The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 187 Quiet Bloodlust, Mystery

Chapter 187 Quiet Bloodlust, Mystery (3)
It is said that it is a palace ban, but many forbidden troops have been added outside the palace gate, but the inside of the palace has not changed much.

The only thing that has changed is that the imperial physicians are all trapped in the palace and cannot even go home.It has been the seventh day since Feng Zhaotian was injured, and they have never left the palace.

Get off at the second palace gate, Yue Churen and Yan Su walked straight towards Chengde Hall.Compared with the sleeping palace, the front, back, left, and right sides of Chengde Hall are more spacious, and it is easier for the imperial guards to guard.So since the day Feng Zhaotian was injured, he has been resting in Chengde Hall.

Before he got close, he saw the heavily guarded imperial guards, three layers inside and three layers outside, this was the first time Yue Chu people saw this formation.

The two walked over, and the imperial guards would not give way.Yan Su showed his waist card again, and this time it was quite effective. The next moment they stepped aside, and the two passed smoothly.

"Isn't the commander of the imperial guards in the palace the elder brother of the fifth brother's side concubine?" Yue Churen asked as he walked up the steps towards the main hall.She remembered that it seemed to be the case, otherwise the imperial guards inside and outside the palace would never have let Feng Yanshao pass after seeing Feng Yanshao's badge, there was such a relationship.

"That's right, they're all my own people." Yan Su nodded, and the words said by his own people were also very smooth.

The people of Yue Chu almost raised their eyebrows, Feng Yanshao finally realized the benefit of marrying so many wives, this is the benefit!
At the gate of the hall, four fathers-in-law and four court ladies were waiting there.These four father-in-laws are very unfamiliar, and none of them serve Feng Zhaotian on weekdays.As the two walked by, they all bowed down to salute, with a respectful attitude.

The inside of the hall was quiet, bypassing the main hall and walking towards the side hall, a landscape screen stood at the door to keep out the wind, and one could smell the smell of medicine wafting from inside.

Walking around the screen, one can see the big bed opposite at a glance. The bright yellow gauze curtain and the bright yellow brocade quilt all reveal the identity of the person on the bed.

"My daughter Yan Su has seen the emperor." Stopping one meter away from the bed, Yan Su bowed his knees to salute.

Yue Churen was not so disciplined, instead he went straight to the bed. When she approached, the person on the bed also opened his eyes, and his eyes met. Yue Churen smiled, "Father looks very similar! Tsk tsk, Looking at this complexion, the wound must be almost healed."

Feng Zhaotian's weather is indeed not bad, but he is not in a good mood, and those deep eyes are also full of pressure, but anyone who looks at him will be shocked.

Hearing Yue Churen's words, Yan Su was also surprised.Stand up straight and walk slowly, sure enough!
"Let's see if I'm dead on their behalf? Even if I'm not dead, I can't get out of the gate of Chengde Hall." Feng Zhaotian said, full of suppressed anger.Yan Su didn't say a word, but his heart was full of twists and turns.Things have come to this point, if Feng Zhaotian is allowed to regain power, they may not have good results.

"Look at what your father said, you really scared my daughter-in-law to death! Who are you, the real dragon emperor. A sleepy dragon can still ascend to heaven, and of course you can travel to Kyushu. Don't be angry, don't be angry, I found that your old man is now As long as you see me, you will be very angry, and I didn't provoke you." Sitting down, Yue Churen seemed to be sitting on his own hot kang.In fact, she really thinks Feng Zhaotian's behavior is funny, fighting back and forth, but she still hasn't fought against her own son.

Closing his eyes, Feng Zhaotian took a deep breath, suppressing the rising anger.

"The unscrupulous King Xiang has been arrested, you don't have to worry about it anymore. Since ancient times, all successful emperors have a heart of stone. Unscrupulous sons, daughters and brothers must be killed without blinking. Only in this way can we achieve great success Great cause." She raised her hand and patted Feng Zhaotian's arm, she seemed to be comforting, but she was implying something.

Feng Zhaotian opened his eyes, and looked at Yue Churen like that, his eyes were deep and frightening.

Yue Churen laughed dimpledly, "Father thinks what I said is wrong? This emperor can't love his sons and daughters, and he can't be soft-hearted. Otherwise, he can only be a puppet in the end."

"Are you threatening me?" After a while, he said in a deep voice.It's full of energy, like a drum beating to beat people's hearts.

"It's not a threat, it's just to provide you with a way to live a long life. Do you want to live a long life, or do you want to be jealous and die suddenly?" Grabbing his wrist, she smiled innocently .

Feng Zhaotian's expression froze, as if he was about to explode, but he didn't dare to move at will.The ruler of a country, now dare not move under the pressure of a woman with no martial arts, how can he be so angry.

Yan Su stood beside the bed, his hands hidden in his sleeves clenched into fists.Although he felt that Yue Churen would not kill him, if he didn't know how to flatter him, it would be difficult to guarantee that Yue Churen would not turn his back on him.As long as she moves her hands, there are countless ways to die waiting for Feng Zhaotian, but there is no impenetrable wall in the world, if there is no imperial edict from Feng Zhaotian, Feng Yanshao's road will be very difficult in the future.

"Do you dare?" Gritting his teeth tightly, the veins on Feng Zhaotian's forehead were twitching.

"Hehe, I really dare!" Raising her eyebrows, she smiled fearlessly.

"You,,,," Feng Zhaotian was short of breath, his chest heaved violently, and he was very angry.

"Children and grandchildren are better than blue because of blue, don't you ever feel proud, father? Do you want to develop this country and let other countries be rich and powerful? Or do you just want to hold the power in your own hands and control the world's life and death? I think You are the latter. You have been in power for so many years, have you ever had brilliant achievements? As far as I know, no, but I am afraid that it is not necessarily the case if you change someone else. Heroes are born in youth, and this generation is even more youthful. There are countless heroes. You are old , You have to admit it." Slowly loosening his wrist, Yue Churen chuckled.At some point, a silver needle appeared between her fingers, shining brightly, but she didn't use it on him.

Feng Zhaotian looked away from Yue Churen's face, and finally landed on the silver needle between her fingers.

With deep eyes, he was thinking.Yan Su stood aside and watched them, slowly loosening his clenched hands.Everyone is a smart person, and they must not want to die.

"Call the six important ministers." Closing his eyes, these were the last words Feng Zhaotian said.

Yue Churen raised his eyes to look at Yan Su, Yan Su nodded with a smile as if relieved, and it was done.

The palace ban lasted for seven days and was finally lifted.Then the emperor ordered six important officials to enter the palace. For a while, there was a lot of traffic in front of Guanghua Gate, and the civil and military courtiers entered the palace and arrived at Chengde Palace.

At that time, the people of Yue Chu were sitting idle in Concubine Chen's palace.Yan Su had gone to inform Feng Yanshao after Feng Zhaotian had finished calling the six departments, presumably they were all gathered in Chengde Hall at this time.

"At [-]:[-] noon that day, I felt something was going to happen, but I couldn't get out of the palace, and I couldn't send someone to send a message. Later, I couldn't help it. I sent someone to find my brother. Only he can go in and out of the harem without knowing Being suspected. I told him about the strange situation, and he sent his confidants to inform the five kings. Otherwise, the five kings would never bring people so quickly that night, and the palace will be controlled by King Xiang." On the imperial concubine's couch, Concubine Chen talked about the events of that day in a coquettish manner, and she was also a very important part of it.

(End of this chapter)

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