Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 697 The Great Ruler

Chapter 697 The Great Ruler

Others felt relieved, no matter who they were, they all hoped that Ye Yiyi and Ye Yu could be resurrected.

"Where did the Heavenly Book go?" Ye Tianling wondered, he hadn't seen the Heavenly Book for a long time.

"At Henggu's place." Wuming said in a deep voice.

Ye Tianling frowned slightly, and said: "If Heng Gu is really dark and terrifying, will he take Tianshu as a hostage to threaten us?"

Wuming frowned, but she didn't know.

The hearts of Ye Tianling and the others sank slightly.

They used to think that Heng Gu was very decent and a victim in the incident, but since that day, they have all kinds of doubts about Heng Gu.

And Heng Gu didn't come up with a convincing explanation, which made them even more suspicious of Heng Gu.

Sometimes, a decent person behaves completely differently from a wicked person.

A decent person will not do things secretly.

But the evil sect uses everything.

If the previous Heng Gu was upright, they could still infer that Heng Gu would not take his own child as a hostage.

However, it was speculated later.

The integration of Eternal Ancient and Nameless is actually to comprehend the Dao of Wuming, and being with the Book of Karma is also to comprehend the Dao of the Book of Karma.

Based on these two points, it is enough to explain that what they do has a targeted purpose.

Then, if he did something like taking his own daughter as a hostage, there was a high possibility that he would do so.

"If he really did that!" Wuming said with a calm face, "We will focus on the overall situation!"

Ye Tianling and the others were speechless, focusing on the overall situation, so they didn't have to worry too much.

"Let's look at the situation again." Ye Tianling said softly: "If it really comes to this point, it's the only way to go."

Su Tianling slowly said: "To dominate the peak is not the highest state. Even if you kill Tianshu at that time, you may be resurrected. The premise is that you can reach that state."

"What realm?" Ye Tianling looked at Su Tianling, and he had already guessed in his heart.

There may be another realm above the domination.

"Great master!" Su Tianling stared slightly, and said slowly: "Our master realm, life, death, creation, and destruction, are just these four elements, but in my opinion, the real master should not be just like this , but everything in the world can be dominated!"

"As for this realm, I guess, there may only be one person who can reach this level." Su Tianling said.

"Great Master" Ye Tianling's eyes showed deep color, he had thought about this question before.

The real master should also include controlling the source of fate, the source of cause and effect, so that it can be regarded as a real master, otherwise, how can it be said to be a real master?
"How to cross this step?" Wuming asked, listening to the conversation of several people, she also felt that the real master should be the master.

In the past, fate and karma became three points.

Henggu is in charge of the past, she is in charge of the future, and the book of karma is in charge of karma.

According to the true master, it should be in control of everything.

It's like, a piece of land is divided into three parts, and the three legs stand together.

However, the real master should recover these lands, and only after they are unified can they be regarded as the real master.

"Swallowing the sky!" Ye Tianling's eyes flickered, perhaps, only the swallowing the sky can achieve this step.

"Swallowing the sky? You said before that the swallowing the sky that Heng Gu taught you is a weakened version. If Heng Gu has the original version, how can we compete with Heng Gu?" Wuming said with a frown.

"You can only know how strong he is now if you have really fought against each other." Ye Tianling speculated: "He wanted to trick us into a barren space before, and he would do this because he was not sure that he would be able to kill the three of us. Once there, he will be able to kill us."

"At least, he is not capable of dealing with so many of us now." Ye Tianling said.

Ye Mo nodded and said, "We'll just stay together during this time."

"En." Everyone nodded, and the current situation can only be like this.

Ye Tianling is not afraid now, his wife, children are all there, and his parents and relatives are in his sea of ​​consciousness.

He has no weakness, Heng Gu can't threaten him.

As for the creatures of the Ten Thousand Realms, death is death. He only does what he can, and if he ignores the overall situation because of kindness, his end will only be worse.

Bang bang bang bang bang!
At this moment, Ye Tianling and the others frowned. They discovered that many small worlds exploded, and all the people inside were dead.

Not only people, but all living things died.

Bang bang bang.

There was another explosion, and all the creatures in the fairyland and borderland died.

Boom!There was an explosion in the heavens, and everyone under the ruler died.

Everyone's eyes flickered, what should come is finally coming.


At this time, the sun seemed to have encountered a nemesis, fell directly, and finally turned into nothingness.

Ye Tianling took his wife and daughter into his sea of ​​consciousness, and Su Tianling also took his wife into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Today, very few people are still alive.

There are only these people left in this huge world.


As the sun fell, the sky became dark, without blue sky, white clouds, or even stars.

The whole world is dark.

"The great sun has fallen, darkness has fallen, and the second prophecy in the Book of Destiny has come true."

Ye Tianling said solemnly.

"Behind that is the burial of Dao and the birth of Emperor Ye!"

Wuming said slowly, she looked at Su Tianling and the others with her beautiful eyes, and said leisurely: "The prophecy in the book of destiny is that Emperor Ye will be born in the end. Your surname is Su now, so...you understand."

Su Tianling frowned, meaning, are they going to sacrifice themselves?
"Husband, if it really comes to that time, let's transform." A voice sounded from Su Tianling's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Husband, we have children in this life, and I don't want to see my children perish." Another voice sounded.

"Understood." Su Tianling said lightly, and drank the wine in the cup in one gulp.

Su Mo and Su Fu remained silent. When the time came, they had no choice but to do so.

"Take a good rest during this time, Heng Gu, I won't do anything for the time being." Ye Tianling said.

Everyone nodded, and then entered their respective palaces.

As long as they are together, facing Heng Gu is worthwhile.

in the dark.

Heng Gu's figure stood there, his eyes were extremely strange, revealing ruthlessness in the strangeness.

"I have planned for several epochs, this life! I must unify all Taos! I will do it, the real master!"

Heng Gu was loud and resolute. He had been preparing for many years. Although he made a mistake at the end, he believed that he could unify all ways!
"It's time for a showdown."

Heng Gu's eyes flickered with a cold light, if there is no agreement in the end, then!Only the final battle.

(End of this chapter)

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