Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 587 Can You Get Married?

Chapter 587 Can You Get Married?
"How did you find out?" Luo Yiyi asked.

"Your eyes, I've seen your eyes many times before, usually with such eyes, you will basically commit suicide." Ye Tianling sat on the bed again, leaning against the back, looking at Luo Yiyi, and said: "You kindly send I brought it here, in order to repay you, I can help you solve some troubles, tell me, what makes you want to die?"

Luo Yiyi stared at Ye Tianling for a while, couldn't help sighing, and said with an open heart: "In three days, I will marry Bai Long of the Bai family, and I don't like him, but...the Bai family and the Luo family have been linked for generations. Cigarettes, so... since I was a child, the family made a baby kiss between me and Bailong."

"The Bai family's family is the First Heaven Immortal King, right?" Ye Tianling asked.

"Yes." Ye Tianling smiled lightly, and said: "Although I am in the early stage of ascending origin, I can still beat a first-level fairy king. After three days, I will go there and destroy your wedding."

Luo Yiyi shook her head bitterly and smiled, Ye Tianling is at the Ascending Origin Realm, how could he beat the Immortal King?
The body of the ascending source state is full of source power, which is a level higher than spiritual power, and the power released is also more powerful.

And... Immortal King Realm absorbs immortal energy, which is a level higher than origin energy.

Can be imagined.

Facing Shengyuan, the Immortal King is absolutely crushing.

Seeing that she didn't seem to believe her, Ye Tianling didn't say anything else. No matter what, he would help Luo Yi. This Luo Yiyi had a kind heart, otherwise he wouldn't have brought him here to take care of her.

Ye Tianling sat cross-legged on the bed, and immediately began to practice. The aura, source qi, immortal energy, and source energy substances in the second-floor space were very rich, much richer than the first-floor space.

When Ye Tianling was running kung fu, a terrifying vortex formed, and endless source energy rushed towards him.

Ascension source environment is divided into early stage, middle stage, late stage, and consummation.

Ye Tianling is now in the early stage, [-]% of his body is spiritual energy, and [-]% is source energy.

As Ye Tianling continued to absorb the source qi and replace the aura, it took half a day.

Ye Tianling opened his eyes.

"[-]% spiritual energy, [-]% source energy, medium-term ascending source state." Ye Tianling murmured to himself.

Now it is the mid-term Ascension Source Realm, and now only half a day has passed.

Ye Tianling decided to continue practicing.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Ye Tianling opened his eyes. At this moment, there was a gleam of light in his eyes.

"In the later stage, the source level has been raised!" Ye Tianling stood up, looking out through the light window.

"Today is the day when Luo Yiyi gets married." Ye Tianling heard the sound of a festive tune, adding some joy to today's festive day.

Ye Tianling walked out of the door, then out of the courtyard, and after passing through several roads, he walked out of the Luo family's mansion.

outside the mansion.

There are many people, among them there are eight flying monsters outside. The whole body of the monsters is red, and there are festive red cloths hanging on their bodies.

On a monster in the front stood a handsome young man, dressed in red, with a smile on his face, looking at the bride Luo Yiyi below, he said with a smile: "Yiyi, I'm here to marry you! "

Luo Yiyi wore a long red dress and a red gauze on her head, her beautiful eyes were full of mist, and her eyes were very sad.

She didn't like this kind of family-style joint smoking, and sacrificed her to stabilize the relationship between the two families.

Sometimes, she really wants to be a man, at least a man who can have three wives and four concubines, weak and scruples.

But now, she has only two choices, either marry or end her life.

At this time.

The white dragon landed slowly from the sky, landed beside Luo Yiyi, and said with a smile: "Yiyi, come with me."

"Bailong...I don't like you, I don't want to marry you, can you let me go?" Luo Yiyi looked at Bailong with tears in her beautiful eyes.

The smile on Bailong's face stopped, he forced a smile, and said, "How could it be? How could you not like me? I don't believe it."

"I said it decades ago, I don't like you." Luo Yiyi said.

Beside her was an old man, looking at Luo Yiyi, the old man scolded: "Yiyi, what nonsense are you talking about? Today is your wedding day, do you want to make it unpleasant?"

Luo Yiyi glanced at the old man with beautiful eyes, feeling quite disappointed in her heart, and said, "What if I don't marry?"

"Not to marry?" The old man snorted coldly, "Then tie you up!"

The old man looked at Bailong and said: "Yiyi is still young, it's normal that she doesn't want to marry, but after she gets married, it will get better automatically after a long time."

"Understood, Grandpa Luo." Bai Long said to the old man with a better face.

"Let's go!" Bailong waved his sleeves and brought Luo Yiyi onto the flying monster.

Then I saw the flying monsters flapping their wings slowly. Wherever they passed by, countless people looked up and showed envy.

Outside the Luo family mansion, Ye Tianling shook his head and said loudly: "Sacrificing the happiness of the children is for the benefit of the family. There is nothing to be attached to such a family, no matter whether you abandon it."

Ye Tianling's voice was so loud that many people around could hear it.

But the old man just turned his head, looked at Ye Tianling with an ugly face, and said coldly: "Who are you? How dare you point fingers at the Luo family!"

"Who am I?" Ye Tianling glanced at him, and said coldly, "I'm someone you can't afford!"

"Presumptuous!" The old man was furious, his face flushed with anger, he looked at Ye Tianling with sharp eyes, and said sharply: "Seeing that today is the Luo family's big day, it's not easy to see blood, the old man let go today! Get lost!" !"

The last sound, the old man roared out, like a thunderclap.


Such a voice could not cause any harm to Ye Tianling at all.

Ye Tianling shrugged, and didn't bother to say anything, then took a step and galloped away.

"Hmph!" The old man snorted coldly, and said dissatisfiedly: "If it wasn't because today is a happy day, this man, the old man would have killed him!"

"It's not just about killing him, it's about letting him suffer and let him know that in this city, the dignity of the Luo family cannot be violated!"

Many people followed suit.

The old man's face looked better.

This city is huge, and the distance between Guangbai's family and Luo's family is thousands of miles away.

However, the flying monsters of the Bai family are very fast, and they have already arrived at the Bai family in just half a moment.

The Bai family covers an area of ​​[-] mu, and no matter whether they are from the Bai family or not, everyone around can come to drink and eat meat.

and so.

In many nearby streets, there are many people, waiting around the wedding table.

When empty.

The eight flying monsters landed, Bailong flew down with Luo Yiyi, and landed on the highest celebration stage.

Bai Long looked at the crowd with a smile on his face and said: "Everyone eat and drink well today, don't be polite to the Bai family."

(End of this chapter)

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