Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 556 Ladder

Chapter 556 Ladder
When they found a man, they sent out the strongest blow directly, intending to kill them all.

Ye Tianling looked at them coldly, then with a flick of his sleeve, a force surged out, causing ripples in the space.

Ye Tianling's blow injured these black-robed men, and a powerful force penetrated into their bodies, knocking out all their cultivation bases.

"Ah..." All the men in black robes fell from the sky to the ground, spitting blood one by one. They didn't expect that someone was hiding in the dark and attacked them.


Ye Tianling took a step, standing in the air, looking down at the men in black robes, and with a flick of his hand, all the masks of the men in black robes were blown away.

I saw the word "lower" engraved on their foreheads, that is to say, these people in black robes are all inferior people.

"Inferior people..." Ye Tianling sneered, the soul-splitting realm is the inferior people, who does the peak fairy mansion realm belong to?middle man?

"Why do you harm people for no reason!" Ye Tianling's voice was like thunder, deafening, it exploded in their ears, making them feel as if their souls were about to be frightened out.

Under this coercion, they dare not not respond.

One of the men in black robes said very puzzled: "They are not considered human beings. We kill as we please, and trample as we please. Is there anything wrong with that?"

"Not a human?" Ye Tianling sneered, he pointed his finger at the foreheads of several people and scratched them, and a single word appeared immediately.

"Now you are not human anymore!" Ye Tianling spread his fingers and grabbed them.

Bang bang bang!
The whole bodies of these men in black robes were broken, completely broken, and smashed into ashes.

"Ah..." The black-robed people screamed together, they endured the pain, they couldn't make a sound, they were almost suffocating.

"Now, you are not human anymore!" Ye Tianling sneered.

The black-robed people were in agony, and they were desperate in their hearts. They were really not human now, and they were still crippled. In such an environment, they could only let others bully them or be killed.

Ye Tianling didn't pay attention to them any more. He looked at the sky. People are divided into three, six, and nine classes. Although they really exist, but... like Bian Yu, it's too much.

"Who made the rules!" Ye Tianling's eyes flickered coldly. In the border area, the Tianzun of the first layer of space did not dare to make rules without authorization.

Only the high-ranking Qibu Tianzun can implement such a rule, and there are nine people in Qibu Tianzun, and only when more than four people agree, such a rule will be implemented.

But...what is the reason for implementing such cruel rules?
Ye Tianling didn't know, but now that he's back in the frontier, he will overthrow all unreasonable laws one by one.

At this time.

Many people came out of the room, and they all saw through the window paper that Ye Tianling beheaded those men in black robes.

"Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord." Everyone knelt down and kowtowed to Ye Tianling.

They know that Ye Tianling's strength is absolutely very strong, and now they help them, and they should pay homage to them.

"Get up." Ye Tianling flicked his sleeves, and a surge of spiritual power lifted them up.

"Which of you knows the specific situation of the first layer of space, such as the division of forces, etc." Ye Tianling looked at them and said leisurely.

"The old man knows." An old man who seemed to have lived for a long time said: "After the first layer of space was torn apart many years ago, a new force was reorganized."

"The top forces in the first layer of space are Haibo Sect, Yunfeng Sect, Wuliang Palace, Flying Sword Gate, and Huoyan Palace." The old man said slowly.

Ye Tianling nodded lightly. He glanced at these people and said, "Someone will protect you soon so that you can practice normally."

Everyone was puzzled, but they didn't say anything.

Ye Tianling took a step and left here. When he left, he manipulated a Celestial Treasure and sent some information to the distant God of War Palace.

After that, he continued to walk slowly. On the way, he learned a lot of information.

In the border area, there is a dragon ladder that allows people to climb to the sky in one step. The dragon ladder is the steps, with a total of 99 steps.

Taking the ten steps as the base, as long as one can step beyond the ten steps, it is possible to get the approval of some small forces and thus accept them as their disciples.

"Dragon Ladder, fish jumping over the Dragon Gate..." Ye Tianling's eyes flickered for a moment, he really wanted to see how different this Dragon Ladder is!
The dragon ladder is at the center of the space on the first floor, and Ye Tianling is flying towards the center.

It wasn't until it flew by for a day and a night that it came to the most central area.

Ye Tianling stood not far away, he looked at the Long Ladder in the distance, in fact, it was a towering mountain.

The height of the mountain pierces the sky, from the first step to the 99th step.

There, there are already many people around, and many people are climbing the mountain. Some people can't continue to climb after reaching a certain level. Obviously, the higher you go, the stronger the pressure.

Everyone is discussing below.

"It's been many years, but no one has been able to climb the [-]th step?" An old man shook his head.

"Not necessarily, maybe today, and it's not just one or two!" said the old man in black robe.

"Oh?" The old man asked curiously: "Someone will come to climb the mountain? Who is it?"

The black-robed old man smiled mysteriously, and he kept it a secret, saying: "Secret it first, but... you will know at noon."

"You're still hiding it from me, hmph!" The old man suddenly became upset. His old friend for many years is still hiding it from him.

But his heart is very curious, he really wants to know who is so powerful!Can step out of five hundred steps?
You know, every time you go up a ladder, the pressure you bear doubles.

The pressure of the first layer is one, the pressure of the second layer is two, the pressure of the third layer is four, the fourth layer is eight, the fifth layer is sixteen, and the sixth layer is 32.

And so on, a total of nine hundred and ninety-nine layers.

At the 99th floor, the pressure is 630 pressure points.

Such a pressure value, even the super emperor star can't bear it, and in this world, few people can bear such a pressure.

And as long as one stepped out of the [-]th floor, one would already be equivalent to the supreme talent in martial arts of the Emperor Star Overlord.

This kind of talent is very rare in the first layer of space.

Ye Tianling listened to everyone's discussion, and probably understood that this dragon ladder is nothing more than a test of aptitude, if it can detect extremely high martial arts talent.

It can be favored by some strong people and cultivated vigorously.

"Nine hundred and ninety-nine floors..." Ye Tianling looked at the majestic mountain peak. The highest point has already pierced the sky. Just raise your hand, you can touch the stars. This height is very high.

(End of this chapter)

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