The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 188 Quiet Bloodlust, Mystery

Chapter 188 Quiet Bloodlust, Mystery (4)
Yue Churen, who was leaning on the chair, admired Concubine Chen's winking eyes, and couldn't help chuckling after hearing what she said, "I heard that you have never been in contact with the national teacher, and he can still come if you look for him. It can be seen that brothers and sisters The friendship is still there." So far, Yue Chu people have never seen the legendary national teacher.

Concubine Chen smiled coquettishly, "That's because he's sorry for me, and he's ashamed. If I have something to ask him, he will come naturally."

"What do you plan to do next? Brother Wu will definitely not let him live in the palace any longer, and you may have to leave here too." Feng Zhaotian did not abdicate, but ordered Feng Yanshao to supervise the country on the grounds of physical discomfort.Although it is the supervisor of the country, it is equivalent to announcing to the world that the throne has been passed on to Feng Yanshao.

Concubine Chen smiled and did not answer, she looked outside in a blink of an eye, the sky was vast, but under her enchanting and charming face was hiding sorrow and helplessness.

Suddenly, a little father-in-law ran in quickly from the outside, stepped over the threshold and fell on the ground unsteadily, but before he could get up in time, he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the Seventh Princess, it's not good. King Xiang escaped from the prison somehow. came out and led thousands of people into the palace."

"What?" Concubine Chen stood up abruptly, Yue Churen frowned, turned his head and looked at Concubine Chen, and the two quickly walked out of the palace towards Chengde Hall.

Along the way, the palace people were all in a mess, and the sound of beating and killing could be heard faintly in the distance.Perhaps it was because of the layout of the palace, the sound of killing sounded dull, which made it even more frightening, as if there was an earthquake, and the feet were shaking.The setting sun was slanting to the west, and a few fiery clouds appeared in the sky. The blood-red color seemed to indicate that today was not a peaceful day.

Walking to the Chengde Hall, the front of the hall has been surrounded by the forbidden army, and the archers are on the bow. Although the formation is extraordinary, this is the last fortress.

At the gate of the palace, civil and military courtiers under the emperor's order gathered here.Most of them began to feel anxious and fearful, especially when standing on a high place and listening to the sound of killing in the distance, it was especially clear, beating everyone's hearts.

Walking over, Yue Churen saw Feng Yanshao at a glance, but did not find Feng Yancang.Presumably he is still in the city, the imperial city is under martial law, and he leads most of the defenders, if he learns that something happened in the palace, he will definitely come here as soon as possible.

"Fifth brother." Walking over, Feng Yanshao put his hands behind his back, his expression was calm and composed.

"Go into the palace." Looking at Yue Churen, Feng Yanshao still looked refined and refined, and even this kind of formation could not disturb him in the slightest.

Yue Churen twitched the corners of his lips, "With me here, none of you will die."

Feng Yanshao smiled, turned his head to look at Yue Churen, his eyes were full of a brother's love for his sister, "We will not die, but they will die."

Slightly raising his eyebrows, Yue Churen didn't understand Feng Yanshao's meaning, he was very confident that he would win, right?
Concubine Chen's eyes lit up, who had been standing behind Yue Churen, and she smiled silently the next moment. She took Yue Churen's hand and dragged her back a few steps.Although there were people all around, they were all anxious about the approaching killing, and had no time to care about the two of them.

"Prince Xiang didn't come out by himself, and it wasn't his subordinates who entered the palace. He was forcibly brought out. He entered the palace in his name in order to destroy us." Concubine Chen lowered her voice. , Said, glanced at the Chengde Palace, the meaning was obvious.

Yue Churen suddenly realized, "These people belong to him?" He is Feng Zhaotian.The organs are exhausted!Yue Churen shook her head secretly, she thought that Feng Zhao had really compromised.It seems that he was also waiting for this opportunity to gather all the courtiers including Feng Yanshao here.Then his people rushed into the palace in the name of King Xiang and killed all those who disagreed with him.If it succeeds, then history will be rewritten by him, and he has the final say on how to write it.If it failed, the scapegoat would be King Xiang, who was still the emperor who was bedridden because of his injuries.

Concubine Chen nodded, "The five kings have expected it a long time ago, don't worry." A beautiful smile spread from her lips. How could that person fail if he was so smart?
The sound of killing was approaching, and they only needed to break through the palace gate a hundred meters away, and they would come in.

There was a bang, and some of the courtiers present made sounds of shock.They came over, and they were hitting the gate of Chengde Hall, everyone was not calm.

There was another sound, and the tall and heavy door fell to the ground, and the sound of the collision with the ground almost broke the ears.The crowd retreated clatteringly, even though the imperial guards were blocking them, they still frightened them.

They rushed in, dressed in armor and much better equipped than the Custodians.Unlike the thousands of people that the little father-in-law reported at that time, there were actually only a few hundred people.They rushed in like billowing dark clouds, and the courtiers over there were panicked and didn't know what to do.

"Kill!" With a high-pitched killing sound, they rushed forward bravely. The archers here shot arrows, and with the sound of swishing through the air, a row of those in the front fell down.

The arrows are fast, and they are even faster, rushing up one after another, and the eyes of Yue Chu people are dazzled.

Most of the courtiers next to him were in a mess, only those standing with Feng Yanshao remained calm, even the four fathers-in-law and maids at the gate of the hall were calm as if they didn't see the situation in front of them.

But in the blink of an eye, many corpses were lying here and there under the steps of Han Baiyu, and the smell of blood was pungent.

All of a sudden, a group of men in green clothes jumped in from the gate of the palace, armed with long swords, they joined the battle in an instant, and the fighting escalated again.

Yuechu people recognized them at a glance, they were the guards of the palace.Sure enough, the next moment, a person appeared at the gate of the palace holding a Shangfang sword, and the purple robe looked strangely enchanting in this blood-red place.He is plump and handsome, the smile that hung on his lips all the time in the past is gone, and his phoenix eyes are deep but full of coldness.The sharp blade made him look like he was possessed by a killing god, even Yue Churen was shocked.

His appearance calmed down the chaotic courtiers. The next moment, he seemed to think that he was just a sick man who had just recovered. How could the hundred people he brought with him be able to defeat King Xiang's people?
However, what shocked them even more was yet to come.Feng Yancang only paused at the gate of the palace, and the next moment he jumped into the battle circle, his extremely fast movement silenced those messy people again.

Yue Churen had never seen Feng Yancang kill someone before, but she finally saw it today. She hardly blinked during the whole process. The blood splashed out seemed to be in slow motion in her eyes. It turned out to be so simple. .

Blood flowed like a river.The guards of the palace also moved neatly, and the setting sun set on the hill, everything here was over.There were stumps all over the ground, and the smell of blood was so strong that the air didn't even exist.

The entire Chengde Hall was silent, no one in the hall made a sound, not even breathing vigorously.

Two guards came in from the palace gate, holding a man in their hands, it was King Xiang.

King Xiang is so innocent this time, anyone who understands understands that he was just used by Feng Zhaotian.But those who don't understand know that the situation in front of him is caused by him.

(End of this chapter)

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