Chapter 174
Striding towards the soft sedan chair that was still waiting there, she swaggered with high spirits.

Sit in the sedan chair, then leave the palace along the original road and return to the Seven Princes' Mansion.

Back at the palace, Feng Yancang had already returned.Waiting for Yue Churen in the hall, he seemed to be in a good mood.

Walking into the hall quickly, while unbuttoning the cloak on his body, Yue Churen said with a smile: "His Royal Highness King Qin is in good health!"

With her thin lips raised, Feng Yancang watched her approach with a smile, "Princess Qin is in high spirits, it seems that all her strength has returned."

"Yeah, the so-called people are in good spirits on happy occasions, and I am quite refreshed now." Turning around, she sat on his lap and put her hand on his shoulder, completely ignoring the guards in the hall.

Feng Yancang's eyes were deep, Feng Yancang looked at her with a smile, "Is there anything wrong with you?"

"Embarrass me? Hehe, at the beginning it was to frighten me by giving me a face. I was thinking at that time that maybe he got angry with you, so he asked me to vent his anger on purpose." Dimple shallow, she was happy very.

Feng Yancang nodded slightly, a sarcasm flashed across his face, "What happened next?"

"Later? Later I frightened him. Think I'm so easy to frighten? I am a person who is not afraid of anything but death." He raised his jaw, his eyes and brows were filled with pride.

"Maybe he's really old, and he won't let go of his power, but he has no power to control it. Looking at everyone, he can't control it. He must be very angry now." Holding Yue Churen's hand and gently squeezing, Feng Yancang's tone was light, as if he was describing an ordinary thing.

"Is it you who threatened the seal? I really didn't expect you to ask for this." Looking at his appearance, Yue Churen felt a little pity.

"You think too much, he is the father, how can I threaten him? Everything is just persecuted by him. He has been sending people to search for his prince in private. Just in the middle of the night yesterday, Feng Yanyi was almost rescued." Speaking of this, the phoenix eyes were filled with coldness.

Yue Churen frowned, "Is he still looking for Feng Yanyi? Why, he still wants Feng Yanyi to take his place?"

"Looking at everyone, Feng Yanyi is the easiest to control." Looking up, his deep pupils were pitch black.

Yue Churen nodded, understanding the key point.

"So you are angry? Don't be angry, this time you are very angry with him." Yue Churen raised his hand along his chest to comfort him.In fact, she felt that although Feng Zhaotian might feel that Feng Yanyi was easy to control, presumably most of it was because he loved that son.It is a kind of love that others cannot understand, and no son can replace it.

"Hehe, I'm out of breath. I'm very happy to see you regain your strength and vigor." Let her caress him, Feng Yancang looked at her with a smile, his eyes were no longer cold, but full of tenderness.

Since the Lantern Festival, the imperial city has undergone some subtle changes.If you inquire carefully, you will know that the imperial city is about to change hands.

The power to defend the inner city of the imperial city has always belonged to King Xiang, and the commander of the imperial guards in the palace is the brother of the fifth king's side concubine.Now that the imperial city's garrison order is under the control of the five kings, it is tantamount to invisible, and the imperial city has fallen into the hands of the five kings.

Upwards, personnel have also been transferred, seemingly unimportant positions, but they have actually moved Liubu's superficial calm.

The seven kings in the past and the Qin king today are also very popular in the court.Many people want to visit, but not everyone can enter Prince Qin's mansion. Those who can enter that door are not only close to Prince Qin, but also to be close to Princess Qin.

At the end of February, the temperature began to rise. In this season, the southern part of Dayan is covered with spring, while the northern part is still covered with snow.

Yan Su would come to King Qin's mansion for nothing, and ask Yue Chu people how to use poison. When she had time, she would go to Jishitang to help. As an apprentice, she did a good job.

"Your flowers grow so well, this one is already about to bloom." In the warm room, Yan Su wandered among the flower stands.In a flower pot, a small flower has buds.

On the other side of the flower stand, Yue Churen was watering the flowers with an exquisite small water bottle. Hearing this, he was all smiles. They sent someone to bring a few pieces of mountain extracts, which are priceless.If she returns gold, silver and jewels, none of them can compare to Shancui, so she bids farewell.

Yan Su turned his head and glanced at Yue Churen, with a faint smile on his gentle face, "You get along very well with Concubine Chen, the ladies in the palace, she is the only guest of honor for you."

"Concubine Chen is very nice, and I am pleasing to the eye. However, I think you also think highly of her." Concubine Chen loves Feng Yanshao deeply, but Yan Su has no special expression.

Yan Su shook his head and smiled helplessly, "She is an unfortunate woman, she has nothing but wealth. However, she has been living very strong, and I admire her. Back then, her father and mother passed away, and her elder brother was far away at the border. I'm alone, it feels like the sky is falling, but I can't fall down and have to carry it. I think she is very similar to me."

Yue Churen looked at her with pity, after all, Yan Su was still a young girl.

"By the way, my brother replied to me a few days ago, and even wrote you a special one. The Border Pass is rich in medicinal materials. He asked Yao Nong about many rare medicinal materials. They are all special products in the remote mountains of the Border Pass. Ask if you need them." Saying that, Yan Su took out a letter from her bosom, she hid it very tightly, but she was also worried that Feng Yancang would see it and cause unnecessary trouble.

Putting down the kettle, Yue Churen took the letter from Yan Su. The handwriting on the envelope was indeed written by Yan Jin, which reminded her of that young general with indifferent sword eyebrows and starry eyes.

Going around the flower stand, she walked to the chair by the window and sat down. Yan Su came out with her and sat beside her, watching Yue Churen's serious face. At a certain moment, she felt that if fate could be changed to fulfill her brother, how much would it be? good.

The letter was very detailed. Yan Jin didn't understand medicinal materials, but he wrote the names of many rare medicinal materials. It can be seen that he had indeed had an in-depth understanding with Yao Nong.

The remote mountains at the border must be very rich. According to Yan Jin's description, many of the thousand-year-old ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum and other high-quality medicinal materials that were tribute came from there.

After doing so, Yue Churen was very interested.Although Dayan's border conditions are difficult, they are very attractive to her.

"How? My brother, a layman, isn't making a joke, right?" Seeing Yue Churen laughing, Yan Su picked up his teacup and said leisurely.

"Your brother is really interesting, his tone sounds like a senior expert. There are so many deep mountains in the border, I like it." She prefers to go into the mountains by herself rather than buying medicinal materials from Yaonong.

Yan Su nodded, and said, "Taiju Mountain and Ziwu Mountain straddle Dayan and the northern border, stretching out for thousands of miles. There are places deep in the mountains that no one has ever been to, and there are many wild animals, which are quite dangerous. "

(End of this chapter)

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