Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 586 Luo Yiyi

Chapter 586 Luo Yiyi

at this time.

Thousands of one-star treasures were merging, and as time passed, the treasures merged into a sphere, covering Ye Tianling and others.

Then, the light flashed.

The sphere pierced through the sky, abruptly opened a gap, and disappeared.

When the sphere was squeezing into the space, terrifying forces erupted from the terrifying space, and these forces were penetrating towards the sphere.

Fortunately, the sphere's defense is very strong, and these terrifying forces can only slowly wear away the sphere.

in the sphere.

Ye Tianling and the others held hands because the sphere kept shaking during the space collision.

Let them stand a little unsteadily, and they can only hold hands to prevent them from falling.

Ye Tianling said to the girls: "After an hour, the sphere will automatically disintegrate. At that time, we may appear in different places. At that time, no matter what, we must pay attention to the dynamics of all parties and inquire about the news of the God of War Palace." , go immediately."

"You too." Xiao Ran said to Ye Tianling.

"Yeah." Ye Tianling nodded lightly.

Until an hour later, the sphere was suddenly smashed into countless fragments by a powerful force.

Ye Tianling and the others also broke through the space barrier at this time and fell into the second-floor space.

Second floor space.

No sun, no moon, no stars.

But there are blue sky and white clouds, illuminating the whole world.

In a certain family in a small town, Ye Tianling was lying on the bed with a smear of blood on his body.

Beside him, is a woman wearing a veil. The woman has a graceful figure, wrapped in a black plain dress, and there is a fragrance all over her body, which makes people intoxicated.

"Miss, this boy just passed out, so don't you need to take care of him so carefully?" At the door, a maid said to the woman wearing a veil.

"It's okay, I have nothing to do anyway." The woman smiled softly, her beautiful eyes looked at Ye Tianling, and her heart throbbed.

When she saw Ye Tianling for the first time, for some reason, her blood was trembling, and that tremor was caused by the blood reaction.

In other words.

She has a blood relationship with Ye Tianling, but because of this, she feels strange in her heart.

She didn't know Ye Tianling at all.

She has older brothers, older sisters, and parents. Why did she have a blood reaction with Ye Tianling?
The woman was very puzzled, but this kind of blood reaction gave her an inexplicable intimacy with Ye Tianling.

Seeing her young lady taking such good care of a strange young man, the servant girl couldn't help being upset, she said: "Miss, you have a marriage contract with Bai Long, it's best...don't get close to strange men, otherwise... Bai Long might get angry .”

"Whether he is angry or not has nothing to do with me?" The woman cast a cold glance at the servant girl, and said coldly: "I told you many times, I don't like Bailong, and I won't marry him!"

"But... you two are going to get married in three days." The servant girl said weakly.

"I won't marry!" A firm look flashed in the woman's beautiful eyes.

"You go out." The woman said lightly to the servant girl.

The servant girl sighed helplessly, and immediately stepped back.

The woman continued to look at Ye Tianling, why did Ye Tianling give her a very kind feeling, and also caused a blood reaction.

Could it be that Ye Tianling is his younger brother?
The woman frowned, feeling impossible.

She is 99 years old this year, while Ye Tianling's root bone is only 17 years old, and her mother has never given birth to a child in these years.


She was puzzled in her heart.

At this time, Ye Tianling, who was unconscious, opened his eyes dimly. When he saw a woman wearing a veil in his sight, he couldn't help being stunned.

"Is this the second floor space?" Ye Tianling asked.

"Well, this is the second-floor space." The woman looked at Ye Tianling suspiciously. Why did Ye Tianling ask this?

"Aren't you from the second-floor space?" The woman asked doubts in her heart.

"It's from the first space." Ye Tianling shook his head, he glanced at the woman, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

When he broke through the space channel, he received a strong gravitational impact, which directly made him faint.

When he was in a coma, he had a dream that he seemed to have met another daughter.

And it also caused a blood reaction. At that time, he was very excited, thinking that he had found a second heir.

Who knows, when he opened his eyes, he realized...it was just a dream.

This can't help but make him very disappointed.

The woman looked at Ye Tianling with a frown, and said suspiciously: "If you want to go from the first floor to the second floor, you must have the cultivation base of the second-step Tianzun, and you... are obviously the cultivation base of the initial Ascension Origin Realm .”

"It came in other ways." Ye Tianling looked at the woman and asked, "You brought me here?"

"En." The woman nodded lightly, and said: "I went out to relax and saw you unconscious on a mountain top. I saw that you gave me a warmer feeling, so I took you home."

"That's it..." Ye Tianling understood the cause and effect, and said to the woman, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." The woman smiled lightly, and Ye Tianling gave her a very comfortable feeling.

At least, when other men saw her, they would have a possessive look that disgusted her.

And Ye Tianling's eyes didn't have the slightest bit of possessiveness.

"My name is Luo Yiyi, what about you?" Luo Yiyi asked.

"Ye Tianling." Ye Tianling had already got out of bed at this time, he felt a little pain all over his body, but it didn't bother him.

"Ye Tianling...the name is pretty good." Luo Yiyi said softly.

"Your name is also good." Ye Tianling stretched his waist, looked at Luo Yiyi and asked: "What is this place, the area you are in, and what is the realm of the strongest?"

"This is Shentian City. There are two families, one is the Bai family and the other is the Luo family. I am a member of the Luo family. The strongest member of the Bai family and the Luo family is the First Heaven Immortal King." Luo Yiyi said slowly.

"That's it..." Ye Tianling felt relieved, he didn't have a single treasure now, and all the treasures were fused together to form an extremely defensive sphere.

And the sphere has been completely worn out in the process of passing through the space.

He is only at the initial Ascension Source Realm now.

Luo Yiyi looked at Ye Tianling and said: "I can take care of you for three days. After three days, you can continue to stay in the family. At that time, I will make an agreement with the clan in advance."

When Luo Yiyi said these words, her pair of dark pupils were quite calm, the calm was abnormal, like a pool of stagnant water.

Luo Yiyi's eyes were noticed by Ye Tianling. Ye Tianling raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why do I feel that after three days, you are going to die?"

Luo Yiyi was shocked.

How did Ye Tianling see it?

(End of this chapter)

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