Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 600 Nie Huo Enforcer

Chapter 600 Nie Huo Enforcer

Ye Tianling nodded lightly, and he gave the three-star treasure to Ye Yaoyao, and Ye Yaoyao would be fine in the second-floor space.

As for the God of War Palace, nothing will happen. With so many quasi-celestial beings, the condensed power is enough to run amok!
Now the only ones left outside are Ye Yaoyao, Ye Fu, and Ye Mo.

At this time.

A person came, it was Nie Huo, the enforcer of the second-floor space.

Nie Huo smiled and said to Ye Tianling: "I am the law enforcer of the second floor, and you are qualified to dominate the realm. I have already reported to the law enforcers of the third floor, and the law enforcers of the third floor will pass the news to the fourth floor." Space, the law enforcement officers on the fourth floor will pass the news to the fifth floor, and finally to the seventh floor, and then... an envoy will come to take you to the Tianjiao Concentration Camp!"

Ye Tianling glanced at him and said nothing.

Tianjiao Concentration Camp, he will go sooner or later, but...not standing in the...

He had to climb the dragon ladder on each floor before staying in the seventh floor.

Nie Huo frowned, why did Ye Tianling ignore him?

"Presumably you don't know the meaning of Tianjiao Concentration Camp. When you get there, there are many Chaodi stars, and there may be monsters who can climb to the master!"

"I will go to Tianjiao Concentration Camp, but not now..." Ye Tianling said lightly.

Nie Huo was puzzled, if he didn't go to Tianjiao Concentration Camp, where would he go?

Ye Tianling didn't say anything more.

At this time.

In the distant sky, two people flew together, one wearing a red cassock, the other wearing a red robe, handsome and extraordinary.

When Ye Tianling looked up and saw the two of them, he couldn't help but smile.

Now Ye Fu and Ye Mo are both Immortal Kings of the First Layer, and they are one step closer to the peak.

Ye Fu and Ye Mo rushed over.

When Ouyang Qing saw Ye Mo, he couldn't help walking over. Ye Mo lightly put his arms around her slender waist, looked at Ye Tianling and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Fortunately, I bumped into one of the heirs in the second-floor space, and I was resonating with Qingxue in the blood." Ye Tianling said.

Ye Mo nodded lightly.

"It's fine now, do you want to climb the stairs together?" Ye Tianling said to several people.

Thaksin Ye Mo and Ye Fu's martial arts aptitude would definitely reach the top, but he didn't know the martial arts talents of Chi Menghan and the others, so he wanted to see it now.

"Okay." Ye Mo and Ye Fu looked up at the dragon ladder, Chi Menghan's beautiful eyes were shining, she also wanted to know if she could ascend to the master, if she could ascend to the master, she would be able to resurrect her parents in this world in the future!

Chi Menghan was the first to walk to the dragon ladder, followed by Ouyang Qing, Ye Mo and Ye Fu.

Nie Huo looked at Ye Tianling and asked, "The qualifications of these people must not be too bad, right?"

Nie Huo's eyes flickered.

Birds of a feather flock together.

To be able to have such a close relationship with Ye Tianling, the martial arts talent must not be weak, maybe even very high.

"It's okay." Ye Tianling said lightly.

Nie Huo and the others looked around.

The four of them, Chi Menghan, didn't walk slowly step by step, they didn't want to waste time at all, they just wanted to know what talent they were as soon as possible.

One hundred floors!

Two hundred floors!
Three hundred floors!
Four hundred floors!
Five hundred floors!
Six hundred floors, seven hundred floors, eight hundred floors!

Climbed the [-]th floor in one breath!
And four of them reached the [-]th floor at the same time!
Nie Huo, Mu Qiu, Lin Langtian and others all showed shocking expressions. Is this... so powerful!

Climb to the [-]th floor in one breath, which is directly the aptitude of a superior super emperor star!

Can they continue to climb again?
When everyone was shocked, Chi Menghan and the others continued to climb the stairs!

830, 890, 890 nine!

At this level.

Chi Menghan and Ouyang Qing suddenly felt a coercion like a mountain torrent and a tsunami, making it impossible for the two girls to take another step forward!
"Can't we just stop here!" Chi Menghan's beautiful eyes flashed a deep unwillingness. If she can't become the master, how will her parents be resurrected?

"Break!" Chi Menghan shouted in her heart, controlling her body with firm will, making her lift her foot up with difficulty.

But finally!
Chi Menghan trembled all over, and his figure was suddenly thrown upside down by the terrifying pressure and flew out of the dragon ladder!
Seeing this, Ye Tianling moved and caught Chi Menghan in mid-air.

Then slowly descend!

There was deep disappointment in Chi Menghan's eyes. She tried her best and still couldn't climb to the [-]th floor, so she would not be qualified to be a master!
"I can't be the master anymore." A mist gradually appeared in Chi Menghan's beautiful eyes.

"It's not bad to be a supreme." Ye Tianling comforted.

"You can't be the master, you'll be the salted fish!" Chi Menghan shook her head, she just wanted to revive her parents.

What's the use of being a Supreme if you can't resurrect her parents?

When the people around heard Chi Menghan's words, they all felt as if ten thousand dark horses had stepped over their hearts!

Is this saying they are salted fish in disguise?
But they couldn't refute it.

People with supreme resources think so, how can they refute?
They looked at the dragon ladder again, only to see Ouyang Qing come down.

It also stops at the 890th floor.

And Ye Mo and Ye Fu have reached the 930th floor, which made countless people's eyes widen!

930 floors, which means there is a 30.00% chance of becoming the master!
Juggernaut, looking at the world, there is only one Juggernaut known so far!
And now, Ye Mo and Ye Fu also have the potential to reach the Domination Realm!

970, nine hundred and ninety, nine hundred and ninety nine!climb to the top!

Ye Fu and Ye Mo reached the top soon!
Nie Huo waited for Erbu Tianzun's eyes to widen!

This is really like dividing people into groups and like attracting birds of a feather!

Too good!

With the addition of Ye Tianling, the three futures are bound to be masters!
After Ye Mo and Ye Fu climbed to the top, they looked at each other, and then walked down the dragon ladder.

Whether they can climb the Juggernaut, they know in their minds, but climbing the Dragon Ladder is just to make sure.

It turned out that they were all able to ascend to the Overlord!

After walking down the dragon ladder.

Nie Huo hurried over and said to Ye Mo and Ye Fu, "You two will become masters in the future, and when the time comes, I will send you to Tianjiao Concentration Camp!"

"Not interested." Ye Mo glanced at him.

"Not interested?" Nie Huo was stunned for a moment, and then said immediately: "In the Tianjiao Concentration Camp, there are many Chaodi stars, and they can be cultivated vigorously by the Supreme. Don't you want to grow up as soon as possible?"

Ye Mo cast a glance at him and walked over to Ye Tianling.

"What do you think of Tianjiao Concentration Camp?" Ye Mo asked.

Ye Tianling smiled and said: "Sooner or later, Tianjiao Concentration Camp will go, but it's not now."

Ye Mo nodded lightly.

Ye Tianling suggested: "I plan to send them all to Tianjiao concentration camp first, where they can grow faster!"

Ye Mo's eyes flickered, and finally nodded.

"That's fine." Ye Fu nodded.

"I'm not going!" Xiao Ran, who was at the side, said dissatisfiedly.

"We must go!" Ye Tianling looked at her.

"No!" Xiao Ran said.

(End of this chapter)

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