Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 585 Prepare to go to the 2nd floor space

Chapter 585 Prepare to go to the second floor space
The next morning.

The 46 people in the God of War Palace, including Lingmiao, Dongfang Qingqing, Leng Xue, and Gu Xiaolian, all entered the page of time in the Heavenly Book.

Tianshu blinked his beautiful eyes, and said to Ye Tianling and the others: "We are waiting for you on the second floor."

"Go." Ye Tianling said.

The Heavenly Book turned into a stream of light, which entered the portal, and then the light disappeared, disappearing from everyone's sight.

Ye Tianling looked at the remaining people and said, "It's still too slow to practice slowly."

Ye Tianling's eyes narrowed slightly.

At the beginning, Heng Gu gave him the Heaven Swallowing Jue in order to let him improve his realm as soon as possible by virtue of the Tuntian Jue.


He is no longer alone.

There are also wives and daughters.

He frowned thoughtfully. The Eternal Book had warned him before that the Heaven Swallowing Art could only be used by him alone, and should not be taught to others.

But in this way, his cultivation has improved rapidly, but the realm of his wife and daughter has slowed down.

Xiao Ran looked at Ye Tianling suspiciously and asked: "Do you have other ways to improve our cultivation faster?"

Ye Tianling shook his head lightly, but didn't say anything about Tun Tian Jue.

Xiao Ran rolled his eyes, speechless.

Ye Mo on the side said: "Perhaps, you don't have to reach the realm of Tianzun to enter the second-floor space."

Ye Mo looked at the crowd and said: "The teleportation channel is a space opened up by the Supreme. If...we can comprehend the teleportation array, maybe we can also teleport to the second-floor space."

Ye Fu said at this time: "There is another way, that is to make your own strength enough to withstand the space compression, and temporarily reach the second-step Tianzun."

Ye Tianling raised his brows and said: "If there is a spatial turbulence during the period, I'm afraid they will all be scattered."

Ye Tianling also thought about this problem, because he was worried that his wife and daughter would go to the second floor inexplicably and be alone, what should they do if they bumped into someone bad?
Ye Fu looked at Ye Tianling, and said slowly: "Each of us has a lot of treasures on our bodies. With these treasures, even if we walk alone in the second-floor space, it should be no problem to barely protect ourselves."

Ye Tianling was deep in thought.

He only has these few options now.

Either use this method to immediately go to the second-floor space, which may cause people to disperse.

Or wait until they have reached the second-step Tianzun, and go to the second-floor space together.

But it will take time to cultivate to the second step of Tianzun.

But the time left for him now is only two years.

"Then use this method." Ye Tianling looked at Xiao Ran and the others solemnly, and reminded: "On the way of the transmission channel, we may encounter spatial turbulence, which can pose a great threat to us, but We have treasures with us, and under normal circumstances, we will not be injured by the turbulence, but... we may be teleported to an immediate place."

"Don't worry, we will be careful." Xiao Ran said, but she looked at Ye Yaoyao worriedly, she was afraid that Yaoyao would be bullied when she came to the second floor space.

Ye Yaoyao rolled her eyes, and said to Xiao Ran: "I'm already in the quasi-celestial realm, even if I'm on the second floor, don't worry too much..."

"Zun Tianzun walks everywhere, this kind of realm is still not safe." Xiao Ran glared at Ye Yaoyao, and reprimanded.

"..." Ye Yaoyao was speechless.

Ye Tianling glanced at the girls, then gave Ye Yaoyao the only three-star treasure on his body, the Meteor Hammer, and said to her: "This three-star treasure is for you, and it can keep you safe when you are in the second-floor space. "

Ye Yaoyao frowned and said, "What about the mother and the others?"

Ye Tianling sighed lightly, and said, "I only have one three-star treasure..."

"Do you have a two-star treasure?" Ye Yaoyao asked.

Ye Tianling looked at Ye Mo and Ye Fu, and asked, "Do you have any two-star treasures?"

"Yes." Ye Mo took out a two-star treasure, first gave it to Leng Xue, then gave the second two-star treasure to Xiao Ran, and gave the third two-star treasure to Duanmu Qingxue.

"That's all for me..." Ye Mo looked at Ye Fu.

Ye Fu smiled, and took out several two-star treasures, one of which happened to be among the women present.

"Then do you still have two-star treasures?" Ye Yaoyao asked worriedly.

"It's gone..." Ye Mo, Ye Fu.

Ye Tianling looked at the girls and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if the three of us don't have two-star treasures. At least, no woman should do anything to us."

Xiao Ran rolled his eyes.

After a few people chatted for a while.

Everyone's expressions suddenly became serious.

"Treasure Sacrifice!"

Everyone stood in the sky, Ye Tianling shouted loudly.

Boom boom boom boom!
With the voice falling.

Many one-star treasures suddenly came out of Ye Tianling and the others...

These treasures are like ice and snow all over the sky, filling half of the sky.

When all the treasures were sacrificed, the boundless power continuously radiated throughout the entire space of the first floor.

This kind of movement directly made countless forces feel horrified!
In Bihongzong, Bihong Tianzun took his daughter Bi Qingqing to shuttle in the void.

Huoyan Palace Master Huo Sirius and his son Huo Nan shuttled through the void.

When they saw thousands of one-star treasures gradually merging in the sky of the God of War Palace, they couldn't help being shocked.

"What are you doing? You want to fuse so many one-star treasures? Is it to temporarily reach two-star treasures? But... reaching two-star treasures is only temporary. What do you want to do by doing this?"

The fire man murmured to himself puzzled.

Huo Sirius at the side focused his eyes slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "Perhaps, they are planning to leave the first-floor space and want to go to the second-floor space!"

"What! Is this all right?" Huo Nan couldn't believe it.

"Yes." Huo Sirius looked at the one-star treasures all over the sky and said: "However, even if they can go to the second-floor space, these one-star treasures will be useless."

"That's a pity." Huo Nan said painfully, with so many one-star treasures, it's fine to just give him one.

At this time, Bihong Tianzun stared at the situation over there, and couldn't help saying: "Depending on the situation...they are leaving."

Looking at Ye Tianling in the distance with beautiful eyes, she had a little conflict with Ye Tianling before.

Later, when she saw that Ye Tianling was able to climb to the top of the dragon ladder, she couldn't help being secretly shocked.

"Father, tell me, will he become supreme in the future?" Bi Qingqing.

"It's very possible, yes!" Bihong Tianzun said.

Climbing to the top, even today's Supreme, no one should be able to do it, but Ye Tianling did it.

"The premise is that he doesn't fall midway." Bihong Tianzun said leisurely.

Bi Qingqing nodded lightly, and said softly: "I hope he can ascend to the Supreme, so... I can brag in the future, I was once thrown out by a Supreme."

Bihong Tianzun was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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