Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 564 Swinger

Chapter 564 Swinger
Seeing that Chu Yaoyao climbed to the 590th floor of [-] with the same face unchanged, Huo Nan wanted Chu Yaoyao even more in his heart.

How can people not like such a proud girl who can climb to such a level?Don't admire?

on the mountain ladder.

Ye Tianling looked at Chu Yaoyao in surprise. Originally, he thought that Chu Yaoyao's martial arts aptitude was at most better than Wu Yuan's and the others, but at the ninth floor of 590, he had already reached the peak of the Emperor Star Overlord.

If you step into another level, it is the qualification of the Super Emperor Star. Such qualifications are rare in the entire border area.

"I didn't expect you to make it this far. I'm impressed." Ye Tianling said to her.

"You also impress me!" Chu Yaoyao completely put away her contempt at this moment.

Being able to get to this point is enough to prove how terrifying Ye Tianling's aptitude is!

At least she thinks so, but she knows that she can reach this step, how much hardship she has endured, how many cruel tempers she has experienced, and her innate good fortune have made her martial arts aptitude reach a very high level the point.

"I just don't know if you can take another step!" Chu Yaoyao said.

590 The ninth floor and the six hundredth floor are a watershed, one is the overlord of the emperor star, and the other is the super emperor star, the gap between the two is like the sky and the earth.


Chu Yaoyao took a step, and she easily reached the [-]th floor with this step.

Seeing this, everyone took a deep breath.

"Chu Yaoyao turned out to have the qualifications of a Super Emperor Star, and she is still so relaxed now, it seems that she still has a lot of potential."

"That's true. I really didn't expect Feijian Tianzun's daughter to have such a high martial arts talent."

When the fire man below saw this scene, his heart felt as if he had been hit hard by a heavy hammer.

Chu Yaoyao has such a high talent, leaving him far behind.

"It must be obtained!" Huo Nan's voice was low and his tone was firm and powerful. He knew the horror of the Super Emperor Star's qualifications.

In the future, it is very likely to reach the height of the six-step Tianzun, and even... the highest level of the seven-step Tianzun is also a little bit possible.

on the mountain ladder.

Chu Yaoyao looked down at Ye Tianling, and smiled faintly: "Can you take another step?"

"If so, so what?" Ye Tianling smiled faintly.

"I can't do anything." Chu Yaoyao said lightly: "If you can climb up, go ahead, I won't waste too much time."

"Hehe." Ye Tianling smiled faintly, took a step immediately, and finally landed on the [-]th floor. His expression was as usual, relaxed, and he didn't feel any pressure at all.

"How is it?" Ye Tianling looked at Chu Yaoyao and said, "I am also qualified as a Super Emperor Star."

Chu Yaoyao looked at Ye Tianling with deep meaning, her expression was as usual, calm as water, but in fact, there was already a storm in her heart.

Who is this Ye Tianling?The qualifications of the super emperor star should not be unknown!

Biqing stared at her beautiful eyes early in the morning, and Ye Tianling who bullied her turned out to be Chaodixing.

No wonder Ye Tianling dismissed her, it turned out to be the aptitude of Super Emperor Star!
Everyone was also dumbfounded, Ye Tianling proved that he is a super emperor star, even if Ye Tianling couldn't climb to the top, with such aptitude, he could still straighten his body.

As for Huo Nan, the fire of jealousy in his heart became more intense. Ye Tianling turned out to be a superstar star, which directly slapped his face severely, which made him unacceptable in his heart.


Huo Nan clenched his fists tightly, no matter what, he would kill Ye Tianling.

Only in this way can a major threat be eliminated. After all, which beauty doesn't like someone with higher qualifications?

If Chu Yaoyao fell in love with Ye Tianling, wouldn't Feijian Tianzun want to protect Ye Tianling?It is even more difficult to say whether Ye Tianling can be killed at that time.

on the mountain ladder.

Chu Yaoyao looked at Ye Tianling, and said lightly: "Go ahead."

"Hehe." Ye Tianling smiled, and boarded without haste.

While climbing up, he asked Chu Yaoyao: "People in the first level of space are divided into three, six, and nine classes. What do you think of this?"

Chu Yaoyao glanced at Ye Tianling with her beautiful eyes, and said while continuing to climb the ladder: "Since ancient times, people have been divided into three, six, and nine grades."

"I don't deny this, but... people below Tianzun, everyone has a mark on their foreheads, this is too much!" Ye Tianling said slowly.

The reason why he climbed the ladder was to attract the attention of all parties. He wanted to find out the law enforcers in the first floor space. He wanted to ask clearly. Everyone has a mark on their foreheads. Who made this? rule.

Chu Yaoyao said slowly: "This is the rule set by the law enforcers. The law enforcers in the first layer obey the orders of the law enforcers in the second layer. The law enforcers in the second layer follow the orders of the law enforcers in the third layer. , up to the law enforcement officers on the seventh floor, who would dare to oppose what Qibu Tianzun has formulated?"

"It's true that no one dares to object." Ye Tianling stopped, staring at Chu Yaoyao, and asked: "Then do you think this kind of rule is really good?"

Chu Yaoyao was silent for a while, and said: "This rule will make many lazy people more diligent. At that time, everyone will want to be a superior person. From the overall situation, this will stimulate the entire frontier area. Everyone will be keen on cultivation because of their cultivation nerves.”

Ye Tianling did not object to this remark, but said: "Do you know the people with the word engraved on their foreheads, they are not as good as pigs and dogs, they are tortured and killed, and women are played with by others, how many people have suffered misfortune?"

Chu Yaoyao glanced at Ye Tianling, then climbed the ladder, and said: "This is really bad, but this is the rule set by the supreme, who dares to oppose such a rule? Looking at the first floor space, no one will do it This kind of thing, because everyone wants to live!"

Ye Tianling was silent.

He climbed on, his thoughts racing.

This is the rule set by Qibu Tianzun, who dares to object?Even if Tianzun is dissatisfied, no one dares to object to a behemoth like Qibu Tianzun.

The end of opposition is death, there is no doubt about it.

On the way of climbing, Chu Yaoyao looked at Ye Tianling and asked: "It seems that you are very dissatisfied with this regulation."

"I'm really dissatisfied." Ye Tianling said.

"And then?" Chu Yaoyao fixed Ye Tianling's eyes with her beautiful eyes.

"Then?" Ye Tianling stopped in his tracks, and he said leisurely: "I will sweep away all those who make such rules! Even if it is the Seven-step Heavenly Lord, I will sweep away all the same!"

Chu Yaoyao smiled, and said: "Even if you clear up such rules, there are still ranks and ranks in the world."

Ye Tianling looked at her and said, "At least, I will erase this mark engraved on my forehead!"

(End of this chapter)

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