Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 581 Scalp tingling

Chapter 581 Scalp tingling
It took the three of them a day to return to the God of War Palace.

Back when.

Everyone gathered in a courtyard and sat down around a large round table.

Ye Tianling looked at them and said: "The things that should be obtained in the first floor space have been obtained, now..."

Ye Tianling looked at Lingmiao, Lengxue, and Dongfang Qingqing and said: "The first level of space is divided into three, six, and nine grades. Now send the disciples of the God of War Palace to clean up and destroy this bad rule!"

The Lingmiao three nodded lightly.

Ye Tianling reminded: "I killed the son of Wuliang Tianzun before. Wuliang Tianzun is the law enforcer of the first layer of space. He may appear when you raid. You just need to bring enough treasures."

The clever three nodded.

Dongfang Qingqing looked at Ye Tianling and said: "The disciples of the God of War Palace are basically in the realm of quasi-celestial beings. If they want to enter the second layer of space, they must break through to the second-level space. However, with the current progress, it may take some years to break through to the second-level space Bu Tianzun."

"I have a solution." Ye Tianling said: "You guys deal with these things first, and I will take care of the other things."

"Okay!" Dongfang Qingqing nodded.

"Is there nothing else?" Ye Tianling looked at Ye Mo and Ye Fu.

Ye Fu twisted the beads, and said slowly: "I suggest sending some disciples to find our heirs!"

Ye Mo on the side frowned and asked: "Only when the blood reaction occurs can we be sure, how can the disciples find it?"

Ye Fu said: "Buddhism pays attention to cause and effect, and I will pass on the law of cause and effect to them. They can rely on the special law, and they may be able to find our descendants."

Ye Tianling's eyes brightened, and he said, "You can handle this."

Ye Fu nodded lightly.

After the girls heard this, their beautiful eyes glowed with strange colors.

their offspring...

It would be better if it could be found.

after that.

Ye Tianling and the others were busy with their own affairs.

Ye Fu went to teach the law of cause and effect.

Lingmiao, Dongfang Qingqing, and Leng Xue led tens of thousands of War God Palace disciples to sweep through the entire first floor space.

On the skyline of the first layer of space, a gap has been broken in the sky there, and there is a dazzling light in the gap, which looks like some kind of transmission channel.

The law enforcement officer of the first layer of space, Wuliang Tianzun, stood in front of the portal, waiting quietly.

It's time for a cup of tea.

The light in the portal became more and more intense, until a figure gradually appeared in the light.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of the immeasurable Tianzun's mouth.

"Friend Daoist Yuan, we haven't seen each other for a hundred years." Wuliang Tianzun looked at the figure inside and smiled faintly.

A figure came out of it, it was a middle-aged man, dressed in a white robe, with star eyebrows and swords, his aura was restrained, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

"Fellow Daoist Wuliang, don't come here without any harm." The speaker was the Erbu Tianzun of the second dimension, named Yuan Fang.

"Hehe." Wuliang Tianzun smiled faintly and said: "Fellow Daoist Yuanfang, I have invited you down this time to tell you a very good thing."

"Oh?" Yuan Fang Tianzun asked: "What's the matter, tell me."

"There is an extra force in the first layer of space. The lord of this force has more than a dozen one-star treasures. Not only that, Chu Yaoyao, the daughter of Feijian Tianzun, climbed to 890 when she climbed the Dragon Ladder. Nine floors."

After Yuanfang Tianzun heard this, his expression suddenly became condensed, and he stared at Wuliang Tianzun: "Are you sure?"

"Can I still lie to you?" Wuliang Tianzun said displeased.

"Fellow Daoist misunderstood, I was just stunned by this kind of thing..." Yuan Fang.

Wuliang Tianzun smiled faintly and said: "I invite you to come down this time, and there is another matter. My son was killed by the owner of the God of War Palace, and he has more than ten one-star treasures. But I can't beat him. So I can only ask you for help."

"It's a trivial matter." Yuan Fang said with narrowed eyes, "I want to see Chu Yaoyao immediately!"

Yuan Fang was excited.

Chu Yaoyao climbed to the 890 nine-story ladder. At this level, she is already the overlord of the upper super emperor star aptitude.

If he can bring Chu Yaoyao to the second floor space, then pass the matter to the third floor space, and finally to the seventh floor space.

One can imagine what kind of reward he will get then?Definitely a reward for making him drool.

"I'll take you there." A cold light flashed in Wuliang Tianzun's heart. Ye Tianling killed his son, so he was going to kill Ye Tianling.

Tianzun Wuliang felt that it was best to resolve this matter as soon as possible, if Tianzun Yuanfang knew that Ye Tianling had actually reached the top and had achieved the aptitude to surpass the super emperor star.

Then Yuan Fang Tianzun will definitely not make a move.

at this time.

A figure suddenly appeared, it was a Quasi-Tianzun of Wuliangzong, he looked nervous, and said anxiously to Wuliangtianzun: "Sect Master, something is wrong."

"What's so flustered?" Wuliang Tianzun scolded dissatisfied.

"Sovereign, hundreds of thousands of Quasi-Tianzun suddenly appeared in the entire first-level space. They were sweeping up and slaughtered many people."

"What!" Wuliang Tianzun frowned, and said in a deep voice: "How could there be so many Quasi-Tianzun?"

"It's... a person from the God of War Palace."

"People from the God of War Palace!" Wuliang Tianzun frowned even deeper. There are so many quasi-Tianzun in the God of War Palace?
"Take me to see!" Yuanfang Tianzun said in a deep voice, he was puzzled, how could there be so many quasi-Tianzun in the first layer of space?

Even in the second layer of space, there are only hundreds of quasi-celestial beings.

"Yes!" The quasi-Tianzun hurriedly led the way, covering a long distance in one step.

When the three of them appeared, there was a massacre in sight, and the people who were killed seemed to be relatively powerful forces, and they were all superior people!

And the murderers are all Zhun Tianzun, and there are hundreds of Zhun Tianlings in a radius of one hundred thousand miles.

"This!" Wuliang Tianzun and Yuanfang Tianzun were shocked. When did so many Quasi-Tianzun suddenly appear?

"Stop it soon!" Yuan Fang Tianzun said in a deep voice.

Wuliang Tianzun frowned, and his body was full of pressure. The pressure of one step of the peak was like a stormy sea, spreading in all directions. Where the pressure passed, the space oscillated.

"Stop!" shouted together.

Like a thunderclap, it echoed in the ears of countless people.

When everyone in the God of War Palace heard this voice, they just stopped attacking!

Ong buzz!
All of a sudden, the disciples of God of War Palace gathered together from all directions, and finally surrounded the three of Wuliang Tianzun tightly.

This kind of encirclement goes up to the sky, down to the ground, east, west, north and south, without a single dead angle.

Seeing this, Yuan Fang and Wu Liang suddenly froze their expressions, and their eyes were dignified. The number of people gathered in this instant has reached tens of thousands...

Tens of thousands of quasi-Tianzun, even if they are one-step Tianzun and two-step Tianzun, will feel their scalps go numb.

(End of this chapter)

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