Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 594 Eternal Ancient Appears

Chapter 594 Eternal Ancient Appears
The Immortal King of Langya Pavilion said to Luo Yiyi with great earnestness: "Generally daughters want to be loved by their father, right? Langya Pavilion has the Heart Sutra of Happy Father, as long as you know it, it will definitely make your father happy. Even, I I will also give you the Yufu Heart Sutra, maybe your mother will like it."

Luo Yiyi blinked her eyes and said, "He is my father, I will listen to him...I can't make the decision."

The three fairy kings looked depressed, why... you can't be the master.

The Immortal King of Langya Pavilion asked curiously: "Where did you come from? We have never heard of a talent like your father's, so I'm curious."

"..." Luo Yiyi didn't answer, so as not to cause trouble.

A few people didn't ask any more questions, but their eyes flickered, no matter what, they wanted Ye Tianling.

at this time.

Ye Tianling has reached the [-]th floor.

The eyeballs of countless people are about to fall out of shock. Nine hundred floors are already the aptitude of the Overlord of the Super Emperor Star.

It is rumored that there is a ninety-nine percent chance that the Super Emperor Star Overlord qualification will be able to ascend to the seven-step Tianzun realm in the future.

In other words, there is a ninety-nine percent chance that this mysterious young man will be able to ascend to the supreme position in the future!
Supreme is already the top level of the entire Great Thousand World, such a realm can already be proud of all worlds.

At this time.

Ye Tianling has already reached the [-]th floor.

Everyone took a deep breath.

The Immortal King of Langya Pavilion showed shock, and said in a trembling voice: "I have heard a legend that if one can climb above the nine hundredth floor, it is possible to reach the legendary Dominion Realm. The higher the number of stairs, the more likely Ask the master of the peak."

"He has climbed to the [-]th floor now, which is equivalent to a [-]% possibility that he can aspire to be the ruler. Even if it is only [-]%, it is enough to shock the world." Liu Jianzong's Immortal King trembled.

"Such a Tianjiao will definitely be taken to the Tianjiao Concentration Camp on the seventh floor. Even if such a Tianjiao is in the Tianjiao Concentration Camp, he is definitely the best." The Immortal King of the Gale Wind Sect exclaimed.

"He moved." Someone yelled, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Ye Tianling.

Ye Tianling raised his foot and continued to climb the stairs.

Nine hundred and two, nine hundred and three, nine hundred and eight.

960, 980, nine hundred and ninety.

Everyone stared round.

Nine hundred and ninety floors.

This is already 90.00% possible, and it can aspire to the Domination Realm.

Luo Yiyi stared up in shock, her father is so powerful...

The Immortal Kings of Langya Pavilion, Liu Jianzong, and Gaefengzong all gasped in unison.

With a 90.00% possibility, being able to aspire to be the Juggernaut is actually equivalent to being 100% able to aspire to be the Juggernaut.

Master, Lord of Heaven and Earth!
Under the domination, all are ants.

King of Domination, is this about to give birth to a King of Domination?

Ye Tianling continued to raise his feet, and when he climbed to the top of the first floor space, the incarnation of Wuzun's will appeared.

He was very curious, if he climbed to the top again, would he see the incarnation of will again?

Nine hundred 91, nine hundred 92, nine hundred 93
Nine hundred and ninety-eight, nine hundred and ninety-nine, climb to the top!


Dazzling brilliance bloomed at the top of the dragon ladder, the brilliance was like ten big suns, extremely dazzling.

Ye Tianling trembled all over, and a wave of will flooded into his mind.


A figure appeared in Ye Tianling's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Heng Gu." Ye Tianling said in surprise, "This time it turned out to be you."

"What's unexpected." Heng Gu is the book of Heng Gu. He smiled at Ye Tianling and said, "How is it? How do you feel?"

"I feel bad! What the hell are you doing? It makes me wonder if my wife is my daughter." Ye Tianling said angrily.

"Don't worry, I've confirmed that your wife is your wife." Heng Gu said with a smile, not at all dignified because of time constraints.

Ye Tianling breathed a sigh of relief, did he think too much?
"Do you know where my two remaining children are?" Ye Tianling asked.

"I don't know..." Heng Gu shook his head and said: "However, you will definitely meet each other, because Wuming controls the line of karma, and she will try every means to make you meet your offspring."

"What the hell is Wuming trying to do, really want to use my heir as a bargaining chip, and then deal with me?" Ye Tianling frowned.

"Perhaps, but this is not the most important thing." Heng Gu looked at Ye Tianling and said, "Wu Zun should have told you a word, the cause and effect of the past life and the present life can be seen, and the next life is up to you!"

"I told you, what does this sentence mean?" Ye Tianling frowned. This was Wu Zun's last sentence when he climbed to the top of the first space, but Wu Zun disappeared before he finished speaking.

"The meaning of this sentence is..." Heng Gu's expression suddenly became serious, he looked into Ye Tianling's eyes, and said in a deep voice: "You should be mentally prepared, the real meaning of this sentence is better than your wife's." Your daughter is even scarier."

Ye Tianling's heart skipped a beat.

Is there anything more terrifying than this?

"You said, I'm ready." Ye Tianling was terrified, hoping that Heng Gu was joking with him, otherwise, no matter how firm his Dao heart was, he might not be able to bear it.

"The cause and effect of the past life and the present life are seen. This sentence means that you in the past life will meet you in the present life, and the past life and the present life are not allowed to appear at the same time. If they appear at the same time, one of them will definitely die!"

"The next life is up to you. This sentence means, who can survive the past life or this life, you can only decide by yourself!"

Heng Gu looked at Ye Tianling solemnly, and said, "Including your wife's previous life will also appear!"

Ye Tianling froze there.

Should the previous life and the present life appear at the same time?

And only one person can live.

He was him in the previous life, and he is also him in this life.

So, who should be kept alive?

Although they are all the same person, when you think about it carefully, they are very different.

Ye Tianling wasn't worried about himself, what he was worried about was, what would his wife do?
"Is this a trick by Wuming?" Ye Tianling said in a deep voice.

"Wuming disrupted the order of time and space. She did this to obliterate you." Heng Gu frowned and reminded: "You have to plan this matter early."

Ye Tianling nodded lightly, he looked at Henggu suspiciously and asked: "I remember that my past and future have been cut off, why do I still have a previous life?"

Heng Gu asked back: "Since your future has been cut off, who are you now? Don't tell me, you are not you." Heng Gu.

Ye Tianling has a headache, why is his enemy the Unknown Book, and the methods of the Unknown Book are extremely strange.

Every time he can only passively parry.

"Don't worry, Wuzun and I will try our best to restore the order of time and space." Heng Gu comforted.

Ye Tianling shook his head.

"You don't have confidence in me?" Heng Gu frowned.

"No confidence." Ye Tianling looked at him and said, "Think about it for yourself, when did we ever do something unknown? Which one was not a fiasco? How do you make me have confidence in you..."

"..." Heng Gu was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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