Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 598 Xiao Ran Comes

Chapter 598 Xiao Ran Comes
outside the palace.

Liu Jianzong's suzerain, Liu Xianxian, went to take a bath, and then walked into the palace with wet hair.

Countless people looked back, envious and jealous, Liu Xianxian is a two-step celestial being, and now he is favored by the ruler who may rule the world in the future...

So... one can imagine how limitless Liu Xianxian's future is.

Several two-step Tianzun are also envious.

The lord of the Holy Light Hall, Mu Qiu, is also a beauty, and she secretly wants to replace Liu Xianxian and serve Ye Tianling.

Ye Tianling will be the master in the future, enough to make her, the Heavenly Venerable, bow her head and submit obediently.

inside the palace.

Dressed in white clothes, Liu Xianxian walked flutteringly, seeing Ye Tianling in front of her with her eyes closed, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"I'm here." Liu Xianxian said out loud.

Ye Tianling opened her eyes, and Ye Yiyi on the side also opened her beautiful eyes. She looked at Ye Tianling with a frown, wouldn't she really want to do that?

Ye Tianling looked at Liu Xianxian and said calmly, "Why are you here?"

"Didn't you ask me to come?" Liu Xianxian said in amazement.

"Hehe...do you want to be my woman so much?" Ye Tianling asked.

"Looking around the world, is there anyone who doesn't want to be the king's woman?" Liu Xianxian's beautiful eyes glowed with autumn colors.

"Hehe..." Ye Tianling didn't say anything more, waved his hand at Liu Xianxian, and said, "You go, I'm not interested in you."

"Not interested?" Liu Xianxian was taken aback. Didn't she still want to possess her before?
Liu Xianxian thought for a while, and finally her face turned ugly. It turned out that Ye Tianling was dumping her!
She didn't dare to say anything, she couldn't afford to offend the future ruler.

Liu Xianxian turned and walked out of the palace.

Seeing this, everyone was stunned, came out so soon?
Ye Tianling wouldn't be able to finish the job in just a while, could he?After all, he is cultivating, and his body is very strong, so it is impossible for him to spend so little time.

The lord of the Holy Light Hall, Mu Qiu, looked at Liu Xianxian, and asked in secret voice transmission: "What's going on!"

"He dumped me! He doesn't want me at all!" Liu Qianqian whispered through voice transmission.

Mu Qiu was stunned, dumping someone?
Unexpectedly, Ye Tianling was not the kind of lustful man. It seemed that she had no chance.

Liu Xianxian left here, feeling ashamed to stay any longer.

inside the palace.

Ye Tianling closed his eyes and pondered.

Now he is the First Layer Immortal King.

Above the Immortal King is Tianzun, and above Tianzun is the master, and it is only two big realms away.

When Wuming is destroyed, he will live in seclusion with his wife and daughter and live a happy life.

Zhanchen, Dividing Soul, Xianfu, Shengyuan, Immortal King, Tianzun


Ye Tianling thought about it for a while, and he was full of calculations. He has only been in the fairyland for a year, and he has already stood at the fifth level of martial arts, the realm of the fairy king.

Give him less than two years, perhaps, he can really reach the supreme, even... the master!
"Two years... almost..." Ye Tianling said leisurely, he has lived a hundred million years, and there are only two years left, as long as he persists, he will survive.

Ye Yiyi on the side closed her eyes and fell asleep.

In the second floor space.

A beautiful figure flew across the sky, she opened her eyes and ears, and heard some people's discussions in the distance.

"Tell you a very big thing." A middle-aged man said excitedly.

"What is so exciting!" Someone was speechless.

"It must be something that excites you all." The middle-aged man took a deep breath and said, "Do you know that for the first time in thousands of years, someone can climb the Dragon Ladder and reach the top!"

"What? Someone can reach the top? Tell me who is that person? Which faction is it?"

"It's not of any power, it's a young man of unknown origin, only 17 years old, named Ye Tianling." The middle-aged man said, "He's kissing the second step Tianzun Liu Xianxian near the dragon ladder right now."

"Has Liu Xianxian been conquered?" Several people's eyes widened. They all knew that Liu Xianxian was a second-step celestial being.

"Yes, that Ye Tianling asked for it." The middle-aged man said.

In the distance, that beautiful figure's face was quite ugly, she gritted her teeth and cursed: "Bastard! Want to take another person? Dreaming!"

Qianying urged the treasure of Tianzun to move across the void.

The same scene, in another place...

After hearing the news about Ye Tianling, a series of beautiful shadows came here one after another!

But at this time Ye Tianling was lazily lying on the couch, his eyes were puzzled, it had been a few days, why...his wife hasn't come to him yet?

Ye Yiyi leaned her head on Ye Tianling's shoulder, looking sleepy...

She opened her eyes dimly, looked at Ye Tianling, and said, "Father... I've been here for a long time, it's really boring, I'm going to sleep to death..."

"Then you can practice." Ye Tianling glanced at her and said.

"I don't want to practice..." Ye Yiyi closed her eyes again, she is not keen on martial arts, so she can rest if she can.

"..." Ye Tianling was speechless.

He never thought that...his descendants are not enthusiastic about martial arts, and want to sleep when they hear martial arts...

Although sometimes there will be a moment of excitement and want to practice, but it is only a moment of enthusiasm.

"It's full of negative energy...it makes dad want to sleep..." Ye Tianling said speechlessly.

At this time.

A beautiful figure came from the palace, a woman in fluttering white clothes, tall and graceful, with a poetic and picturesque face, too beautiful to behold.

She held a very long braid in her hand, and her beautiful eyes stared forward.

A strange woman was leaning on Ye Tianling's shoulder!


The long whip in the woman's hand flicked suddenly, and a thunderous sound exploded, waking up the drowsy Ye Tianling and Ye Yiyi!
Ye Tianling looked at the woman in white with joy on his face, got up and said, "Well... finally it's you."


Xiao Ran brandished his long whip and blatantly threw it at Ye Tianling, taking advantage of their absence, was he being dishonest again?
This weak-looking woman is that two-step Heavenly Venerable Liu Xianxian?
What about the two-step Tianzun?She has a two-star treasure, who is afraid of whom?


Swept with a whip.

Ye Tianling was startled, and hurriedly shouted: "What are you doing?"

Ye Tianling punched out and caught the long whip.

Xiao Ran looked at Ye Tianling coldly with beautiful eyes, and said coldly: "You are so close to this Liu Xianxian, come to think of it, you added another one to us, right?"

Xiao Ran said coldly: "I don't mind Qingxue, Menghan, Sister Miao, and the unfound Ruoxi, that's because we knew each other in the previous life! And...this Liu Xianxian...absolutely not!"

Ye Tianling didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and quickly explained: "She's not Liu Xianxian, she's my daughter."

"Girl?" Xiao Ran looked at Ye Yiyi suspiciously, Ye Yiyi was in the Soul Separation Realm, and... the root bone age was 99!

This is the same age as her daughter Ye Yaoyao.

Xiao Ran was embarrassed, his face slightly unnatural, so she made a mistake...

"What's going on here?" Xiao Ran stopped and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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