Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 599 Detecting Blood Veins

Chapter 599 Detecting Blood Veins

Ye Tianling briefly talked about meeting Ye Yiyi when he came to the second floor space.

Xiao Ran looked at Ye Yiyi with beautiful eyes, could this Ye Yiyi be Qingxue's daughter?
"When Qingxue comes, we will conduct a blood test." Ye Tianling said.

Xiao Ran nodded lightly.

Ye Yiyi sized up Xiao Ran with beautiful eyes, it was undeniable that Xiao Ran was indeed beautiful.

Is this woman her father's woman?

"Just wait here." Ye Tianling said.

Xiao Ran rolled his eyes and said, "I heard that you climbed the Dragon Ladder to the top, and I want to climb it too."

"Okay..." Ye Tianling smiled, actually he didn't know Xiao Ran's specific martial arts aptitude very well, he only knew that he was at the Super Emperor Star level.

The three walked out of the palace, and many people looked over.

Several Tianzun looked at Ye Tianling and the three of them without saying anything.

At this time.

Xiao Ran walked towards the dragon ladder, with fluttering white clothes and flying hair.

Everyone is watching, but they want to know how many floors of the Dragon Ladder Xiao Ran can climb!
Lin Langtian looked at Ye Tianling and asked with a smile, "Who is this woman?"

"My wife." Ye Tianling said.

"It's beautiful, and it's magnificent." Lin Langtian praised.

Ye Tianling ignored him. Although what Lin Langtian said was true, there was also a sense of deliberate intimacy.

Ye Yiyi looked at the beautiful figure on the dragon ladder, and asked Ye Tianling: "Can she climb to the [-]th floor?"

"Maybe." Ye Tianling said.

Lin Langtian, Mu Qiu, and Nie Feng couldn't help looking over. Can Xiao Ran climb to the eight hundredth floor?That's a first-class super emperor star.


Xiao Ran has already reached the [-]th floor.

She walked at a normal speed, not many people paid attention at first, but when Xiao Ran climbed to the [-]th floor, many eyes couldn't help but look over.

"Six hundred floors... already the qualifications of a low-level super emperor star." Someone sighed.

The number of super emperor stars is very small, and every time one appears, it will attract the attention of countless people.

The eyes of Lin Langtian and the others froze slightly. Is he another Tianjiao?
Moreover, they are still husband and wife with Ye Tianling. It seems that birds of a feather really flock together and people are divided into groups. They are all monsters.

Seven hundred floors.

Everyone's eyes widened. There won't be another top-ranking genius, right?

Ye Tianling also looked at Xiao Ran on the dragon ladder, he could tell that Xiao Ran's expression was calm, and he could still walk another step.

Eight hundred floors.

Everyone yelled, the 890th floor is already a high-level super emperor star, and if you go to the [-]th floor, you will be the overlord of the super emperor star, and you will only be able to reach the master by one step.

Ye Yiyi exclaimed: "Looking at the situation, he is going to become the overlord of the Super Emperor Star!"

Ye Tianling nodded lightly, thoughtfully, it might be too low for Xiao Ran to reach the [-]th floor.

After all, Xiao Ran is only 17 years old. If it wasn't for the cultivation of his Dao heart in the early stage and the addition of his skills, he wouldn't even be a super emperor star, let alone a super emperor star.

It is already very good to be able to reach such a level now, as for the nine hundredth floor and above... there is almost no possibility.

Unless Xiao Ran can restore the memories of previous lives!
Xiao Ran was still climbing the ladder, but when he reached the ninth floor of 890, his body stopped and he felt a terrifying pressure!

Xiao Ran knew that the emergence of this pressure meant that her martial arts aptitude could only take one step forward.

"Can't you become a master..." Xiao Ran frowned, she knew that only by becoming a master can she be immortal and immortal!
And now...

She couldn't be the master, and she couldn't help feeling disappointed.


There are still countless people who stared wide-eyed. The aptitude of the overlord of the Super Emperor Star is already very powerful, okay?
Even if you can't become a master, but... how many people in the world can reach the master state?

To become the Supreme is already very powerful!

Xiao Ran walked down and started discussing one by one.

"Another future Supreme!" Lin Langtian was shocked, this Ye Tianling's wife has the qualifications of Supreme.

Mu Qiu and Nie Feng were also shaken in their hearts.

Xiao Ran walked up to Ye Tianling, and said disappointedly: "If you can't reach the [-]th floor, you won't be able to become the master."

"It's okay." Ye Tianling comforted: "There will be opportunities in the future."

Xiao Ran nodded lightly and said nothing.

After hearing this, the people around were all speechless!

Are your goals too high?Do you have to dominate the realm?

Supreme is already very powerful, okay?

At this time.

The sky suddenly filled with a treasure power!
The power of the treasure is surging/surging.

Everyone looked up one after another, only to see a few streamers of light coming across the sky!

until it stops above.

Many people's eyes flashed with astonishment.


There are several beautiful women, all of them are standing on a treasure, and the level of the treasure has reached two stars.

Ye Tianling and Xiao Ran looked up, and when they saw a few women, they couldn't help smiling.

When the girls above saw Ye Tianling and Xiao Ran, they couldn't help rushing towards them.

"Husband..." Qingxue threw herself directly into Ye Tianling's arms. This scene made many people raise their eyebrows. Are they husband and wife again?

Depend on!
Are all of them so beautiful?

Although martial arts practitioners don't have ugly girls, but... there are very few queens like this.

And this is not the most important thing, the important thing is... everyone has a treasure!

And they are all two-star treasures!
Chi Menghan and Ouyang Qing didn't say anything.

Meimou just glanced at Ye Yiyi suspiciously.

after a little while.

Ye Tianling said to Qingxue: "I have a surprise for you."

"What surprise?" Qingxue said with a smile, she was already very happy to see Ye Tianling.

"Look..." Ye Tianling looked at Ye Yiyi.

Qingxue looked at Ye Yiyi with her beautiful eyes, and she could tell at a glance that Ye Yiyi's root age was 99 years old!

This couldn't help but make her heart skip a beat.

"what do you mean……"

"That's right, I have a blood resonance with her, and besides...she looks like you before." Ye Tianling said.

Qingxue looked at Ye Yiyi with beautiful eyes, feeling quite excited in her heart, now she only needs to have a blood resonance with Ye Yiyi!

However, opposites attract, same-sex repel, and it is not easy to detect blood resonance between same-sex through normal methods.

You can only use what Xiao Ran and Ye Yaoyao did before!

"You go first." Ye Tianling said.

Qingxue nodded, she glanced at the palace, and asked Ye Tianling: "Whose palace is that?"

"Other people's." Ye Tianling said: "But we can also stay."

Qingxue smiled faintly, and moved out a palace out of thin air from the storage ring, to test her talent with Ye Yiyi, she was going to take off her clothes.

In someone else's palace, very unnatural.

"Let's go." Qingxue looked at Ye Yiyi with beautiful eyes, expecting in her heart that this is her daughter.

Ye Yiyi nodded lightly, Qingxue's beauty and temperament moved her, just like Dongyue's padded jacket, which can make people warm instantly.

The two entered it.

Ye Tianling looked at Chi Menghan and Ouyang Qing and asked, "Do you have any news about Yaoyao?"

"No." Chi Menghan shook his head with Ouyang Qing and said, "She has a three-star treasure, and she will be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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