Chapter 175
Yue Churen raised her eyebrows. The temptation of the deep mountains was so great that she couldn't help but think of the time when she went to the deep mountains alone. Thinking about it, it seemed that she hadn't been in the mountains for a long time.

"I don't know when I will be able to leave the imperial city and wander around. The mountains and rivers of Dayan are unique. It would be a pity if I didn't see them all." Yue Churen leaned on his chair and sighed.Even though she said so, she actually had some calculations in her heart, maybe if the temperature was warmer, she and Feng Yancang would be able to leave the imperial city.

Now Feng Yanshao is gradually controlling the defenders of the imperial city. After so many years of business, the two brothers are now starting to collect the net.

There are also important local officials, as well as many princeling factions that Ning Yu developed, who also support King Xiang.At that time, Feng Zhaotian wanted to finish them off, which was exactly what Feng Yancang wanted, so he agreed to let them do it.

Now the two brothers are torn apart with Feng Zhaotian, but it doesn't affect the original decision.Feng Yanshao sits firmly in the imperial city and controls the court, and Feng Yancang takes the place of purging the Quartet. On that day, Feng Yanshao is definitely what everyone expects.

Entering March, the earth returns to spring, and the coldness in February is like a dream, which seems so unreal.

People in Yue Chu don't know how it will go up, but she has seen the situation these days and can guess a little bit.

When she went to Jishitang, she could always meet some family members of officials who went to buy medicine, and then took the opportunity to ask when she and Feng Yancang would come to the medicine shop, the purpose was obvious.

In recent days, Feng Yancang always returned home very late, although he didn't know what he was busy with, but it could be seen that he was a little tired.

Yue Churen grabbed some medicinal materials, and then watched the fire in the small kitchen of Wangyue Tower. In one afternoon, he stewed a bowl of thick black medicinal soup.

Although the color of the medicine soup is not good, but the smell is still good, there is a strange fragrance, which is very different from ordinary medicine soup.

As night fell, Ding Dong put all the food on the table, but after a while, Feng Yancang came back taking advantage of the night.

Wearing a heavy cloak and a blue robe inside, he looked extraordinarily tall and straight.The light from the lamp shone on his face, and the faint smile that never faded between his brows and eyes was even more warm.

"I came back in time today. The food has just been served, so you don't need to eat cold food." Seeing him walk in, Yue Churen walked to the table and took out the bowl of medicinal soup from the food insulated box.

Taking off his cloak, Feng Yancang walked over slowly and saw the medicinal soup at a glance.Slightly raised eyebrows, "For me?"

"Drink." Handed it to him directly, the fragrance of the medicine overflowed.

After receiving it, Feng Yancang just took a look at the color of the medicinal soup, and then gulped it down happily.

Yue Churen looked at him with a smile, he was so obedient, she liked it very much.

"Is it good?" He put down the bowl, and she asked while handing him a glass of water.

"There is no strange taste, I thought it would be very bitter." He has been drinking a lot of decoctions every day for more than 20 years, all of which are so bitter that it makes people cry.

"Seeing that you are very tired recently, adjust yourself." Sitting down, Yue Churen unusually brought him some food first, with a natural expression, and everything seemed to be taken for granted.

Feng Yancang looked at her with a smile in his phoenix eyes.In the past, he took care of her, but now it's changed, and he enjoys it very much.

"But what do you want to ask?" Feng Yancang said warmly while eating the food she brought in slowly.

Raising his eyebrows and glanced at him, Yue Churen had dimples, "Want to know how long you will be busy? If there is no time limit, then I plan to go to a nearby city for a free clinic. Spring is here, and this season is also the peak of the disease. "Mainly because she was bored.

Feng Yancang paused, looked at her with deep eyes, "wait for another three days, after three days, we will leave the city."

Instantly, Yue Churen's eyes lit up, "Really?"

"Yeah." Smiling and nodding, looking at Yue Churen's bright eyes, Feng Yancang raised his hand to caress her face, he liked the expression very much.

Three days is too fast.Early in the morning, Yue Churen walked to the hall refreshed and refreshed, and the accompanying guards were already waiting there, a total of sixteen people, all armed with strength and weapons in their hands, they were not ordinary people at first glance.

"Where are we going this time?" Before Feng Yancang came, Yue Churen stood by the fireplace in the hall, talking to Qi Feng.

"My subordinates asked Yan Qing and said they were going south." Qi Feng's voice was not high. Few people knew about their trip out of the city this time, and even the servants in the mansion rarely knew their walking direction.

The Yuechu people nodded. Those local officials who wanted to clean up were all over the place. It seemed that Feng Yancang planned to clean up the south first.

In the south, it is very close to southern Xinjiang.Most of Ning Yu's henchmen are there, so they are going in the right direction first.

"It's all here, let's go." Suddenly, Feng Yancang's voice came from outside, and Yue Churen turned around and walked out of the hall and ran towards him.

"I'm glad you didn't sleep last night, did you?" Seeing Yue Churen bouncing towards him, Feng Yancang held her hand and smiled lightly.

With crooked eyebrows, Yue Churen gave him a sideways look, "Yeah, it's not a waste of time to come to this world, and it's quite pleasant to have a beautiful man by my side."

Hearing this, Feng Yancang smiled lightly, "The days are long, you are happy."

Nodding happily, the people of Yuechu were looking forward to this trip to the south with no return date.

Get out of the imperial city, go all the way south along the official road, the speed is very fast.

The carriage, which is ordinary in appearance but exquisite in interior, runs very steadily. The carriage is covered with thick cushions. Yue Churen is lying across the carriage, squeezing Feng Yancang to sit in a corner. She is very happy to bully him like this.

"Little Cangzi, I want to eat an apple." Lying there, Yue Churen instructed him with squinted eyes.The sound of horseshoes and wheels echoed, coupled with her lazy voice, it looked more like an uncle.

Feng Yancang always had a smile on his lips, he did as she told her.Pick up an apple from the table and hand it to her.

"Don't eat the skin." He handed it over, but she didn't accept it.Looking at the glowing red fruit, he said he would not eat the skin.

Feng Yancang raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at the fruit in his hand, and then at her, "There is no dagger. If you don't want to eat the skin, then spit it out."

"No. You bite off all the skin." Stretching her legs, she continued to order.

Feng Yancang was a little speechless, "Are you sure you want that?"

"En." Nodding his head, Yue Churen was a bit suspected of being a bully.

Taking one last look at her, Feng Yancang obediently began to peel the apples.

Yue Churen lay there looking at him, pursing his lips and suppressing a smile.A person with such an elegant and elegant appearance is actually holding an apple and gnawing its skin, how ridiculous it must be.

The carriage swayed, and after a while, someone finished peeling the skin.After all, it is manually peeled with teeth, and the whole fruit is out of shape.

He handed it to her calmly, "Princess, please use it."

Sitting up, Yue Churen took it over, looked up and down, and then smiled and said: "The teeth are really neat."

(End of this chapter)

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