Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 563 Level 599

Chapter 563 Chapter 590 Nine Floors
Until I got off the mountain ladder.

Huo Nan, Yun Jingtian, and Hai Dongliu looked up at Ye Tianling from above, and said coldly, "You're going to die today!"

Ye Tianling chuckled, looked down at them on the [-]th floor and said, "Many people have said this to me, but in the end they all died."

The eyes of Huo Nan and the others sharpened, Ye Tianling is so confident!

"Go home! Let father send someone to kill him!" Fire Man said coldly.

"Stay here and watch him to prevent him from running away. I'll go back with Jing Tian." Hai Dongliu said in a deep voice.

"Alright." The fire man nodded.

Hai Dongliu and Yun Jingtian exchanged glances, and left immediately.

Seeing this, everyone was terrified. They didn't expect Hai Dongliu and Yun Jingtian to go home to rescue soldiers.

At present, Wuyuan has already taken a step ahead and went back to rescue soldiers. Wuyuan's father is Wuliang Tianzun.

Hai Dongliu's father Haibo Tianzun, Yun Jingtian's father is Yunfeng Tianzun, and the fathers of these three are the top powerhouses who are second to none in the first dimension.

If they all came here, one can imagine how miserable Ye Tianling's end would be?

I am afraid that when the time comes, I want to live and die, and the feeling that life is better than death is the most tormenting.

"Bastard Ye Tianling! How dare you throw this girl away!"


Just at this moment, a coquettish voice sounded.

Everyone followed the sound and saw a girl in a floral dress. At this time, the girl was full of anger, and endless anger spewed out of her eyes.

When everyone saw this girl, they all looked at each other in blank dismay.

The girl harassed Ye Tianling before, but was thrown away by Ye Tianling.

Someone ridiculed: "This Ye Tianling has offended so many people. First, Wu Yuan, Hai Dongliu, Yun Jingtian, Huo Nan, and now there is another Bi Qingqing. This Ye Tianling will not live until tomorrow."

"This Ye Tianling doesn't know forbearance, he does things recklessly and without scruples, and it's a matter of time before he dies." A person said with an old-fashioned look: "Bi Qingqing's father is a step-by-step god, although Bihong is a first-step god, but after all How can Tianzun's daughter be bullied?"

"This is Ye Tianling's death!" Everyone thought so.

In mid-air, Bi Qingqing looked angrily at the dragon ladder in the sky. She didn't feel anything when she saw Ye Tianling on the dragon ladder at first.

After he settled down, he was shocked. Ye Tianling actually climbed the [-]th step. There are only a very few people who can climb such a height, right?

on the stairs.

Ye Tianling looked at Bi Qingqing, and immediately said calmly: "If you disturb me again, I will press you under the ground."

"You!" Biqing clenched her fists tightly, Ye Tianling didn't even have the slightest scruples about her.

"Do you know who I am! My father is Bihong Tianzun, and I am his only precious daughter. If you dare to be rude to me, my father will definitely beat you to death." Bi Qingqing said angrily.

Ye Tianling looked calm, and said lightly: "You want to hit me? Then you have to wait in line."

Bi Qingqing frowned, waiting in line to beat him?I really think of myself as an onion.

At this time.

Huo Nan looked at Bi Qingqing and said: "This Ye Tianling has offended Wu Yuan, Hai Dongliu, and Yun Jingtian, including me. Now Wu Yuan and the others have gone back to rescue soldiers. This Ye Tianling will undoubtedly die today!"

After Bi Qingqing heard this, she blinked her eyes with shock.

How long has it been?Ye Tianling provoked so many people?And everyone's background is Tianzun.

Bi Qingqing looked up at Ye Tianling, and said, "I want to see how you cope!"

Ye Tianling didn't bother to talk to her, looked at Chu Yaoyao beside him and said, "You have good aptitude, do you still want to continue climbing?"

"Naturally." Chu Yaoyao looked at Ye Tianling meaningfully.

Normally, if you offend the heir of Tianzun, you will panic, but what about Ye Tianling?A look of disapproval.

Chu Yaoyao was quite puzzled. Is Ye Tianling really capable, or is he just pretending?
If there is a real background, why has she never heard of Ye Tianling?
Chu Yaoyao thought about other aspects.

The border area is divided into seven layers of space, and each layer of space was created by Qibu Tianzun using a law against the sky.

If a person was born in the first level of space from the beginning, he can only enter the second level of space unless he breaks through to the second level of heaven.

On the contrary, if the people in the second dimension want to descend to the first dimension, they must also reach the realm of Tianzun.

Otherwise, there is no way to span the space.

With this point, it is absolutely impossible for Ye Tianling to be a person from another dimension, that is to say, Ye Tianling has always been a person from the first dimension.

It was precisely because of this that Chu Yaoyao was even more puzzled.

Ye Tianling didn't figure out what Chu Yaoyao was thinking, but said: "Then continue climbing."

Ye Tianling started to step up the ladder, still relaxed.

Chu Yaoyao also took a step, also relaxed, without feeling the slightest pressure.

Seeing this, the people below all raised their brows.

Although Ye Tianling is a troublemaker, this martial arts talent is indeed genuine, at least surpassing Wu Yuan and other heirs of the Heavenly Venerable.

Now that Chu Yaoyao had reached the [-]th floor so easily, everyone was shocked.

For a long time, Chu Yaoyao was famous for her outstanding appearance. As for her martial arts talent, people didn't pay much attention to it, but one thing is certain, as the daughter of Feijian Tianzun, Chu Yaoyao's martial arts talent must be very strong.

But now, Chu Yaoyao has stepped up five hundred and one steps, which has surpassed Wu Yuan and the others in aptitude.


Huo Nan looked at Chu Yaoyao above him, and was shocked in his heart. He didn't expect that Chu Yaoyao's talent was stronger than him.

"Such a beauty with both beauty and talent must be obtained no matter what!" Huo Nan clenched his fists and said forcefully.


Ye Tianling and Chu Yaoyao have been climbing, and every time they climb a ladder, countless people are amazed.

Everyone knows that the higher you go, the harder it is.

With the aptitude of Wuyuan's four emperor stars, they can only climb to the [-]th floor.

It can be said that above the [-]th floor is the aptitude of an emperor star overlord.

As time passed, everyone felt numb.

Ye Tianling and Chu Yaoyao continued to climb up without changing their faces, which is enough to show how talented they are in martial arts.

"590 is on the ninth floor."

The people in the distance murmured, how many people would look up to such a level?Qiongqi will not be able to achieve it in his life.

The fire man below, seeing that Ye Tianling could climb so many floors, couldn't help feeling jealous in his heart.

He was a dignified heir of heaven, but he was surpassed by someone as unknown as Ye Tianling, which made him feel very embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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