Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 558 I Bet

Chapter 558 I Bet
Hai Dongliu looked at Wu Yuan with a hint of hostility in his eyes. He liked Chu Yaoyao, but Wu Yuan deliberately approached Chu Yaoyao, which made him very upset.

"Wuyuan, how many steps do you think you can climb!" Hai Dongliu said lightly.

"Hehe." Wuyuan glanced at Hai Dongliu, and smiled proudly: "I don't know how much you step, but it's more than enough to surpass you."

"That's right!" Hai Dongliu smiled coldly and bet, "If I win, so what!"

"If you can defeat me, I will never pester Yaoyao again." Wu Yuan's eyes slightly narrowed, and he said to Hai Dongliu: "On the other hand, if you lose, you will never pester Yaoyao again. Although... you are not a big threat to me, but you are always pestering Yaoyao, which makes me feel uncomfortable."

"Heh." Hai Dongliu sneered, "It's a deal!"

"It's a deal." Wu Yuan said lightly, he was confident enough.

"Haha... You two just made a bet like this, why didn't you take me along?" A burst of laughter suddenly sounded out, and a young man flew down. This young man was quite handsome.

"Yun Jingtian." Seeing the visitor, Wu Yuan couldn't help saying, "Could it be possible that you also want to participate in this bet?"

"Of course." Yun Jingtian looked at Chu Yaoyao, and said with a smile: "Yaoyao, this time I will definitely be able to step on the highest ladder, and when the time comes, they will leave you."

Chu Yaoyao smiled and remained silent.

"You all participated... I'll join in the fun too." Another voice sounded, it was a thin young man, when he flew towards him, there was an aura of flames permeating the air.

"Huo Nan." Wuyuan, Yun Jingtian, and Hai Dongliu frowned slightly. Huo Nan was the son of the master of Huoyan Palace.

But I have never heard that Huo Nan likes Chu Yaoyao.

Huo Nan glanced at them, and said leisurely: "To be honest, I have liked Yaoyao for a long time, and I took this opportunity to send you away."

"You are really confident." Wu Yuan raised his eyebrows.

"Hehe." Huo Nan said to him, "You are also very confident."

"They are all confident, but they don't know who is the winner!" Hai Dongliu said coldly.

Yun Jingtian raised his head and raised his chest. He looked at Chu Yaoyao and said, "Yaoyao, after I win the first place, can I confess my love to you?"

Chu Yaoyao smiled without saying a word.

Everyone didn't say anything more.

And the people around, their eyes widened at this moment, were discussing one after another, and everyone was shocked in their hearts.

"Chu Yaoyao is the daughter of Feijian Tianzun,

Haidongliu is the son of Haibo Tianzun,

Yun Jingtian is the son of Yunfeng Tianzun,

Wuyuan is the son of Infinite Heavenly Venerable,

Huo Nan is the son of Huo Yan Tianzun. "

"I didn't expect that the top five top powers in the first space would all come. It seems that this time the Dragon Ladder will surpass the past." Everyone said one after another, each of them was amazed.

Thousands of people who had been waiting in line in the distance, when they saw Chu Yaoyao and others, they couldn't help feeling a touch of despair in their hearts.

As long as these sons of Heavenly Venerate are still there, they can only be green leaves, unable to fully bloom their own light.

Today is destined to be the shining moment of these sons of Tianzun, and they... are just a foil.

Soon, it was noon, and the dragon ladder began.

Wu Yuan looked at Chu Yaoyao and invited: "Yaoyao, how about climbing the mountain with me?"

Chu Yaoyao smiled and said nothing, neither agreed nor refused.

Wu Yuan had long been used to Chu Yaoyao's attitude, so he didn't say anything, and just moved his body and appeared at the entrance of the dragon ladder.

Hai Dongliu, Yun Jingtian, and Huo Nan also invited Chu Yaoyao one after another, but they were all politely rejected by Chu Yaoyao in the end.

They didn't say anything more, and then moved to the entrance of the dragon ladder.

Among the crowd in the distance, no one is going to climb the mountain for the time being, and they plan to wait until the sons of Tianzun climb higher before they go climbing.

In the crowd, Ye Tianling listened to the conversation of Chu Yaoyao and others just now.

Are these the sons of Heavenly Venerate?
Ye Tianling smiled coldly in his heart, it was these Tianzuns who formulated such three-six-six-six-level rules, and today, he will collect some interest first, and squeeze it out of these Tianzun's sons.

Ye Tianling took a step, and this step came to the stairs.

This could not help attracting the attention of many people, and they looked at Ye Tianling in amazement, feeling a little puzzled.

The son of Tianzun has just climbed the ladder, is Ye Tianling going to climb it now?
Someone mocked: "This is the former Ye Tianling, right? How good does he think he is? He also wants to compete with the heirs of Tianzun? He is simply seeking his own death."

"Hahaha... Maybe he just wanted to attract our attention? But he really attracted our attention, but what he attracted was our mocking eyes." One person laughed sarcastically.

When countless people thought Ye Tianling couldn't do it, Chu Yaoyao couldn't help looking at Ye Tianling.

Ye Tianling was quite handsome, and his appearance was comparable to that of Hai Dongliu and others. Judging from the normal naked eyes, Chu Yaoyao didn't see anything abnormal about Ye Tianling.

In other words, there is nothing special about it.

At this time.

Ye Tianling turned around, looked at Chu Yaoyao who was not far away and said, "I want to make a bet with you, if I can climb to the 99th floor, you will be my woman, how about it?"

After hearing this, Chu Yaoyao couldn't help but froze there.

Who the hell is this Ye Tianling?
He even said that he wanted to ascend to the 99th floor, since the Dragon Ladder was created tens of millions of years ago.

No one can ascend to the nine hundred and ninety-ninth floor, even if it is the eight hundredth floor, no one can step into it.

And why is Ye Tianling doing this?Why are you so confident?
Wu Yuan and the others who were climbing the stairs also heard what Ye Tianling said.

Wuyuan and the others glanced at Ye Tianling with disdain, and immediately continued to climb, thinking about it in their hearts.

What is Ye Tianling?It's nothing more than a clown, because he also wants to be Chu Yaoyao's man?
Does he fit?
Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Ye Tianling is really brave enough. He even wants to get involved with Feijian Tianzun's daughter, but... this is simply a toad wanting to eat swan meat."

"Hehe, it's just a toad, everyone just treat it as a joke, don't pay too much attention to it."

Ye Tianling listened to everyone's discussion, and ignored them, but looked at Chu Yaoyao, and asked again: "Do you dare to bet?"

Chu Yaoyao smiled, fixed Ye Tianling's eyes with her beautiful eyes, and immediately asked, "What if you didn't reach the top of the mountain?"

"If you haven't climbed to the top, just listen to me!" Ye Tianling said.

Chu Yaoyao's beautiful eyes flickered for a moment, and she saw confidence in Ye Tianling. This kind of confidence was not blind confidence, as if she had absolute certainty.

"I bet!" Chu Yaoyao said.

(End of this chapter)

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