Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 595 Talking about the ideal of life

Chapter 595 Talking about the ideal of life
"You must have confidence this time, because... I have no chance before." Heng Gu said solemnly. ,
Ye Tianling nodded lightly, his heart is not very solemn.

The Unknown Book has always been a winner, and it has been deployed for countless years. This last time, if the Unknown Book wins, it will be a complete victory, and they will not have the slightest chance of coming back.

"Does Wuming care about Tianshu?" Ye Tianling asked.

"I don't know." Heng Gu shook his head. Although Tianshu is the heir of him and Wuming, but... if Wuming cared, he wouldn't make so many things.

"Even if she cares, but...she knows you and me very well, she won't think that we will threaten her with the book of heaven." Heng Gu sighed.

Ye Tianling sighed in his heart, it seems that if he wants to deal with Wuming, he can only... rely on powerful strength.

Heng Gu said at this time: "When you go to the Tianjiao Concentration Camp on the seventh floor, you must be careful. Wuming cultivated the seeds, and this seeds will try to kill you!"

"Do you know who those people are?" Ye Tianling asked.

Heng Gu shook his head and said: "I don't know, but... as long as it is aimed at you, it should be killed!"

Ye Tianling nodded. He looked at Heng Gu and asked: "Before Wu Zun told me that some of my heirs might be controlled by Wu Ming. If this is the case, will I become an enemy of my daughter?"

Heng Gu looked at Ye Tianling and said, "You don't have to think too much, it's just a guess for the time being, maybe your heir will be controlled by Wuming."

Ye Tianling nodded lightly. At this point, he can only take one step at a time.

Heng Gu said: "You remember, every time you go to the first floor of space, you have to climb the dragon ladder. There is an incarnation of will at the top of the dragon ladder. If there are any major changes, we will pass on the information to you in this way."

"Okay." Ye Tianling nodded.

Heng Gu's figure gradually disappeared, Ye Tianling withdrew from the Sea of ​​Consciousness, his eyes swept down, and saw that many forces were talking to Luo Yiyi, nothing more than trying to get close and let Luo Yiyi join their respective forces.

Ye Tianling didn't say anything, just sat and rested at the top of the dragon ladder.

The Immortal King of Liu Jianzong looked at Ye Tianling above and shouted: "Your Excellency, if you join Liu Jianzong, Liu Jianzong will definitely train you vigorously and give you inexhaustible resources."

The Immortal King of the Gale Wind Sect shouted to Ye Tianling: "If you join the Gale Wind Sect, I believe the suzerain will definitely give you a high status and recommend you to the Tianjiao Concentration Camp on the seventh floor."

The Immortal King of Langya Pavilion shouted to Ye Tianling: "With your talent, you won't be able to stay in the second-floor space for long. Langya Pavilion wants to make friends with you and send you a lot of treasures for your self-defense."

The Immortal King of Langya Pavilion changed his mind, he knew that it would be impossible for Ye Tianling to join any force.

It's better to provide a lot of resources, make friends with Ye Tianling, and leave a good relationship.

Ye Tianling still sat at the top, unmoved by the words of the three major forces.

Ye Tianling looked down and said to them: "I will not join any forces."

The Immortal King of Langya Pavilion smiled and said: "It's okay if you don't join, how about treating you to a glass of wine?"

Ye Tianling smiled and said: "You don't need to drink, I have to wait for someone here."

"Who are you waiting for?" Langya Pavilion Immortal King shouted.

"Fateful person." Ye Tianling smiled.

"..." Langya Pavilion, Liu Jianzong, Gaefengzong and others were all speechless, waiting for the destined person, who is the destined person?

At this time, Ye Tianling looked at Luo Yiyi below and said, "Stay here for the time being."

Luo Yiyi nodded lightly, her heart was still agitated, her father was so eye-catching.

"Why don't you come down first..."

Luo Yiyi said in secret language: "Is it too strange to stay on the top?"

Ye Tianling smiled and whispered through voice transmission: "I want to wait for someone. This position is very conspicuous, and people can see it at a glance."

"Okay." Luo Yiyi didn't say anything, and found a place to sit down.

At this time.

A group of people flew over from the distant sky, all of them looked extremely arrogant.

One of the youths said: "This time we will be able to climb the Dragon Ladder above the [-]th floor, and then we will be able to enter the concentration camp on the seventh floor." The person who finished speaking was named Sun Jian.

"Hehe, it's only natural. After entering the Tianjiao Concentration Camp, we will be able to shine at that time." The woman in white smiled softly, her name was Bai Luoxue.

The person on the right was named Huang Chen. He glanced at the dragon ladder, and when he saw a person sitting on the top of the dragon ladder, he almost fell out of the sky in fright.

"Look, there is someone at the top of the dragon ladder." Huang Chen.

"How is it possible!" Bai Luoxue didn't believe it, and then looked over with her beautiful eyes.

Sun Jian didn't believe it either, but when he saw Ye Tianling on the top of the dragon ladder, he stared in shock.

"How is this possible...someone can climb to the top?" Sun Jian trembled.

"Go and see what's going on!" Bai Luoxue said, and the three of them flew at a very high speed, and soon appeared under the dragon ladder.

They looked up at Ye Tianling at the top of the dragon ladder, couldn't help frowning, and asked the people around them: "Who is this person? He even reached the top!"

Someone replied: "This person's origin is unknown, but he climbed the dragon ladder. With such aptitude, he will definitely become a master in the future and rule the entire world."

The three of Bai Luoxue were shocked. Someone with unknown origin climbed to the top of the dragon ladder, which indicated that there was a certain possibility of reaching the dominance level in the future.

Such a person must make good friends.

Bai Luoxue looked up at Ye Tianling with her beautiful eyes, and her heart was beating wildly. Is this a heartbeat?
Ye Tianling above was sitting there leisurely. Now that he has reached the top, this news will soon spread everywhere.

If Ye Mo, Ye Fu and the others knew about this, they would come here soon.


Ye Tianling patted his forehead, he almost forgot one thing, he said to the people below: "My name is Ye Tianling, if you know someone who knows me, please bring them here."

"Definitely." Everyone said one after another.

Now that Ye Tianling has the martial arts aptitude to become a master, he must try his best to please him.

Ye Tianling smiled, now his name will be on the entire second floor, so... there should be no need to stay here anymore.

Ye Tianling walked down the dragon ladder.

Countless people flocked here.

The Immortal King of Liu Jianzong invited Ye Tianling: "Brother Ye, how about I treat you to a meal?"

The Immortal King of Gale Wind Sect invited with a smile: "Brother Ye, let me treat you to a meal, and how about watching the beauties dance? They are all top-notch beauties, with long legs and big white rabbits."

The Immortal King of Langya Pavilion smiled, looked at Ye Tianling and said, "With your talent in martial arts, there will definitely be countless beauties chasing you. I don't think you are short of beauties. Why don't we talk about your ideals in life?"

(End of this chapter)

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