Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 550 Frontier

Chapter 550 Frontier
For a moment, everyone was in danger, and all of them bloomed with energy, making a posture of fighting at any time.

However, after waiting for a long time, there was no movement from the God of War Palace, which made everyone puzzled.

In the Monarch League.

Zhao Zhiwei suggested: "Let's go to the God of War Palace and check it out."

"Looking for death?" Mu Nantian asked, frowning.

"Hehe." Zhao Zhiwei looked at him with contempt, and said, "If Lingmiao and the others really make a move, do you think we can really resist it?"

Mu Nantian didn't say anything more.

call out!
Zhao Zhiwei moved and flew towards the Eastern Immortal Territory.

"The old man is going too." Jin Huazi said, and his figure rose into the sky.

Seeing that both of them had gone, Mu Nantian gritted his teeth, and then went to the Eastern Immortal Territory together.

When they appeared above the War God Palace, they couldn't help frowning.

At this time, there was no fairy fog around outside the God of War Palace to block their sight, showing the entire face of the sect.

"There's no one here!" Zhao Zhiwei frowned, her eyes full of puzzlement: "Where did they go?"

Jin Huazi showed a deep and distant breath, and said slowly: "Someone among them has already broken through the Zhuntianzun, so they should be heading to the frontier!"

Zhao Zhiwei thought for a while, then nodded in agreement, and said: "After reaching the level of Tianzun, only Bianyu is more suitable for Tianzun to practice."

When Zhao Zhiwei said this, she was a little envious and jealous. She, Dongfang Qingqing, Lengxue, and Lingmiao were recognized as the most beautiful beauties of the Four Immortal Kings in the Immortal Realm.

But now, the three stunning beauties have left the fairyland and headed to the borderland.

And her?Still staying in Xianyu the same, this made her feel unbalanced and dissatisfied.

"It seems that this sect is going to cut off its cultivation base and start training again!" Zhao Zhiwei said in a concentrated voice.

Mu Nantian on the side raised his brows, looked at her, and said, "Are you crazy? Do you know how long it takes to recover from cultivation?"

"Is it long?" A bitter smile was drawn on the corner of Zhao Zhiwei's mouth, and she said leisurely: "Compared to living like a walking dead like this, it's better to fight!"

There was determination in Zhao Zhiwei's eyes, she believed that she was no worse than Lingmiao and the other three.

"Amitabha!" Jin Huazi was dressed in a white cassock, twisting the beads, as if he had attained the Tao.

He said slowly: "It seems that the old man will cut off his cultivation base and practice again. Only in this way can he reach that step."

"You are all lunatics, I won't play with you anymore." Mu Nantian waved his sleeves, so he would not do such a stupid thing as cutting himself off.

You must know that cultivation is not easy, and it will take a long time to return to the peak, and during this time, you have to be careful and beware of others.

If one is not good enough, it is very likely that they will be killed, and it will be useless to regret it at that time.


the other side.

Ye Tianling and others used the three-star treasure to stalk the space. They moved towards the border at the fastest speed, but it still took two days and two nights to reach the edge of the fairyland.

The very edge was shrouded in a ray of light, and the three of Ye Tianling stood here, looking at the edge.

"As long as you step over, you can enter the frontier!" Ye Tianling's eyes were extremely deep, and he knew that once he stepped into the frontier, he would completely undo the Heaven Swallowing Art and recover to his peak as quickly as possible.

"Go!" Ye Tianling said, and immediately everyone raised their feet and stepped into the halo.

When they completely stepped into the halo, some scenery completely different from the fairyland appeared in front of their eyes.

in their sight.

There are no mountains and rivers, no fairy mist, and no ocean.

There are only endless stars, but the stars are shining little by little, illuminating the entire border.

This kind of light is no less than the sun in the fairyland, almost equal.

The border area is divided into seven layers of space, and the first layer of space is where Yiyi Tianzun stays.

The second layer of space - two steps of heaven.

The third layer of space - the three-step Tianzun.

The fourth layer of space - four steps of heaven.

The fifth layer of space - Wubu Tianzun.

The sixth layer of space - Liubu Tianzun.

The seventh layer of space - Qibu Tianzun.

These spaces are opened up by the mighty Tianzun. In the border area, the seven-step Tianzun represents the law. Their words can determine the entire border area.

But now Ye Tianling is staying in the first layer of space, and the strongest person here is Yiyi Tianzun.

in the frontier.

One step Tianzun cannot go to the second floor space, but two step Tianzun can go to the first floor space.

This is because each layer of space has a space portal, and if you want to go from the portal to another layer of space, you must have a strong strength to counteract the terrifying power in the portal.

"Is it the first space?" Ye Tianling looked at Dangkong, with a deep and distant breath in his eyes.

Ye Fu looked at Ye Tianling and said, "Build a palace!"

"En." Ye Tianling nodded lightly.

In the borderlands, the giants of power will build palaces in the sky, because the original energy substance at the highest point is more concentrated.

"Just build it at the highest point!" Ye Tianling looked at Lingmiao and the others and said, "You guys start building."

Lingmiao nodded lightly, and then the few people flew to the highest point in the sky, and then began to build.

When Lingmiao and others built the palace, the materials they used were not uncommon, they were just better than ordinary materials.

Ye Tianling and the others were talking.

"My natal treasure is in the fifth space. If I want to open the ruins, I must collect all five keys!" Ye Tianling squinted his eyes and said leisurely: "One of the keys is in the first space."

Ye Fu's eyes flickered, and he said slowly: "My natal treasure is also on the fifth floor. If you want to take it back, you need to collect all nine prayer beads, three of which are on the first floor. layers of space."

Ye Mo said with a smile: "My natal treasure is on the fifth floor, but I still need to collect some things."

Ye Mo, Ye Fu, and Ye Tianling looked at each other, and then smiled at each other. After dealing with the matter here, it's time for them to look for the key.

in the air.

The Lingmiao three built it very quickly, and the appearance of this palace is almost exactly the same as that of the Palace of the God of War in the Immortal Domain.

The same magnificent, the same full of fairy spirit.

After a cup of tea, the palace was completely built, and a plaque stood in the palace: War God Palace!
After the palace was built, Ye Tianling said to Tianshu beside him, "Release all the disciples."

"Okay." Tianshu smiled, and with a wave of her sleeves, more than 40 people all appeared in the sky.

Seeing the scene in front of them, they couldn't help saying: "Is this the frontier? It's really different."

"It's really different, but the original material energy here is much richer than that of Xianyu."

All the disciples were discussing one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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