Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 557 Tianjiao Gathers

Chapter 557 Tianjiao Gathers
"It's kind of interesting." Ye Tianling said leisurely, and his eyes looked at the small pavilion in the distance.

There are a few old men in the pavilion, they are the ones who are in charge of registering to test their talents by climbing the Dragon Ladder.

Ye Tianling took a step, appeared outside the pavilion, and walked in immediately.

When the elders saw Ye Tianling, they frowned slightly, and asked: "You are only 17 years old this year, do you want to climb the Dragon Ladder at this age? I'm afraid you won't even be able to climb the three steps."

After hearing this, the people around laughed one by one, and said to Ye Tianling, "Young man, you are really too young. At this age, you can't climb a few dragon ladders."

Ye Tianling ignored them, looked at the old man, and said slowly: "My name is Ye Tianling."

"Since you want to try, let's try." The old man didn't say anything, and wrote Ye Tianling's name in the list, and then said: "In two hours, you can go up the dragon ladder."

Ye Tianling nodded lightly, then walked aside and waited.

Not long after, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared behind Ye Tianling, patted him on the shoulder, and shouted: "Hey, where did you get the confidence to climb the Dragon Ladder at the age of 17, aren't you afraid of shame?"

This beautiful figure is long and slim, but her eyes are full of cunning, giving people a strange feeling.

Ye Tianling ignored her.

This made the girl puff up her mouth angrily, she glared at Ye Tianling, and said angrily: "You ignore me, do you know who I am!"

"I don't want to know." Ye Tianling said coldly.

"You!" Her girlish chest heaved up and down, she didn't expect... that someone would be so indifferent to her.

Anyway, she is a beauty.

Ye Tianling ignored her, which hurt her self-esteem.

"If you ignore me, believe it or not, I'll get someone to beat you up!" the girl threatened with widened eyes.

"Get out!" Ye Tianling's eyes flashed a cold light, and he said coldly to the girl: "If you don't get out again, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Ah! If you have the ability, you are welcome to try it." The girl got angry, she raised her head and looked at her provocatively.


Ye Tianling made a mighty move, grabbed the girl's throat with one hand like lightning, and then slammed the girl into the air, and quickly disappeared.

This scene was watched by many people.

Their eyes widened, this Ye Tianling is courting death...

"Boy, you have caused a big disaster. The girl named Bi Qingqing just now is the granddaughter of Bihong Tianzun." Someone kindly reminded him, saying: "Before things get serious, quickly admit your mistake and apologize. There can be a turning point, otherwise, your life might really be gone."

Ye Tianling disagreed.

What Bihong Tianzun, I have never heard of it, presumably it is the Tianzun who broke through in the past tens of millions of years.

He has the treasure of Tianzun, so why should he be afraid of Tianzun?
Seeing this, everyone didn't try to dissuade them. They only thought that Ye Tianling was young and energetic, and he couldn't lose face to apologize. However, how many young and vigorous people died in the end?

After a while, people came one after another.

Everyone was talking about it.

"A lot of geniuses have come this time. I wonder if this time it will be even better than before?"

"Maybe, after all, there are indeed many geniuses this time."

At this time, a young figure came across the air. He was wearing a white robe, his hair was loosely draped behind, and when he was slowly falling in the sky, he was so handsome, which attracted the attention of many women.

"It's Hai Dongliu, the son of Hai Bo Tianzun!" Someone recognized the young man in white and couldn't help trembling.

"What! He is the son of Haibo Tianzun!" Everyone was shocked.

Everyone knows that among the top forces, there is Haibo Tianzun, and Hai Dongliu is actually the son of Haibo Tianzun. With such a background, he is strong enough in the first layer of space.

Haidongliu fell to the ground, he looked up at the high dragon ladder, and muttered to himself: "I should be able to reach the [-]th step."

When Hai Dongliu said this, he was extremely confident, giving people a feeling that he could really ascend to the [-]th floor.

Hai Dongliu looked at a pavilion, and asked several old men in the pavilion, "Who are the people who will climb the Dragon Ladder later?"

"Please look, my lord." The old man raised his finger and pointed to a place where thousands of people were already standing, all of whom were going to climb the dragon ladder later.

Hai Dongliu glanced at it and then didn't look at it again. Most of these people had the mentality of making a breakthrough. If they could be accepted by some forces, they would also be able to make a fortune.

In the crowd, Ye Tianling stood there quietly, and he glanced at Hai Dongliu.

The son of Haibo Tianzun?
Ye Tianling wanted to laugh, Hai Bo Tianzun was beaten and fled by the disciples of the God of War Palace before, I am afraid that Hai Dongliu does not know the specific situation.

After a while, another tyrannical aura came.

There are graceful beauties and handsome young men, without exception, all of them are dressed luxuriously, and they look like they come from a big family.

One of them is extremely beautiful, even if he just stands there, he has surpassed many scenery in the world.

"Chu Yaoyao." Everyone couldn't help swallowing secretly when they saw this beauty.

As the name suggests, Chu Yaoyaoren is charming and charming. Her plump figure, red lips, and bright eyes all exude a strong charm.

"Feijianmen, the daughter of the sect master, is really beautiful." Many people saw Chu Yaoyao for the first time, and they had only heard rumors about Chu Yaoyao before.

All I know is that she is very beautiful, breathtakingly beautiful, earth-shatteringly beautiful, and so beautiful that it eclipses everything in the world.

Seeing her now, she really deserves her reputation, meeting her is even more famous.

When Hai Dongliu saw Chu Yaoyao, a faint smile appeared on his stern face. He looked at Chu Yaoyao and said, "Yaoyao, you are here too."

Chu Yaoyao smiled charmingly. When she smiled, a hundred flowers blossomed, and the beauty was beyond measure. When she smiled, the hearts of countless men were moved.

This is so beautiful, so beautiful that people can't wait to press her to the ground and ravage her immediately.


At this time, a burst of laughter interrupted such a quiet atmosphere. Everyone looked up and saw a man in black robe standing in the air. Generally speaking, this man in black robe was a young man. People have a very gloomy feeling.

"Girl Yaoyao, I didn't expect you to be one step ahead of me." The figure of the black-robed youth swooped down and stopped beside Chu Yaoyao.

"Wuyuan!" Chu Yaoyao looked at the black-robed youth with her beautiful eyes, and said calmly, "I never thought you would come here."

"Of course I want to come. After all, there are so many talented people today, why don't I come to join in the fun?" Wu Yuan smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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