Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 555

Chapter 555
"Cultivate in closed doors! Try to break through the Heavenly Venerate as soon as possible!" the disciple of the God of War Palace said in a deep voice.

Although they are very strong now, but after all, they are only quasi-celestial beings, and only the real Celestials are strong enough!
in the palace.

Ye Tianling has been practicing in closed doors all the time. After a period of practice, his realm has finally reached the peak of Immortal Mansion, and he is only short of stepping into the next level of martial arts, which is the Ascending Origin Realm.

Ye Tianling opened his eyes, with vicissitudes in his eyes, he muttered to himself: "It's time to find the key..."

This key is very important to Ye Tianling. Only when he finds the key can he get back the natal treasure in the fifth floor.

Ye Tianling's natal treasure is a six-star level, powerful, and very useful to Ye Tianling now.

Ye Tianling took a step, and his figure had already appeared outside the Palace of War God.

Lingmiao also stepped out at this time, she frowned slightly, looked at Ye Tianling, and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Go...to find some things, you can stay in the palace and practice at ease, and I will come back when I get the things!" Ye Tianling said.

"Do you want to send disciples to protect you?" Lingmiao was afraid that Ye Tianling would cause trouble, so she wanted to send some people to protect him.

"No need." Ye Tianling rolled his eyes and said, "Don't forget, I still have a three-star treasure, the Meteor Hammer, which is enough to deal with any forces in the first layer of space."

"Alright then." Lingmiao pondered for a while, and finally kissed Ye Tianling's side cheek, and said, "Come back early."

Ye Tianling nodded with a smile, pinched Lingmiao's face, and left here.

After Ye Tianling left.

Lingmiao's eyes flickered for a moment, she looked at the palace, and said in a deep voice: "You have been practicing hard recently, and when you have broken through a step of Tianzun, you will immediately guard Tianling in secret!"

"Yes!" All the disciples responded in unison.

At this moment, Dongfang Qingqing and Leng Xue came out, and their eyes were quite worried.

Ye Mo and Ye Fu left before, and they don't know what's going on with them now.

Lingmiao frowned slightly, she said softly to Leng Xue and Dongfang: "I have an idea."

"What do you think?" Leng Xue asked.

"Layout Skynet!" Ling Ling.


At this time, Ye Tianling was wandering in the border area, his eyes were scanning all the time, but his frown was getting deeper and deeper.

There was a big war that year, which resulted in a strong impact on any level of space, and among them... many spaces were displaced.

In some places, they were bombarded and disappeared.

"Those things...where are they going now?" Ye Tianling stood in the air, his eyes narrowed, worried.

"Forget it, let's find out the current power distribution first!" Ye Tianling said, and immediately flew towards a place.

In the border area, there are nine ladders in each space, and the ninth ladder is the highest point in the space. Only the top forces can establish the sect on the ninth ladder.

Like the current God of War Palace, it was built on the ninth floor.

Ye Tianling flew at the bottom, and the first ladder was actually the sect established on the ground.

He came to a small city, which was not very prosperous, and there were many practitioners in it.

However, it is basically in the realm of chopping dust.

When Ye Tianling appeared here, he couldn't help attracting the attention of many people.

Because Ye Tianling didn't have any characters engraved on his forehead!

And on their foreheads, there are clear words engraved!
One word alone!

Ye Tianling frowned slightly, why do these people have a word carved on their foreheads?
Ye Tianling casually found an old man, only to see the old man trembled in horror, "My lord, don't hit me, don't hit me..."

"Old man... I didn't think about it, what's going on? Why do you have a word on your forehead?" Ye Tianling.

The old man looked at Ye Tianling in surprise, and said cautiously: "You don't know the situation?"

"I don't know." Ye Tianling shook his head, he didn't explain that he just came from a distant fairyland.

After the old man heard this, the panic in his heart gradually disappeared. He slowly said to Ye Tianling: "The word on our foreheads was forcibly carved by someone. One word means that we are not human."

"Not a human?" Ye Tianling raised his brows, puzzled and said, "You are obviously a human."

The old man shook his head bitterly and said: "The Infinite Heavenly Venerable of the first dimension stipulates that people are divided into three, six, and nine classes!"

"One word means that you are not a human being, not even a pig or a dog. The second and third class are divided into inferior people, the fourth to sixth class are middle class people, and the seventh to ninth class are superior people!"

As the old man spoke, his smile became even more bitter, and he said in a painful voice: "And we are the worst human beings, and if our children are beautiful, they will be bullied! Unless our children can be promising enough to escape Not at the human level!"

After hearing this, Ye Tianling's eyes flickered with terrifying killing intent. He always knew that there was no limit to the frontier.

Here is the sinful paradise, the private plot of the strong, and the hell of the weak!

When in the Immortal Realm, if the Immortal King swears to the sky, the heaven and the earth will recognize his oath, and if the immortal king violates the oath, he will be obliterated by the heaven and the earth!

But in the border area, there is no natural punishment at all. Here, the real respect is based on martial arts.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate!" Ye Tianling's eyes burst with anger.

Back then when he was the Invincible Heavenly Venerable, he and Ye Mo and Ye Fu jointly enforced the law. The law enforcement was unprecedented and extremely strict. Anyone who dared to violate the laws formulated by him would be punished according to the laws and regulations.

He's dead... He didn't expect that the border region had become like this, which made him very angry.

Suddenly, the whole city resounded with the sound of howling wind. When the strong wind hit, everyone shouted in panic: "Run away...the people of the Black Sha Demon Group are coming."

Feeling the gust of wind, the old man turned pale immediately, and he quickly said to Ye Tianling: "The devil is here, run away..."

Ye Tianling didn't leave.

The old man was extremely anxious, he ignored Ye Tianling and ran away immediately.

When this gust of wind was howling, many families hid their own daughters.

Ye Tianling turned around, and his eyes turned to the front. There was a dark cloud, densely covered with black clouds, and there were strands of black mist in the dark clouds, which gave people a very terrifying feeling.


At this time, more than ten people appeared in the black mist. These ten people were wearing black robes and masks. Only a pair of sinful eyes were exposed on their entire bodies.

The ten people looked at the messy city, their eyes filled with strong evil thoughts.

"Men kill! Women humiliate!"

One of the black-robed men made a deep voice, and then the rest of the black-robed men moved out together. They were like lightning, swimming in mid-air, looking around.

(End of this chapter)

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