Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 696 Ye Yiyi Ye Yu Revives

Chapter 696 Ye Yiyi Ye Yu Revives
"Why are you fighting?"

Su Tianling said slowly: "Because of a very strong existence, the only way to kill you and gain your strength will make us stronger. Only in this way can we deal with that existence."

"That existence?" Ye Tianling frowned, could it be that he had guessed wrong all along.

Wasn't the horror predicted by the Book of Destiny her previous life?
"Who is that terrifying existence?" Ye Tianling looked at Su Tianling and said in a deep voice: "No Zun is dead, and the Book of Karma, which is as famous as the Book of Destiny, should have died in the hands of that person."

"It's not surprising that Wuzun was killed." Su Tianling said softly, Wuzun has not reached the peak of dominance, and being killed is a normal thing.

"The question is, Wu Zun has comprehended the elements of life, why is he still killed? Don't you find it strange that people who are already immortal can still be killed?"

Ye Tianling watched them, and slowly said: "I guess now, that dark horror may be Henggu!"

"Heng Gu?" Su Tianling and the others frowned slightly. Although they had some contact with that existence, they hadn't seen his true face yet.

Ye Tianling slowly said some things, mainly about the Tun Tian Jue.

After everyone heard this, their expressions froze.

"Where are the others?" Su Tianling frowned and asked, his divine sense scanned the worlds, but he didn't find the existence of Henggu.

"I don't know." Ye Tianling shook his head lightly, looked at the three of Su Tianling and said, "You want to kill us, but before that, can you join forces and compete with that existence, if we lose, we can finally discuss the future thing."

"This is not a matter of one plus one equals two. Even if we join forces, we may not be his opponent." Su Tianling shook his head.

"How do you know if you don't try?" Ye Tianling stared at him, and said slowly: "If he shows up, let's fight first!"

The three of Su Tianling looked at each other and reached a common will.

"Yes." The three nodded.

"Let's stay together during this time, so as not to cause accidents." Ye Tianling said, and opened up a space with everything in it.

Among them, there is a unique courtyard.

Ye Tianling said: "How about going in and talking?"

"Okay." The three of Su Tianling nodded.

In the yard, everyone drank and exchanged a lot of information during the process.

At this time, multiple beautiful figures appeared out of thin air.

Their beautiful eyes looked at Ye Tianling, Ye Mo, Ye Fu, and Ye Yaoyao and others.

There is a complex look in their eyes.

Ye Tianling and the others were also looking at these women with mixed feelings in their hearts.

These women are all his own women in previous lives.

"This life is good."

One of the beautiful women whispered softly.

After hearing this, Su Tianling frowned slightly. He did not refute the woman's words, because he also felt that this life was very good.

Not only the wives are reunited, but even the children are born.

Ye Tianling released the bodies of Ye Yiyi and Ye Yu in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Who are these two?" Qianying on the opposite side frowned.

"Ruoxi and Qingxue's daughter." Ye Tianling said lightly, and immediately, life elements gushed out to revive the two daughters.

He is already at the pinnacle of domination, Ye Yiyi and Ye Yu should be able to revive.

Ye Fu and Ye Mo were also staring at this scene, they ruined their lives, and they really hoped to see the two girls come back to life.

As time passed, the corpses of Ye Yiyi and Ye Yu did not have the slightest breath of life, and there was no sign of resurrection.

Wuming reminded: "You have to go back to the past, take out the original life essence, and then put it into their mouths, maybe you can be resurrected."

"Life essence?"

The expressions of Ye Tianling, Lin Ruoxi, and Ye Qingxue changed slightly.

The essence of life is available for both men and women.

The life essence of a man is stored in the kidneys, and can be separated from the body after the marriage.

A woman's life essence is stored in her stomach, and one will be excreted every month.

Ye Tianling frowned, looked at Wuming, and said, "There is more than one billion life essence at a time, how do I know which one it is?"

"There will be a sense at that time, and you will know which one it is." Wuming whispered.

Ye Tianling nodded lightly, and then looked at Lin Ruoxi and Ye Qingxue, their pretty faces were slightly flushed, even though they were married long ago, this kind of thing still sounds ridiculous.

"I'll take you back to the past."

Ye Tianling took the two of them across the river of time and returned to the Tianling Continent. The birth of Ye Yiyi and Ye Yu was almost in the last few years.

He still remembers that in the last few years, several daughters-in-law took turns to serve him, one year at a time.

In the long river of time, in a secret place in Lingtian Holy Land, there is a yard inside, and there is a room in the yard.

In the room, Ye Tianling was doing something pleasant with Ye Qingxue.

"Qingxue, I'll get your life essence, you can get mine." Ye Tianling looked at her and said.

"En." Ye Qingxue nodded slightly, a little shy.

Ye Tianling gave her a blank look, she is an old couple, what is there to be ashamed of, I don't understand.


In an instant, Ye Tianling took out Ye Qingxue's life essence easily. After all, girls only excrete one a month, so it's easy to get it.

Ye Qingxue was a little confused, at a glance, it was more than a billion, what should I do?
Ye Qingxue stared at all the processes, and finally found that one was very powerful and stood out among the lives of more than one billion.

"That's it." Ye Qingxue's beautiful eyes flashed, and she immediately grabbed it. Not long after, the rest of her life died.

Ye Qingxue sighed, "If you succeed, you will die."

13 billion, only one person reached the top in the end.

The rest are all dead.

"Ruoxi, it's your turn." Ye Tianling looked at her and said.

"En." Jun Ruoxi nodded, confused at first, but she managed to find it.

After finishing, the three of Ye Tianling returned to this life, and then put the essence of life into the mouths of Ye Yiyi and Ye Yu respectively.

Soon, there was a burst of vitality on the two of them, and Ye Tianling was delighted when he saw this, and it really worked.


Ye Tianling enveloped Ye Yiyi and Ye Yu with the life elements, and it will take you a while.

Ye Yiyi and Ye Yu's fingers moved slightly, and then slowly opened their eyes, their eyes were hazy and puzzled.

"Didn't I die?" Ye Yiyi blinked, she turned her head lightly, looked at Ye Tianling and the others, and smiled shyly: "Father, why are you all dead?"

"Yiyi." Ye Qingxue saw that she woke up, two lines of tears ran down her cheeks and dripped on the ground, she stepped forward to hug her, and said excitedly: "We are not dead, we are still alive."

"Not dead?" Ye Yiyi pinched her own flesh, feeling some pain.

"I'm really not dead." Ye Yiyi cried excitedly, she remembered that she was obviously dead.

Ye Qingxue hugged her without explaining, she will explain this matter slowly later.

On the other side, Ye Yu and Jun Ruoxi wept bitterly, Ye Tianling felt relieved, and it would be good to be resurrected.

(End of this chapter)

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