Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 580

Chapter 580
Everyone's eyes widened.

This is so...

Originally, they all thought that this mysterious young man could not light up the statue of the Demon Supreme, but in the end...it turned on.

When the statue of the Demon Supreme was lit up, a dazzling light shot out, and the light swallowed it, and immediately disappeared from everyone's sight.


Zhang Yueyang's face was extremely ugly, he had never entered the ruins of Tianling Supreme's statue.


He didn't go inside the statue of the Supreme Demon.

His heart is bleeding.

Ye Yaoyao looked at the statue of Mozhizun in surprise, and said to Ye Tianling: "That man is... he can actually light up the statue of Mozhizun."

Ye Tianling smiled faintly, and said in a secret voice transmission: "He is the reincarnation of the Demon Supreme, and now he is called Ye Mo."

Ye Yaoyao widened her eyes.

The young man just now turned out to be the Demon Supreme!
Su Mo, who is as famous as her father, is the supreme demon who makes people frightened and talk about it.

When everyone was depressed, a bald young man in a red cassock walked up to the Buddha statue.

Seeing this, Zhang Yueyang appeared behind the bald young man in a flash. He looked at Ye Fu coldly, and said in a deep voice, "Let's see if we can light up the statue."

Ye Fu glanced at him and said nothing. He raised his hand and put it on the statue.


The sacred golden light is shining, full of sacred breath, which makes people feel that the soul is purified immediately.

But only for an instant.

The light dissipates.

Ye Fu's figure disappeared.

Zhang Yueyang's figure is still there!

"What the hell is going on here!" Zhang Yueyang blushed angrily, why couldn't he enter the ruins of the statue?
When Zhang Yueyang was angry, the terrifying quasi-celestial power filled the air, directly injuring many people present.

Everyone's face paled suddenly, what does it matter to us if you can't enter the ruins of the idol?Why are you taking us out?
not far away.

Ye Yaoyao's beautiful eyes widened, and she spoke to Ye Tianling secretly: "Could that be the Supreme Buddha..."

Ye Tianling nodded lightly.

"Hiss..." Ye Yaoyao sucked in a mouthful of cold skin, what happened to her this year?
First, I met my father and mother, both of whom were former supreme beings. Now... I have seen both the supreme demon and the supreme Buddha.


The mood in Ye Yaoyao's heart cannot be described in words.

Seeing her appearance, Ye Tianling didn't say anything.

He can still understand Ye Yaoyao's current state.

"They will come out in a while." Ye Tianling said calmly, and when he finished speaking, Ye Tianling looked solemn.

Ye Fu and Ye Mo each had only one wife in their previous lives, and Gu Xiaolian and Ye Fu had a husband and wife relationship, and Ye Mo and Ouyang Qing had a husband and wife relationship.


Gu Xiaolian and Ouyang Qing should be their wives, not their daughters!
The Unnamed Book is more likely to target him, and he has more wives, so it's best to attack him.

"Hey..." Ye Tianling was speechless, and he still had to tell Ye Fu and Ye Mo about these things.

after awhile.

The statues of Supreme Demon and Supreme Buddha bloomed with brilliance, and then both Ye Mo and Ye Fu appeared in everyone's sight.

Zhang Yueyang stood in midair, rushing towards Ye Mo and Ye Fu with terrifying coercion.

"Whatever you two got, hand it over to me!" Zhang Yueyang looked at Ye Fu and Ye Mo with cold eyes.

Ye Mo sacrificed a heavenly treasure. When the treasure was raised, the terrifying power was shaking.


With a cold cry, Ye Mo chopped off with a single blow.

Zhang Yueyang's face changed drastically, this is actually a treasure!

He immediately wanted to escape, but...he had no chance to escape at all, and was cut in half by the knife.


Blood fog filled the air.

Many fairy kings were fearful, but looking at the blood mist all over the sky, their eyes were full of strong desire.

That's the blood of Zhun Tianzun, and this kind of blood is a great tonic for them.

Usually, where can you see the fall of Tianzun?
But the power of Ye Mo's treasure made them dare not move.

At this time.

Ye Mo and Ye Fu walked towards Ye Tianling, they glanced at Ye Yaoyao, wondering in their hearts, who is this woman?

Maybe Ye Tianling took another wife.

Ye Fu and Ye Mo are very speechless, but they are very dedicated. They only had one wife in their previous life, but they only have one more wife in this life.

And Ye Tianling had four in his previous life, one more Lingmiao in this life, and now... one more?
Ye Tianling didn't know what they were thinking, he said to Ye Yaoyao beside him, "Call someone quickly."

Ye Yaoyao looked at Ye Mo and Ye Fu with beautiful eyes, and called out kindly: "Uncle Mo, Uncle Buddha."

"..." Ye Mo, Ye Fu, what's the matter?
The two nodded slightly to Ye Yaoyao, then looked at Ye Tianling suspiciously, with questioning expressions in their eyes.

"Leave here first, find a place to talk." Ye Tianling said.

The two nodded.

After that, the four left the secret realm.

It stopped in a sparsely populated place thousands of miles away from the secret realm.

"This is?" Ye Mo glanced at Ye Yaoyao and asked Ye Tianling.

"My daughter, my own, um... I follow Ran'er." Ye Tianling.

"..." Ye Mo raised his eyebrows, surprised in his heart, and asked doubtfully, "When did you have an extra daughter?"

Ye Mo and Ye Fu are confused, what's going on...

Ye Tianling looked solemn, and told the incarnation of will that he met Wuzun when he climbed the ladder before.

After Ye Mo and Ye Fu heard this, their pupils froze.

"So! My heir is still alive!" Ye Mo narrowed his eyes.

"I don't know where she is, whether she is a man or a woman." Ye Fu twisted the beads.

It turned out that when they were in Tianling Continent, several of their wives were pregnant together, and then they were pregnant for another ten years.

I didn't expect to enter the rebirth channel, and I didn't die, but the fetus was born through other methods.

Ye Tianling looked at them and said: "I can't say for sure now, and I can only take chances in the future, but... since they are our descendants and have inherited our blood, their martial arts talents must be extremely high."

Ye Mo and Ye Fu nodded lightly, the frontier was crowded with people, and it was not easy to find their children.

"Aren't you worried that your woman will suddenly become a daughter?" Ye Tianling asked with raised brows.

"Don't worry." Ye Mo shook his head, smiled at Ye Tianling and said, "Why are Wuming doing these things? This will only make us want to become stronger, and then kill her! Wuming will do something to restrain us." things, not to do something that only annoys our hearts."

"That makes sense..." Ye Tianling blinked, did he think too much before?
"Go back." Ye Fu said lightly.

"Yeah." Ye Tianling nodded lightly.

The things that should be done in the first floor space are almost done, and it is time to find a way to enter the second floor space.

His Ruoxi...is still on the fourth floor...

(End of this chapter)

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