Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 544 Married

Chapter 544 Married

After hearing this, all the immortal kings felt that it was reasonable. After all, the Lingmiao Sect had shown its true strength before, and also announced to the world that it possessed the relic of Tianzun.

Even with the treasure of Tianzun in their hands, if they all took refuge in the Junshang League, they would be nothing but cannon fodder when facing the Lingmiaozong.

"Then what should we do now?" The Immortal Kings frowned and said, "The Junshang League only gives us one day to make a decision. If we don't obey, I'm afraid their butcher's knives will attack us!"

Everyone was silent for a while, not knowing how to make a choice.

If you don't obey the Junshang League, you will be slaughtered by Zhao Zhiwei, Jin Huazi, and Mu Nantian. If you obey, you may be beaten to death by the Lingmiaozong.

The old man said slowly at this time: "We can join the Junshang League first to save our lives. If there is a complete war with the Lingmiaozong, we can just state our position."

Everyone nodded and agreed with the old man's idea.

"That's the only way to go for the time being!" Everyone nodded and said.

At this moment, a crystal clear snow sword suddenly struck out of thin air. The snow sword was extremely sharp and exuded a terrifying aura, and it pierced the old man's heart right away.

The old man was still talking last moment, when suddenly his heart was pierced, and blood spurted from the corner of his mouth.

"Bewitching people! It should be killed!"

A cold voice sounded, and a figure suddenly appeared in the palace.

When everyone saw this person, their expressions changed drastically, and they were covered in cold sweat.

"Mu Patriarch." Everyone looked at Mu Nantian tremblingly. They didn't expect that Mu Nantian had been secretly eavesdropping.

"Hmph." Mu Nantian snorted coldly, his eyes swept towards the crowd, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"Do you know why the Junshang League was established? It is because the Demon Sect, the Dongfang Family, and the Lingmiao Sect merged into a new faction called the God of War Palace!"

Mu Nantian said in a deep voice: "At that time, the butcher knife of the God of War Palace will be swung at the entire fairyland. Do you think it is enough not to be an enemy of the Victory Palace? What a joke!"

"The Junshang League was established to deal with the God of War Palace. If you don't join the Junshang League, you will die in the end. If you join the Junshang League, you may still survive!"

Mu Nantian glanced at the crowd again, and said coldly: "Now you can figure it out for yourself. If you don't join the Junshang League, the patriarch will not blame you." "

The Immortal Kings looked at each other, and they were also deliberating. The Dongfang Family, the Demon Sect, and the Lingmiao Sect suddenly reorganized and formed a new force!

What is the purpose of this force?Hearing what Mu Nantian said, they couldn't help but freeze.

"I join the Junshang League!" a fairy king said in a deep voice.

"I'll join too."

"I'll join too."

For a time, many people spoke one after another.

Mu Nantian nodded in satisfaction, with a strange look in his eyes, he said slowly to everyone: "You don't have to worry too much, as far as I know, the God of War Palace is going to swing the butcher knife at the Immortal Realm. The second is to go to the frontier to take root, and in addition! The God of War Palace has provoked the Celestial Lord, and it won’t be long before the Celestial Lord from the frontier will come, and the Palace of the God of War will be wiped out!"

Everyone was relieved, if Tianzun took action, even if the God of War Palace had the Tianzun treasure, it would be useless.

"Everyone pack up and go to the base camp with the patriarch!" Mu Nantian said before leaving.

in this day.

The Monarch-Business Alliance formed by the Mu family, Fozong, Shanzong, and tens of thousands of Immortal King forces spread throughout the entire Immortal Domain.

This news also spread to the Eastern Immortal Territory, and many immortal kings in the Eastern Immortal Territory couldn't help frowning.

"The Junshang League?" A famous fairy king frowned slightly, and said disdainfully: "How can this Junshang League compare with the God of War Palace? The many peak immortal weapons alone are enough to sweep them away."

"Yeah, what did you say that the God of War Palace will swing the butcher knife at the entire fairyland, who would believe that..."

In the Eastern Immortal Territory, many forces have come into contact with the Lingmiao Sect. How could a stunning beauty like the Lingmiao Immortal King want to rule the Immortal Territory?

They don't believe it.

A famous fairy king frowned slightly, and he suggested: "The rumors from the outside world are getting stronger and stronger. I want to go to the God of War Palace to find out. Is there anyone willing to go with me?"

"I go."

"I go."

Everyone spoke one after another, they all believed in the God of War Palace, and believed in the magic.

a time.

Many fairy kings in the Eastern Immortal Territory set off one after another and rushed towards the God of War Palace.

In the Palace of Ares.

Ye Tianling and the others were still tender, until half an hour later, Ye Tianling walked out of the room and lay on his back on a chair in the yard.

It has been two days now.

There is only one day left before the sect disciples come out.

"Ruoxi... where are you..." Ye Tianling's eyes were gloomy, and his heart was a little irritable.

Jun Ruoxi was imprisoned on the Forbidden Sea Cliff by Jun Changkong for many years when he was in Tianling Continent.

Now, in Xianyu, there is no news about her at all, and Ye Tianling doesn't know where Jun Ruoxi is now, and if she is doing well.

"Gu Xiaolian..." Ye Tianling suddenly thought of Gu Xiaolian. Gu Xiaolian was born in Bianyu and knew more about the situation in Bianyu.

It has been spread in Xianyu for so long, and there is still no news of Jun Ruoxi, then there is only one possibility, she may be in the border area.

Ye Tianling moved, and appeared in a palace ten miles away. That palace was the courtyard where Gu Xiaolian and Chi Menghan lived.

When he appeared at the gate of the palace, he saw Gu Xiaolian was chatting with Chi Menghan, admiring the scenery, both of them had smiles on their faces.

"Xiao Lian... I have something to ask you." Ye Tianling took a step and appeared beside Gu Xiaolian.

Ye Tianling suddenly appeared next to her, which made Gu Xiaolian's heart skip a beat and frightened her.

"What's wrong?" Gu Xiaolian asked.

Ye Tianling nodded lightly, and asked: "You were born in Bianyu, do you know if Bianyu still has the Body of Absolute Yin?"

Gu Xiaolian shook her head and said, "I haven't heard of it."

Ye Tianling's heart sank. Could it be that there is no news of Jun Ruoxi in Bianyu?

"Then do you know if there is anyone who is the same age as you and was also born on August [-]st, with the word Ruoxi in his name?" Ye Tianling asked again.

Gu Xiaolian frowned slightly, looked at Ye Tianling, and asked, "Is this important to you?"

"It's very important, I still haven't found a wife from my previous life!" Ye Tianling said in a deep voice.

Gu Xiaolian pondered for a while. She looked into Ye Tianling's eyes and said slowly: "I know one person, but... I'm afraid that if I tell you, you will go crazy."

Ye Tianling's heart skipped a beat, did something bad happen to Jun Ruoxi?
"Go ahead." Ye Tianling's voice was low.

"Her name is Lin Ruoxi, but... already married." After Gu Xiaolian finished speaking, she saw Ye Tianling's face was extremely ugly, and said quickly: "She may not be your wife in the previous life, don't think too much..."

(End of this chapter)

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