Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 545 Feng Xie Zun

Chapter 545 Feng Xie Zun

"Lin Ruoxi!" Ye Tianling clenched his fists tightly, the body of absolute yin can be eliminated because of the union of husband and wife.

When she was in Tianling Continent, her name was Jun Ruoxi, and in her previous life, Jun Ruoxi was called Lin Ruoxi.

In this life, is she called Lin Ruoxi again?
"Tell me her specific information!" Ye Tianling said in a deep voice.

Gu Xiaolian hesitated for a while, seeing Ye Tianling's resolute attitude, she couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"Tell me!" Ye Tianling looked into her eyes.

Gu Xiaolian took a deep breath and said, "She is the daughter of the three-step Tianzun Yuan Mie Tianzun, and she is married to Nie Jianfeng, the son of Qingchan Tianzun."

"Tianzun Yuanmie, Tianzun Qingchan..." Ye Tianling's eyes narrowed slightly, he knew these two people!

"Lin Ruoxi has a child?" Ye Tianling asked.

"No, she has only been married for less than a year, and she went to practice in the secret realm as soon as she married, and she hasn't come out until now." Gu Xiaolian said.

"En." Ye Tianling nodded, his heart was heavy, he just wanted to go to the border immediately!

However, it will take a day for all the disciples and elders of the sect to go out, so he can only continue to wait!
Ye Tianling took a step, and appeared on a mountain peak, where Tianshu was playing boringly.

"Tianshu! You tell the disciples of the God of War Palace, we will go to the border immediately!" Ye Tianling looked at her and said in a deep voice.

Tianshu glanced at Ye Tianling, and said slowly: "Uncle Tianling, you must have heard about Aunt Ruoxi, right?"

"You know?" Ye Tianling frowned, staring at Tianshu.

"I heard you tell Auntie Xiaolian just now." Tianshu blinked his eyes, looking indifferent, and said: "You don't have to worry about this, basically my father and Uncle Wuzun have made arrangements, at least you don't have to worry about it." My daughter-in-law will be snatched away by others."

"She's already married!" Ye Tianling said.

"I know you're impatient, but... it's not sure if she is your wife from the previous life, let alone! Even if it is, you have to trust my father, he will not push your wife into someone else's arms." Tianshu got up, light He walked up to Ye Tianling with his feet on his feet, looked up at him, and said: "A month later, a stream of light will appear in the fairyland, and my father and Wu Zun fought half their lives to grab that stream of light. You must have it!"

Ye Tianling frowned tightly, he believed in Heng Gu and Wu Zun, but!If that Lin Ruoxi was really her previous wife, and she had already married someone else, then what should he do?
"If it's really her, I will definitely snatch her back and kill the entire Qing Chan Tianzun family!" Ye Tianling's eyes were filled with a strong killing intent.

Tianshu didn't say anything, she sighed in her heart, for love, blood can really flow into rivers.

At this time.

A group of people appeared outside the God of War Palace, all of them were fairy kings, at a glance, there were hundreds of them.

Seeing this, Ye Tianling took a step and appeared outside the sect. He frowned slightly, glanced at the crowd, and asked, "What's the matter here, everyone?"

All the fairy kings said one after another: "Nowadays in the fairyland, it is said that the Demon Sect, the Lingmiaozong, and the Dongfang Clan merged into one force to rule the fairyland. We are here today to get a definite answer."

Ye Tianling raised his eyebrows, looked at them, and said calmly: "The establishment of the God of War Palace is not to rule the fairyland. As long as you don't take the initiative to provoke the God of War Palace, nothing will happen to the God of War Palace."

"That's good." The fairy kings nodded, and they thought so at first.

After all, the Lingmiao Sect possesses thousands of peak immortal artifacts, and a hundred of them can sweep the entire Immortal Realm, so why join forces with the Demon Sect and the Dongfang Clan?

A famous fairy king looked at Ye Tianling at this time, and reminded: "Now Shanzong, Fozong, and the Mu family have jointly formed an alliance called Junshang League. In addition, there are tens of thousands of fairy kings joining forces. The Junshang League."

Ye Tianling looked calm. The establishment of the Junshang League sounds powerful, but the outcome of the battlefield still depends on the top power to decide.

"It doesn't matter." Ye Tianling said lightly, he knew that the establishment of the Junshang League was due to the establishment of the God of War Palace.

"Everyone, go back." Ye Tianling glanced at everyone, and left immediately.

Everyone nodded and got an affirmative answer, and their hanging hearts were all let go at this moment.

in the frontier.

The border area is vast, and it is more than a million times larger than the area of ​​​​the fairyland. It is not controlled by heaven and earth here, and another law is set up, which is governed by Qibu Tianzun!
On the fourth floor of the border area, there is a splendid ancient palace standing there, it seems as if it has passed for a long time.

in the palace.

A handsome young man's face was extremely ugly. He looked at the middle-aged man on the main seat in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Father, Xiao Lian was forcibly left behind by the Lingmiao Sect of Immortal Realm!"

This young man is Gu Xiaolian's fiancé Xue Qianchou, who was kicked out by Hua Qianyue, the chief elder of Lingmiao Sect.

"Hmph!" There was a cold light in the eyes of the middle-aged man. He is a majestic four-step celestial being, and he has held a high position for a long time. He did not expect his daughter-in-law to be detained by the Lingmiao Sect of Immortal Realm.

The Immortal King is like an ant in his eyes, even if the Immortal King Lingmiao of the Lingmiao Sect had a close relationship with Su Tianling, so what?

Thousands of years have passed, and there is still no news of Su Tianling. This is enough to show that Su Tianling is really dead, otherwise he will definitely come back!
"Stealing the deity's daughter-in-law is simply courting death!" Feng Xiezun said coldly, he looked at Xue Qianshou, and asked, "You are wearing fairy clothes, how did the people from the Lingmiao Sect beat you out?"

"This..." Xue Qianchou's face was gloomy, and when he thought of the scene where he was abused by Hua Qianyue, the killing intent in his heart suddenly surged.

"The chief elder of the Lingmiao Sect owns the Heavenly Treasure Treasure, and the Lingmiao Sect is recruiting women with the Absolute Yin Physique. Anyone with the Absolute Yin Body can get a Heavenly Treasure Treasure!" Xue Qianchou explained the situation of the Lingmiao Sect As soon as I said it.

Among them, Ye Fu gave Lie Wuliang a Tianzun treasure at will.

After Feng Xiezun heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "It seems that some of Su Tianling's relics are really in the Lingmiao Sect, but... the relics in the Lingmiao Sect are only partial, and I'm afraid there are no more. Something that interests me."

"Father! No matter what, we have to snatch Xiao Lian here. After all, she is the body of Absolute Yin. If I can get her breath of Absolute Yin, maybe I can become the capital of the overlord of the Emperor Star!"

Xue Qianchou said.

"This is natural!" Feng Xie Zun closed his eyes, and said slowly: "This time, you take a few more people to the Immortal Realm, destroy Lingmiaozong, and then! Take away all Su Tianling's relics."

"Yes, Daddy." Xue Qianchou was overjoyed, he was going to bring a few second-step celestials with him this time, with the strength of the two-step celestials, it would not be difficult to crush Lingmiaozong!

(End of this chapter)

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