Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 584 Race

Chapter 584 Race
After that, several people left.

Only Xiao Ran and his daughters were left.

Ye Yaoyao blinked...it's so harmonious...

Fortunately, Ye Yaoyao knew that several of them were related to Ye Tianling in their previous lives, otherwise, they would not have been so harmonious.

"Yaoyao... You should stay with us and don't go to the second floor space, okay?" Xiao Ran looked at Ye Yaoyao with beautiful eyes.

Ye Yaoyao nodded lightly.

There was a smile on Xiao Ran's face, it was a good feeling that his daughter was with her.

"When Aunt Miao and the others go to the second floor space, what are we doing here?" Ye Yaoyao asked curiously.

At present, the things that should be dealt with are basically dealt with, so it seems unnecessary to stay in the first floor space, right?

"I don't even know if I'm a mother..." Xiao Ran blinked her eyes, she was a husband and wife, wherever Ye Tianling went, she would go there, as for where to go and what to do, that was not her concern.

"..." Ye Yaoyao was speechless...

The girls smiled lightly.

Qingxue looked at Yaoyao and said: "You have been on the first floor for so many years, have you met a man you like?"

Ye Yaoyao blushed suddenly, so embarrassed.

Seeing her shy expression, Xiao Ran couldn't help concentrating her beautiful eyes, and asked in a deep voice: "You are still young, how can you like men? At least you have to wait until you break through to the Supreme before you can fall in love? No matter how bad it is, you have to stay in the Mother's side, stay for... 1 years or so."

"..." Ye Yaoyao said weakly: "How can a breakthrough supreme be allowed to fall in love? This requirement is too high."

"I don't care about it for your mother, but you need to break through to the Supreme before you can fall in love!" Xiao Ran said seriously.

"Okay." Ye Yaoyao.

"Why were you blushing just now? Did you fall in love with someone?" Xiao Ran said in a deep voice.

"..." Ye Yaoyao rolled her eyes and said, "When I climbed the Dragon Ladder before, my father climbed to the top, and then he became a little cautious. Who knew...he was actually my father."

"..." Xiao Ran was speechless.

The girls smiled lightly, feeling very interesting.

"This guy..." Xiao Ran let out a helpless voice, Ye Tianling is so outstanding that he can attract attention wherever he goes.

Ye Yaoyao smiled lightly, and after a while.

There was a strange flash in her beautiful eyes, she looked at Xiao Ran and asked: "Why did mother and father turn against each other?"

This is the doubt that Ye Yaoyao has always had in her heart.

She had heard a lot of stories about Ye Tianling and his wives back then, and even read a lot of historical records for this.

However, no matter how much she checked the previous records, she was still not sure why Xiao Ran and the others pointed their finger at Ye Tianling.

Taking advantage of the free time now, she asked out of curiosity, hoping to get a satisfactory answer, but she came to settle her knot.

Xiao Ran's beautiful eyes dimmed, and he said sadly: "Our memories have all disappeared. Only by breaking through the Heavenly Venerate can we restore our previous memories. So, right now... I can't give you a definite answer."

"However..." Xiao Ran said: "According to the information we have now, we turned against your father at the beginning because... we were controlled by a woman. To be precise, our self-consciousness was controlled, so that the consciousness could not control the body. !"

"What!" Ye Yaoyao was shocked.

"Back then, you were all Supreme Beings. In such a supreme realm, is there anyone else who can control you?" Ye Yaoyao suddenly felt her scalp go numb. What kind of person can control the consciousness of Supreme Beings?

According to the confidence that I have now, above the Seven-Step Heavenly Venerate is the Dominant Realm!

Could it be that person is the ruler?
Xiao Ran sighed, and said: "As far as I know, that person's realm should be the dominator realm, and even reached the late stage of the dominance realm."

Xiao Ran only guessed according to his realm.

Since they were the Supreme Beings back then, but the Unnamed Book could control them, then only the legendary Master Realm can control their consciousness, right?

After Ye Yaoyao heard this, she couldn't help taking a breath, dominating the realm...

"Why does she want to manipulate you? Why does she have to let you kill the man you love? Could it be... that woman likes my father, but my father doesn't like her, so she was upset and did such a thing?" Ye Yaoyao Keep guessing.

Xiao Ran gave her a blank look, and said: "It's because of your father, as well as your Uncle Mo and Uncle Buddha, they all have a great possibility of breaking through the dominion. I'm afraid that when your father reaches the domination state, they will threaten her."

"So that's the case." Ye Yaoyao asked: "If this is the case, will that woman make another move?"

Xiao Ran shook her head lightly, how could she respond?
Could it be that the nameless bargaining chip in this life is actually you and your unfound heir?

Ye Yaoyao didn't say anything more.

At this time.

Chi Menghan asked Xiao Ran: "Earlier, Ye Tianling said that he could resurrect the dead when he reached the Domination Realm. Is this true or not?"

"This..." Xiao Ran was not very clear either.

Gu Xiaolian did know, she looked at Xiao Ran with beautiful eyes, and said: "As long as that person reaches the realm of the Immortal King before he dies, then even Heavenly Venerable can save him, but the premise is that after that person dies, Become a part of heaven and earth."

"Before my parents died, they were just ordinary mortals, without any cultivation." Chi Menghan's beautiful eyes flickered with mist.

If so.

Can her parents survive?

Gu Xiaolian said at this time: "If this is the case, then it is estimated that it will dominate the realm."

Chi Menghan nodded lightly.

There are only two things she wants to do now, one is to resurrect her parents in this world, and the second is to find her own heir.

The premise is that she is really Ye Tianling's previous wife.

among those present.

Everyone has something to hide.

Even Xiao Ran, who already looks very happy, has a husband and a daughter.


Xiao Ran knew that Ye Tianling was not alone, but belonged to several women.

Qingxue, Menghan, and Lin Ruoxi on the fourth floor, the affairs of these women are Ye Tianling's affairs.

And Ye Tianling's business is her business.

The fates of these few of them have been completely bound together, and if one has something to do, all of them must contribute.

She now just hopes that everything will be fine.

When Wuming is settled down, he can live a happy life.


Ye Tianling only has two years left, and in two years, Ye Tianling must at least reach the Domination Realm in order to resist Wuming!

Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

However, two years is very short for many people. Some people retreat for tens of thousands of years at a time. Two years is really not a long time.


For Xiao Ran and others, the passage of time every day made their hearts more urgent, and they wanted to speed up their strength. Only in this way can they race against time.

(End of this chapter)

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