Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 583 Discussion

Chapter 583 Discussion

Hundreds of thousands of disciples from the God of War Palace wiped out the Wuliangzong in the shortest possible time!
from this moment.

In the first layer of space, Wuliangzong, Haibozong, Yunfengzong, all destroyed!
There is only one Huoyan Palace left.

At this time.

The east is clear and the cold snow flies.

Lingmiao looked at them and asked, "How is it?"

"Almost all those who should be killed have been killed, and those who should be warned have been warned." Leng Xue said.

"Then go back." Lingmiao said.

Immediately, a total of hundreds of thousands of disciples from the God of War Palace flew towards the God of War Palace.

And the first layer of space at this time.

There was a blood mist, and there were creepy meat residues everywhere, making some people who had never seen the world, just seeing it, couldn't help but vomit.

At the same time, countless people were secretly shocked, what the hell happened!
Why did such a powerful force suddenly appear? There are hundreds of thousands of quasi-celestial beings.

When did so many quasi-celestial beings appear on the first floor?
While countless people were shocked.

There were also many people who were elated and knelt down on the ground one by one, weeping with gratitude.

"The savior...it is really the savior, and finally abolished this kind of grading."

Tears welled up in the eyes of countless people, especially those who had the word engraved on their foreheads.

their past.

Men have been humiliated, and women have been bullied.

That kind of torture makes life worse than death.

Now that the established rules are gone, they finally don't have to worry about it anymore, and they can live a peaceful life from now on.

at the top of space.

There is a palace filled with flames. This palace is one of the few top forces today, the Hall of Flames.

Huoyan Palace Master Huo Sirius' eyes were heavy, and there was a strong fear in his eyes.

Not long ago, one hundred thousand more quasi-celestial beings suddenly appeared and surrounded the Huoyan Palace, which scared him almost out of his wits.

Even if he is a one-step Empyrean, but... in the face of so many quasi-empires, if he fights, he still cannot escape death.

Huo Sirius took a deep breath, his voice trembled slightly, and said in a trembling voice: "Fortunately, the Huoyan Palace was only warned, otherwise... I'm afraid it will end the same as Haibozong and Yunfengzong, right?"


A voice sounded, followed by a panicked voice: "Report to the Palace Master, the Wuliangzong has been destroyed, and the Wuliang Tianzun has fallen."

"The Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate is dead..." Huo Sirius couldn't help but gasped, what the hell...

Wuliang Tianzun is the law enforcer of the first layer of space, and he is also dead. From the perspective of this mysterious God of War Palace, he is not so courageous...

"Pass down the order and let all the disciples dispatch to maintain the current peace and order. If there are still people who believe in the previous regulations, they will all be executed!"

Fire Sirius ordered in a deep voice.

Now, he only hopes that the God of War Palace will not come again. Such an order should please the God of War Palace, right?



Inside the Palace of God of War.

Except for the disciples, everyone else gathered together.

Everyone sat around a round table. Ye Fu looked at the crowd and said, "Some of the disciples of the God of War Palace are still looking for their heirs. So far there is no news about our heirs."

The beautiful eyes of the girls drooped slightly.

Now, they only hope to find their heirs, whether they want to confirm their relationship with Ye Tianling and the others.

Also, they also want to find their own heirs, which are their own flesh and blood after all...

"Yaoyao is 99 years old this year, and it existed in a stone before it was born. According to the timeline, it is necessary to search for 99 men and women." Ye Tianling said.

Ye Fu nodded lightly: "Although this can rule out many people, it is too difficult to find those few people in such a huge crowd..."

The crowd was silent.

This is indeed too difficult.

At this time,

Little Lolita Tianshu blinked her eyes, and said to Ye Tianling and the others: "Actually, you don't need to look for them deliberately. If my mother controls your children, my mother will definitely train them secretly, and they will appear when they should appear. As for There may be remaining heirs, this is just a matter of luck."

Little Lolita Tianshu said: "The most important thing now is to go to the second layer of space first! The higher the level of space, the richer the original substance, which can increase your breakthrough speed."

Ye Tianling opened the mouth and said: "I have already thought of a way to enter the second layer of space. The Book of Heaven is not a human being. It is detached between heaven and earth. It is the incarnation of fate. As long as you all enter the page of time in the Book of Heaven and then pass through the portal of the two realms, You can go to the second layer of space."

Xiao Ran frowned and said: "The problem is, we can't enter the page of time in the Heavenly Book, except for the disciples of the God of War Palace, and Sister Miao..."

Ye Tianling looked at Lingmiao, Lengxue, and Dongfang Qingqing, and said, "The three of you can go to the second floor first and wait for us there. It happens that you can also practice in the second floor, and the speed of cultivation can also be increased. many."

Lingmiao frowned, unwilling to say: "In that case, wouldn't it mean that I have to separate from you?"

Ye Tianling gave her a blank look, and said angrily: "It's just a temporary separation, and we will meet again soon."

Ye Mo, who was at the side, said to Lingmiao and the others: "You went to the second floor, one is to improve your strength, and the other is to inquire secretly to see if there is any news about the son!"

"I can go to the second floor or the third floor." Gu Xiaolian said at this moment.

She said: "I was born in the third floor. The third floor is higher than the second and first floors. My soul mark is imprinted by the third floor. I can go to the first and second floors at will. There are three more floors."

Ye Fu frowned, looked at Gu Xiaolian and said, "What if you go to the third dimension and get caught by your father?"

"No, I will stay on the second floor. When necessary, I can pass on information, so that we can keep track of each other's situation." Gu Xiaolian said.

"That's a good idea." Ye Tianling nodded.

Ye Mo said to Ye Fu: "As long as Xiao Lian stays in the second dimension, she shouldn't be caught. What's more, we have 46 disciples in the God of War Palace. In addition, each of us has a one-star treasure. With such power, The three-step Tianzun also has to weigh it."

Ye Fu thought for a while before nodding: "That's how it is..."

Everyone smiled lightly.

Lingmiao looked at Ye Tianling and said softly, "How about staying for a few more days before leaving?"

"Time is tight now, one day at most." Ye Tianling blinked.

"Okay..." Lingmiao sighed in her heart.

Xiao Ran and the others looked at each other, and said to Ye Tianling sensibly: "Just this day, why don't you do something that should be done?"

Ye Tianling gave her a blank look, and then left with Lingmiao.

Leng Xue's beautiful eyes looked at Ye Mo, and Dongfang Qingqing's beautiful eyes looked at Ye Fu, the meaning in the eyes couldn't be more obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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