The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 184 Close the Net, Talk About Marriage

Chapter 184 Close the Net, Talk About Marriage (4)
Feng Yancang wanted to meet the prefects of the five prefectures in Guanzhou at the governor's mansion, and Liang Zhao's people were among them, so I'm afraid Liang Zhao's people will have to be arrested today.Yue Churen didn't want to stay in this stinking place, so he stayed with Feng Yancang for a while and then left.

Going out of the gate of the governor's mansion, I saw three people kneeling on the steps, all dressed plainly, they looked like ordinary people, one of them was a man and a woman who were about forty or fifty years old, and the other girl was about thirteen or fourteen, pale and sick contented.

Walking down step by step, Qi Feng behind him stepped forward first, "Princess Qin is here, quickly retreat." It's not that the gate of the governor's mansion is not guarded by the imperial guards, and they are still kneeling here, which means that they have been kneeling for a long time.

"Qi Feng." Yue Churen waved Qi Feng to back away, and took a step forward, the heads of the elderly man and woman almost stuck to the ground.

"This girl is sick. You used to be a member of the governor's mansion?" The girl has the same illness as Guan Shu, and now she is still kneeling here, the people of Yue Chu guessed it.

"Princess Qin, Mingjian! The little girl used to be a kitchen girl in the governor's house, and she got sick because she didn't want to be raped by the prince. The little girl was timid, and she ran out without wanting to die like everyone else. The Caomin couple took the little girl Dong Hiding in Tibet, I dare not go to a doctor in the city to see a doctor. Now the little girl is dying. I heard outside the city that a big man came from the imperial city to arrest the governor. The Caomin couple brought the little girl to sue. Rape the girl." The couple kowtowed fiercely, the girl kneeling behind was crying, and for a while, the air seemed to be filled with sadness.

The people of Yue Chu looked at them, and only then did they realize that there seemed to be many people in this mansion who had the same fate as Guan Shu.They didn't want to, but they were powerless to resist.

"Qi Feng, take them back." She wanted to heal this girl, and also the person who shared her fate.

The small courtyard I rented was very lively for several days in a row. There were many women walking around here all day long. The smell was very bad in the first two days, and the surrounding houses could smell the stench floating from here.But two days later, the smell seemed to disappear, and the voices of girls talking and laughing could still be heard, which attracted many people to want to find out.

They were all servant girls of the Governor's Mansion, some were handsome, some were not.They were all raped by Liang Zizhou, the eldest son of Liang Zhao. At that time, Liang Zizhou followed the "folk prescription" of an unknown doctor and specifically attacked virgins.Some of them are the fire-burning girls in the kitchen, and some are the servant girls next to Mrs. Liang Zizhou's concubine.

Afterwards, they also contracted the disease, and then they were locked in the room and were not allowed to come out. Except for Guan Shu, who wanted to die outside, and Xiao Waner, who escaped, they were all locked in the mansion.

Two days ago, after negotiating with Feng Yancang, Yue Churen and Qi Feng personally went to the stinking yard to bring the innocent women out.These innocent girls were all only twelve or thirteen years old, and the oldest was only 16 years old. The cook was in tears.In the past few days, the cook helped the Yue Chu people make medicine and took care of them, and they got along very well.Moreover, they confessed a lot of secrets in the governor's mansion, Liang Zhao's relationship, the imperial physician who had been to Guanzhou, and other useful information.

The people of Yue Chu didn't send Guan Shu away either.Some girls were sold to the governor's office, and the master's family was imprisoned, so it stands to reason that they have to follow.The people from Yue Chu asked Feng Yancang for their deed of selling their lives, and they wanted to return them, but they told the people from Yue Chu through Guan Shu that they wanted to follow her.

In the courtyard, Yue Chu people summoned them. There were nine girls in total. They were sold by their parents when they were seven or eight years old.They are different from Guan Shu. Guan Shu used to be a young lady, even if she was down and out, her excellent self-cultivation also made her look very different.

Sitting on a chair, holding their contract of sale in their hands, Guan Shu stood beside her, charming and charming.

"Have you made up your mind and plan to follow me? Even if you follow me, you will not be able to enter Prince Qin's Mansion." They all knew her identity, maybe they thought they would be able to enter the Palace in the future.

"The servants obey the arrangement of the princess, even if they beg along the street, the servants are willing." The oldest girl among them said, and several others nodded in agreement.

Yue Churen chuckled, turned to look at Guan Shu, Guan Shu also nodded with a smile, she said the same to Yue Churen just now, they definitely really want to follow.

"Okay, if that's the case, then you and Guan Shu will go back to the imperial city together. There is a Jishitang in the imperial city, which is the medicine shop I opened. The chief steward of Jishitang is my apprentice. If you want to learn medicine from him If you don't want to learn, you can work in Jishitang, and the housekeeper will arrange for you." Although learning medical skills depends on talent, the most important thing is to be able to read and write.Guan Shu said that she wants to learn, and it is easy for her to learn because she can read and write.But they may not be sure, presumably they don't know many words except their own names.

In the middle of the night, a carriage stopped in front of the government office in Guanzhou.As soon as the curtain was lifted, Yue Churen got out of the car, and Qi Feng took the food box out of the car behind.

Feng Yancang was working in this mansion for the time being, and the governor's mansion was really shameful. Even though Liang Zhao's family had been taken to the imperial city, the mansion was still stinky.

Entering the government office, there are guards from the imperial army, and the people of Yuechu walked by, bowing their heads and saluting.

The hall was brightly lit, not only Feng Yancang was there, but there were six other people.The prefects of the five counties, and the prefect of Zhuyang County who was promoted by Feng Yancang to be the acting governor.

"Your official has seen Princess Qin." Entering the hall, several eunuchs and acting governors immediately put down their things and got up to greet Yue Churen, bowing their hands and bowing in humility.

"You don't need to be too polite, I just came to see our lord, everyone continue." Nodding, Yue Churen walked towards Feng Yancang who was the most seated.

Feng Yancang raised the corners of his lips, he seemed to let out a soft breath when he watched her walk over, his brows and eyes were a little tired.

"Are you hungry? I made some soup for you." Going up and around the table, she leaned on the edge of the table and looked down at him softly.

"It's okay. It may be all night tonight, so you can go back to sleep in a while." Below, several officials returned to their seats and continued to tidy up, trying to make themselves look inconspicuous.

"I can't sleep if you're not here, I'll accompany you." She coaxed him with a smile, and sure enough someone was very happy to hear it.

"What happened to those who planned to follow you?" Sitting on the grand master's chair, he was soaring in a crimson crane, which was really eye-catching.

"I happen to be short of people in Jishi Hall, so I plan to send them there and hand them over to Qi Jian." She raised her eyebrows slightly, as if showing off.

Feng Yancang's eyes were like water, Feng Yancang raised his hand to hold her hand, the warm touch made Yue Churen squint his eyes.

"This matter has been done quite well. It is said among the people that you have done a good job." Smiling, he made no secret of his satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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