The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 185 Quiet Bloodlust, Mystery

Chapter 185 Quiet Bloodlust, Mystery (1)
Pursing his lips and chuckling, if someone else was not present, Yue Churen would definitely hug his neck and kiss him.

"I just think they are very pitiful. Although they can be sold at will for a few taels of silver, they are still human beings." She finally realized the word 'life is cheap'.

"Do you still remember how you evaluated yourself?" She looked at her with a smile all over her eyes, full of tenderness.

Raising his eyebrows slightly, Yue Churen really couldn't remember clearly.She said too many words, and she also commented on herself a lot, who knows which sentence he said.

"You say you're not a good person, but you're going to be bad." She chuckled lightly, still remembering her sharp eyes when she said this, she was not afraid of anything.

"Oh! Of course I remember, why? I'm not right?" Tilting his head, Yue Churen didn't think he was wrong.

"It's not true. Just because you sympathize with the disadvantaged, you can't be considered a bad person." She just has a clear like and dislike.

"Are you praising me as a good person? Hehe, well, I admit that I am a good person." Of course it is good to be a good person, and it is better than getting a bad reputation.

Feng Yancang promised to solve the Guanzhou matter in five days, but in fact it took seven days to complete it, and he stayed up all night for a few nights.

After writing several scriptures and delivering them to the imperial city, the imperial army also withdrew after sealing off Guanzhou for half a month.

Everyone knows that Guanzhou has changed the sky, which is a good thing for the common people, but not a good thing for the local rich gentry and wealthy businessmen.After the deputy governor took office, he successively arrested three or four important local wealthy gentry. It was rumored that it was a crime of collaborating with the enemy, which caused considerable turmoil among the people.

In the small rented courtyard, Guan Shu and others have been sent to the imperial city, and the other sick girls have also been taken home.The small courtyard has returned to cleanliness, but they are also ready to leave.

The people of Yuechu finally saw the Shangfang sword today. Since they came out of the imperial city, she has gone through the things they brought several times, but she has never seen this sword. I have to say that the ancient Feng Yancang hid it really well. .

It is heavy to hold in the hand, the scabbard is made of pure gold, both sides are inlaid with precious stones, dazzling people's eyes.

In the middle, there is the largest blood-red gemstone.The people from Yuechu picked it up with their hands, and Feng Yancang, who was sitting on a chair drinking tea over there, smiled lightly, "Why are you so greedy for money now?" He obviously regarded money as dung in the past.

"I was just trying to see if I could pull it off, so how could I be greedy for money?" Unhappy, he turned his head and glared at him, and then grasped the hilt of the sword with force, and the body of the sword was separated from the scabbard, and the blade was also seen.

"It's really sharp." It is worthy of being called Shangfang's sword, it must be able to cut iron like mud.Holding his sword, Yue Churen turned his head and scanned a corner of the table.She walked over and took the sword to cut it, but she didn't use any strength at all, the corner of the table was cut off, just like cutting tofu, very easily.

Yue Churen opened his eyes wide and let out a sound of admiration. He raised his sword and looked up at the blade, looking a little silly.

Feng Yancang kept looking at her, and couldn't help laughing at her, "Are you scared?"

"If it is used to behead, it will be effortless." What a good sword.

"It once cut off the heads of thirteen people, and cut off the right arm of one person." Fengyan Cangfeng smiled and explained to her what the sword had experienced.

"Domineering." Yue Churen admired, put away the sword and returned the sheath, in fact, she coveted the scabbard even more, it was priceless.

Putting down the sword and turning back, a black shadow flashed across the room, startling Yue Churen.After waiting for a while, a man in gray cloth stood in front of Feng Yancang, holding a brown envelope in his hand.

Looking at the man, Yue Churen frowned slightly.

Feng Yancang took the envelope, the man bowed his body, the next moment he could only see the afterimage, and then disappeared.

"This is your secret guard?" She had never seen Feng Yancang's secret guard before, and it must be the one just now.

Feng Yancang raised the corners of his lips and nodded, still a little proud.

The eyebrows were furrowed even more, and Yue Churen was more speechless, "I saw him a few days ago, pushing a dung cart to collect slop from house to house." She simply didn't know what to say.She was chatting with those girls in the yard that day, and didn't pay much attention to him.

Feng Yancang chuckled, "Well, they often do some strange things." If they were always dressed like Yan Qing and Qi Feng, they would be too noticeable when walking in the city.

"My lord, collect the swill? You can also sell vegetables!" After walking over and sitting down, the people of Yue Chu could still remember how he collected the swill that day, it was very smelly.

"Yes." Nodding calmly, Feng Yancang said that they also sold vegetables.

Yue Churen raised his eyebrows, unable to say anything.Looking at the letter in his hand, he raised his chin, "What did you say?"

"I don't know yet." Opening the envelope, the letter inside was yellow. When he saw the letter, Feng Yancang almost frowned.

Unfolding, he looked at it without making a sound, while Yue Churen looked at his expression and felt that there was nothing good written on the letter paper.

After a while, Feng Yancang looked away from the letter paper, his eyes were dark, and he could not see any emotion.

"What's the matter?" Looking into his eyes, Yue Churen confirmed what he was thinking.

"Prince Xiang couldn't sit still anymore. Last night, he surrounded the palace." These few words proved that the war between Feng Yanshao and King Xiang ended with Feng Yanshao winning.

The Yuechu people were surprised, "And then?" Feng Yanshao finally pushed King Xiang to a corner, otherwise, he would not have surrounded the palace.

"I shot and wounded my father, the palace is banned, and the imperial city is under martial law." His tone was still flat, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or something else.

For a moment, it seemed that the whole world was silent.Blinking, Yue Churen sighed, "We have to go back!"

"Yes!" Turning his head to look at Yue Churen, Feng Yancang smiled, and that smile was only for her, nothing else.

"Don't look at me and laugh, hurry up and get ready. The palace must be in a state of chaos at this time, you Qin Wang has to take charge of the overall situation." Sighing slightly coolly, in fact, what she said is also the truth, Feng Yancang is sure go back.For nothing else, Feng Zhaotian was injured, he had to go back.

"I don't know how injured he is, but some things must be done now." Standing up, Feng Yancang spoke lightly.Yue Churen listened, pondering what he meant, but couldn't think of it.What if Feng Yancang wanted to kill Feng Zhao Tianxia?That is impossible.So what does he want to do?
After thinking for a while, Yue Churen couldn't think of an answer.However, no matter what he does, she will help him.

The imperial city is under martial law, the city gates are closed during the day, and the forbidden army guards the four cities, which is extremely strict.The people in the city rarely go out, and most of the shops are closed. For decades, the imperial city has never had such a situation.

Back in the imperial city, the Yuechu people who were sitting in the carriage all the way also felt the seriousness of the situation. The bustling sounds of the past had long since disappeared in the city.

(End of this chapter)

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