Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 582 Mushroom Cloud

Chapter 582 Mushroom Cloud


A one-step Celestial Venerable is as powerful as ten Quasi-Tianzuns.

The combat power of Erbu Tianzun cannot be compensated by quantity.

But with so many Quasi-Tianzun, Yuan Fang Tianzun still felt his scalp tingling.

If these quasi-celestial beings finally break through a step into the sky, then... what a powerful force this is.

"They are wearing precious clothes!" Yuan Fang Tianzun noticed that everyone in the God of War Palace was dressed differently.

When he looked carefully, he couldn't help being taken aback.

"Baoyi..." Wuliang Tianzun looked intently, and finally took a deep breath.

Baoyi is also a treasure, but it is a defensive thing, and every quasi-celestial being wears a treasure.

Then...even if Yuan Fang Tianzun made a move, it wouldn't be of much use, would it?

"What do you want to do!" Wuliang Tianzun looked at them sharply, and said coldly: "I am Wuliang Tianzun of Wuliangzong, and I am also the law enforcer of the first layer of space. What is the meaning of you wantonly killing people in the first layer of space! "

At this time.

The nifty figure came from the void, and when she appeared, the eyes of Tianzun Wuliang and Tianzun Yuanfang suddenly froze!
"Lingmiao!" Wuliang and Yuan Fang stared at Lingmiao.

They know miraculously.

The former invincible supreme Su Tianling had a close relationship with Lingmiao.

And they used to get close to Lingmiao in order to build a relationship.


Isn't Lingmiao the Lingmiao sect in Immortal Realm?Why did you come here suddenly?

Lingmiao put her hands behind her back, her beautiful eyes looked at Wuliang and Yuan Fang, and said indifferently: "Wuliang Tianzun, Yuanfang Tianzun, why... you still want to do something to me?"

Yuan Fang Tianzun asked with a sullen face, "What on earth do you want to do? Wuliang and I are law enforcers, but you are destroying the peace here. We law enforcers must take care of it."

"Take care?" Lingmiao smiled sarcastically, she rolled her beautiful eyes lightly, looked at the many people with logos engraved on their foreheads below, and said with a sneer: "Is this how you take care of it? People are not divided into human, inferior, and middle-class people." ! Your Excellency?"

Yuan Fang Tianzun said: "Since ancient times, people have been divided into three, six, and nine classes. It's just that we have enlarged the three, six, and nine classes. Is this also a problem?"

Lingmiao sneered and said: "You have stipulated that inferior people can take over people with a word engraved at will. Do you know how many of these people were killed? How many girls from good families were bullied?"

"Your regulations mean that middle-class people can forcibly occupy the women of low-class people. If the low-class people resist, then! Only death!"

"The upper-class people can invade the middle-class people and the lower-class people, but you don't do much in the food chain. These people are just everything under your power."

Lingmiaomei stared at them, and said coldly: "And I can't understand this, so I want to destroy such rules!"

Yuanfang Tianzun looked at Lingmiao with cold eyes, and said coldly: "You know the consequences of doing this! You will die at all times!"

"It's up to you?" Ling Miao let out a disdainful voice.

"Just rely on the law enforcers of each space!" Yuan Fang said coldly: "You have a large number of people, and I can't beat you, but the second space will definitely send more second-step celestials to come, At that time, even if you have more people, so what? You are still going to die!"

"That's the next thing, now..." Lingmiao ordered the quasi-celestial gods: "Kill them!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison, and the next scene was jaw-dropping.

I saw that every disciple of the God of War Palace was actually holding a one-star treasure, and everyone had it.

For a moment, the terrifying power erupted, and the sky-filled brilliance collided, causing Wuliang and Yuan Fang's frightened faces to turn pale.

With so many one-star treasures, this... Nima.

How to fight?
"Kill!" The attacks from all the disciples were continuous, terrifying five hundred, like ocean waves, instantly submerging Wuliang and Yuanfang.

Naturally, Wu Liang and Yuan Fang would not sit still and wait for death. The two of them were shocked, and the terrifying brilliance surged. When the surge occurred, the tyrannical energy diffused in all directions.

Yuan Fang is the second-step Tianzun, with the most powerful combat power. The condensed power of the two original material energies is incomparably terrifying. Just bursting out, it immediately wiped out many massive attacks!

"Go to hell!" Yuan Fang Tianzun's eyes turned cold, and he raised a fist and threw it at the many quasi-Tianzun.

However, many quasi-celestial beings are still releasing attacks non-stop. When the attack touches, the attack is immediately annihilated.

And Yuanfang Tianzun's attack was also weakened a lot, and the remaining power blasted on many people in the God of War Palace, causing them no harm at all.

Seeing this, Yuan Fang Tianzun knew that it was impossible to win the fight, and if he continued to fight, he would not be able to tell the winner.

Because there was too much commotion here, the disciples of the God of War Palace with a radius of a million miles rushed over immediately.

Over time.

The hearts of Yuanfang Tianzun and Wuliang Tianzun trembled.

Originally, they were only dealing with 1 Zhuntianzhun, but now... almost every blink of an eye, 1 Zhuntianzun will appear.

"[-], [-], [-]... [-]... [-]..." In the end, the number of Quasi-Tianzun was controlled at [-].

Yuan Fang Tianzun's face was slightly pale, he stared at Lingmiao in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "After all, I am one of the law enforcers of the second-floor space. Are you going to kill me?"

"You are the executors of this arrangement, so I will kill you of course!" Ling Miao ordered one hundred thousand disciples, and said coldly: "Kill!"

One hundred thousand attacks are like wild beasts, full of unstoppable momentum.

So what if Yuanfang Tianzun is a second-step Tianzun?Under the attack all over the sky, he only resisted for a moment.

Just drowned.

Immeasurable Tianzun was bombarded and killed by massive attacks in the first place.


Yuan Fang Tianzun was afraid.

Facing such a massive attack, he couldn't resist it at all!
"Stop, stop!" Yuan Fang trembled, he has lived for so many years, and he still doesn't want to die...

How could Lingmiao care about him?It was another order to make all the disciples unleash the strongest attack.

Then, a ball of energy that covered the sky and the sun burst out suddenly, and when it rushed to Yuan Fang's body, it exploded suddenly...

after the explosion.

A mushroom cloud rose in the sky. The mushroom cloud was very big and thick. It took a full cup of tea for everyone to see clearly...

I saw that Yuan Fang Tianzun's figure was no longer there, under the powerful attack just now.

It completely turned into a rain of blood!
Lingmiao's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and after a while, her eyes penetrated through many obstacles, and looked straight at Wuliangzong!

"Destroy the Wuliangzong!" Lingmiao said coldly.

As her words fell, countless figures stepped forward in unison, killing Wuliangzong.

Lingmiao stood there quietly.


The first floor space should be cleaned up. Afterwards... we should go to the second floor space...

(End of this chapter)

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