." Ye Fu's eyes flickered, but he and his wife in the previous life couldn't enter the time stream, but his wife in this life could.

"Hey... the three of you are just chatting like this, can you talk to me? Do you still want to put those people in the time flow space?" Seeing that they had been chatting, Tianshu couldn't help feeling anxious, and simply ignored her and didn't take care of her. Feel it.

"Hey..." Ye Tianling touched her head, and said with a smile, "How about playing with you after Miaoer and the others have improved their realm?"

"Hmph!" Tianshu turned his face away and hummed.

At this time.

Outside the Palace of War God.

Powerhouses from many forces came one after another, including Jin Huazi and Mu Nantian from the Southern Immortal Territory, Zhao Zhiwei from the Western Immortal Territory, and Bei Ming Wang from the Northern Immortal Territory.

When they appeared outside the Palace of War God, they couldn't help but frown slightly.

Jin Huazi said a Buddha's name, and then said: "According to what I have learned, the Dongfang family has entered the Lingmiao Sect!"

Zhao Zhiwei glanced at Jin Huazi with beautiful eyes and said: "The news I learned is that I have also entered the Lingmiao Sect."

"Just ask." Mu Nantian stood with his hands behind his back, looking in the direction of Lingmiaozong, and said, "I am Mu Nantian, and I hope Immortal King Lingmiao comes out to see you!"

Within the Lingmiao Sect.

Lingmiao and the others had also discovered Mu Nantian and the others long ago. She exchanged glances with Dongfang Qingqing and Leng Xue, and then she suddenly flew into the air and appeared outside the sect.

The three stunning beauties appeared in the sky at the same time, which made the corners of Mu Nantian's and others' eyes twitch slightly.

Originally, they guessed, thinking that Mozong and the Dongfang family led everyone, who was going to fight with.

And in the Eastern Immortal Territory, only the Lingmiao Sect is qualified to dispatch both the Mo Sect and the Dongfang Clan.

Mu Nantian looked at Dongfang Qingqing, and said slowly: "I don't know why everyone in the Dongfang family has come to Lingmiaozong?"

Jin Huazi and Zhao Zhiwei also looked at Dongfang Qingqing, and they were also very curious.

Dongfang smiled faintly, looked at Mu Nantian with beautiful eyes and said: "From today onwards, there will be no Dongfang family, no Demon sect, and no Lingmiao sect in Immortal Territory. The sect is called the God of War Palace!"

After hearing this, Mu Nantian and the others couldn't help but change their expressions. The three major forces have been integrated into one force. Isn't that the strongest force in Immortal Territory today?
The North Pluto of the Northern Immortal Territory is a rough middle-aged man, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, looking at the three of Dongfang Qingqing solemnly, and asked: "I don't know why the three of you suddenly want to merge into one power? The name sounds like ending war with war! Go out with war! Sweep the fairyland with war!"

The hearts of Zhao Zhiwei, Jin Huazi, and Mu Nantian froze, War God Palace?Is this a step towards aggression?

Dongfang Qingqing smiled, and said slowly: "Immortal Realm can be swept casually, don't worry... As long as no one provokes the God of War Palace, the God of War Palace will not take the initiative to kill anyone."

Mu Nantian and the others were still frowning. The appearance of the God of War Palace made them extremely vigilant.

"I hope so." Jin Huazi said a Buddha's name at this time, but he actually knew it.

No matter what, it is too difficult for the major forces in the fairyland to challenge the Lingmiaozong.

More so now.

The Demon Sect, the Dongfang Family, and the Lingmiao Sect have integrated into a more powerful force.

Dongfang looked at them with beautiful eyes, and said leisurely: "The War God Palace is just being built, and there are still many things to be busy, so...you can do it yourself."

After all, Dongfang Qingqing, Lingmiao and Leng Xue fell into the sect together.

Jin Huazi and the others looked at each other, but said nothing.

Mu Nantian suddenly spoke at this moment, and he said to Beiming Wang, Jin Huazi, and Zhao Zhiwei: "I have something to discuss with you, can we talk in another place?"

Bei Pluto took a deep look at Mu Nantian, and said, "Then let's talk!"

Jin Huazi pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "Let's talk."

Zhao Zhiwei also nodded lightly, and the four of them left immediately.

They all knew that they were going to discuss this time, just thinking about how to deal with the integrated and powerful War God Palace.

Although there is no conflict between their sect and the God of War Palace,...the sudden establishment of the God of War Palace made them feel a strong sense of threat!

This immediately made them feel insecure, and worried in their hearts that the God of War Palace would suddenly start a war against them one day.

Inside the Palace of War God.

Lingmiao and the others were talking.

Lingmiao said: "Now the 46 disciples are Emperor Stars. Although it has only been a few hours, many of them are already breaking through."

Dongfang Qingqing smiled and said: "It's good to break the realm. As long as there are no accidents, the God of War Palace will definitely shine in the border area in the future, and it will be even stronger than the Three Dao Palace back then!"

Lengxue is coquettish and unparalleled, she is dressed in red clothes, her hair is even more coquettish and bright red, her eyes are bright and her teeth are bright, she reminded Lingmiao and the other two: "They only have two years, and in two years they must reach the peak of Heavenly Venerable, or even We need to be stronger, and although we have promoted many disciples to the emperor star, but... these many emperor stars have basically helped them step up!"

After Lingmiao and Dongfang Qingqing heard this, the smile on their faces could not help but disappear.

Leng Xue went on to say: "Ye Tianling wants to elevate the disciples to the Emperor Star level, maybe he has other plans."

"Go and ask him." His clever eyes flickered.

"Go." Dongfang Qingqing said, and then the three of them went to find Ye Tianling and the others together.

In a courtyard of the God of War Palace.

Ye Tianling and the others are bullying Gu Xiaolian.

Ye Tianling said to Ye Fu: "Your wife hit me before, what do you think should be done?"

Ye Mo said at this time: "Dry mix!"

Ye Fu's eyes glanced at Gu Xiaolian, which made Gu Xiaolian's face pale with fright, and his figure retreated again and again.

"You guys are going too far!" Xiao Ran, Duanmu Qingxue, and Chi Menghan stood in front of Gu Xiaolian, guarding her tightly.

The beautiful eyes of the three looked at Ye Tianling and the other three coldly, and said coldly: "Xiao Lian hasn't recovered her previous memory, if you bully her again, she will really collapse! Maybe she will commit suicide!"

Ye Tianling looked lazy, he ignored the three of Xiao Ran, but looked at Gu Xiaolian with a teasing smile: "You hit me before, are you prepared for the consequences..."

(End of this chapter)

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