Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 551 The Second Battle

Chapter 551 The First Battle

Ye Tianling looked at them and said slowly: "The original energy and matter in the border domain are much more than that in the fairy domain, and the border domain is divided into seven layers of space. We are now in the first layer of space. The higher the space, the higher the space. The more concentrated the original energy substance is!"

After everyone heard this, they couldn't help frowning, looked at Ye Tianling and asked: "Then if the person is in the seventh space, wouldn't the cultivation speed be many times faster than ours?"

Ye Tianling nodded lightly, and said: "Every year in the boundary area, there will be a competition every year, and the strong will be able to enter the second-level space, or when they break through the second-step Tianzun, they can enter the higher-level space by themselves."

"That's right." Everyone nodded.

Ye Tianling didn't say anything more, and said what should be said. Now all the disciples are at the Emperor Star level. The Emperor Star is the best in the Immortal Realm, and in the Borderlands, he is also considered to be very talented in martial arts, but it is not a rare thing.

The level of Bianyu is higher, and Chaodixing is the real arrogance!

The God of War Palace was completely established, and Ye Fu and Ye Mo said to Ye Tianling and the others: "We should also leave."

Ye Tianling nodded lightly, he knew that Ye Mo and Ye Fu were going to find the key left in the space on the first floor.

Ye Tianling took a step and appeared in the palace of the God of War Palace. The Palace of God of War is suspended at the highest point of the first floor space, and you can touch the stars by raising your hand.

"Let's all practice!" Ye Tianling looked at everyone.

Everyone nodded, and they stepped to the sky together, where the original energy substance was more concentrated and absorbed much faster.

Ye Tianling didn't slack off either, since he came here, it's time for him to practice hard!

For a while, everyone in the God of War Palace was immersed in cultivation, but it only lasted for a day.

There was a wave of the majesty of Heavenly Venerable, followed by a loud shout, like a thunderclap.

"The forces that have just entered the frontier, who allowed you to establish a sect at the highest point!"

In the sky, there is a figure standing lingeringly. He is exuding the majesty of Tianzun all over his body, but it is not pure, and he is still in the realm of quasi-Tianzun.

Ye Tianling opened his eyes, his gaze penetrated layers of shackles, looked at the middle-aged man in the distance, and then took a step.

The middle-aged man is a half-step Tianzun, and he can tell at a glance that Ye Tianling is just a six-level fairy mansion.

Such a state, dare to come to the frontier?It's just courting death!
"I am Chu Feng, the guardian of Haibo Tianzun!" Chu Feng stared at Ye Tianling and the entire War God Palace, and said coldly: "In the border area! Only the top powerhouses can establish the sect at the highest point in the sky, otherwise ! It is a violation of the law of the frontier!"

Ye Tianling looked at him calmly, and said leisurely: "The God of War Palace is the strongest force in the first layer of space. If you don't accept it, we will beat you until you do!"

"Heh!" Chu Feng sneered, sneering: "You just came from the Immortal Realm, your God of War Palace is at most just the quasi-Tianzun force, I tell you, you must withdraw the sect immediately, otherwise, you will wait to welcome Hai Bo The wrath of Heavenly Venerable!"

"Too much nonsense." Ye Tianling snapped his fingers, and suddenly, a person stepped out from the God of War Palace. This person was one of the many disciples of the God of War Palace.

"Palace Master!" The Zhun Tianzun nodded respectfully to Ye Tianling.

"Drive him away." Ye Tianling said lightly.

"Yes." The disciple looked at Chu Feng, and said coldly, "Are you going to leave by yourself, or do you want me to give you a ride?"

"Looking for death!" Chu Feng was furious, his brows were full of anger, he was an old Quasi-Tianzun, so was he still afraid of a new Quasi-Tianzun?

It's just that he was wondering why the newly promoted Quasi-Tianzun would call Ye Tianling, the Immortal Mansion of the Six Realms, the palace lord?
Chu Feng didn't think too much, and punched out directly. When he punched out, a terrifying original energy substance roared out of his fist, rushing straight towards the disciple of the God of War Palace.

This disciple is full of fighting spirit. He just came to the border area, and really wants to learn from the quasi-celestial master of the border area.

Bang bang bang!
All of a sudden, there was a bang bang bang sound. The disciples of the God of War Palace are all the resources of the Emperor Star Overlord, and their combat power is naturally terrifying.

And this Chu Feng is a veteran Quasi-Tianzun, and he absorbed more energy source matter, which also made his attack stronger.

However, the two fought back and forth, and they were inseparable after all!

Chu Feng felt ashamed that he was restrained by the newly promoted Zhun Tianzun, causing no one to do anything.

Seeing this, Ye Tianling knew that it would be impossible to tell the winner for a while, so he simply raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

As soon as the sound of snapping fingers fell, another disciple appeared in the God of War Palace.

He directly entered the battle group and fought against Chu Feng.

"Two Quasi-Emperors!" Chu Feng's eyes showed shock. It has been many years since no one in the Immortal Realm has broken through to the Supreme Celestials!

One is that the heaven and earth in the Immortal Realm are limited. To break through the shackles, you must have a solid foundation in martial arts, and anyone who can break through the shackles and break through to the Supreme Heavenly Venerable has the qualifications of an emperor star.

But in Bianyu, it is completely different. The limit of the world in Bianyu is very small. If you want to break through to the Supreme Heavenly Venerable, you only need the qualifications of the emperor.

However, there are two more quasi-celestial beings in Xianyu all of a sudden, this is definitely the emperor star!

"Stop!" Chu Feng stopped thinking, he felt the heavy pressure, he can handle one-on-one, but now one-on-two, he has been retreating steadily, if it continues, he will definitely lose.

But how could the two disciples of God of War Palace just stop like this?For a long time, the strong in the frontier domain looked down on the strong in the fairyland.

Now, let the strong in this area know who looks down on whom!
Bang bang bang!
Chu Feng was already overwhelmed. He was bombarded in many places, which made him spat out blood.

"I'm going!" Chu Feng roared angrily, and with the strongest force, temporarily withstood the blows of the two disciples, and then left with the shield far away.

Seeing this, the two disciples couldn't help laughing out loud, heartily.

"Palace Master, the Quasi-Tianzun in this domain is nothing more than that..." The two disciples said to Ye Tianling.

Ye Tianling said with a smile: "He is just an ordinary quasi-Tianzun, if you meet a real Tianjiao, you will also suffer..."

The two disciples were dissatisfied and said: "We have just broken through to the Quasi-Tianzun, and we have absorbed too little original energy substance. If we give us a little more time, we will definitely be able to hang him."

"Then why don't you go to practice?" Ye Tianling glanced at them.

"Oh..." The two disciples scratched their heads, then took a step forward, practicing in the God of War Palace.

Ye Tianling looked into the distance, and then continued to practice in closed doors...

In addition to the rich source of energy and matter in the border area, the aura required by the Immortal Mansion Realm and the following realms is also more intense.

Including the source power needed to ascend to the source realm, it is much, much richer than that of the fairyland.

(End of this chapter)

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