The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 201 Pursuit, elope with men and women

Chapter 201 Pursuit, elope with men and women (4)
No matter what happened, Yue Churen and Feng Yancang were about to leave the imperial city.In recent days, secret guards have been coming to report, and local riots have continued. Local officers and soldiers have suppressed them, but the riots have become more and more frequent.Moreover, they have also learned to fight guerrillas, and now officers and soldiers can't catch them.

This is exactly what Yue Chu people want. One is that people keep sending things to Jishitang, and the other is that Pei Xiye is still in the imperial city, and she really doesn't want to see him again.

Everything was ready, and before the sun rose the next morning, a group of people left in front of Prince Qin's Mansion. After more than half an hour, they finally left the imperial city and hurried forward along the endless official road.

In the carriage, Yue Churen was lying on Feng Yancang's lap, his body swayed slightly as the carriage moved, making her nearly fall asleep.

"He's here to establish diplomatic relations with Dayan, and he won't do anything sneaky." Opening his eyes, Yue Churen looked at him with a very sure tone.

"Trust him so much?" Wei Wei raised his eyebrows, Yue Chu's trust in Pei Xiye made him a little unhappy.

"I believe in Dayan's strength. Although he is a little erratic, he is not so reckless. Besides, before I left, I asked Yan Su to send Qi Jian to Brother Wu to watch Pei Xiye. Not for me, but he should not be underestimated now." Seriously explained, Yue Churen really didn't want to make Feng Yancang unhappy because of Pei Xiye.

Pinching her cheek, Feng Yancang smiled, his phoenix eyes were like water, making the hearts of those who looked at him flutter.

"Even if you are worried, you are not allowed to stay in the imperial city. You have to follow me wherever I go." The two fingers pinching her cheeks were hard, perhaps it hurt her, causing her brows to frown.

"You might as well tie me to your belt, you ancient man, you are becoming more and more domineering." Reaching out her hand, she pinched his jaw and shook it vigorously.

Grasping her hand, Feng Yan smiled calmly, "That's a great idea, come on, try to tie it on." After saying that, he was about to pull her up and tie it on the belt.

"Try your size! Feng, you're getting bigger and bigger." One turned over.In this fast-moving carriage, the two seemed to be on the couch, very comfortable.

Hugging her, Feng Yancang smiled, "Why don't you? Look at you, you said you were riding on me, and you rode up." He said so, but he didn't see any reluctance at all.

"Who should I ride if I don't ride you? Who told you to be my boyfriend?" She tilted her head and looked at him, no matter how she looked, she looked good, and her eyes were shining brightly.

"Boyfriend? It would be better to call him Husband." Leaning against the wall of the car, Feng Yancang hugged her leisurely.

"Husband? Then we can do it after we get married." In fact, she prefers the word husband, but I'm afraid he won't be used to it.Just be your husband!
"When will we get married?" This topic has been mentioned several times, but the question of time has never been discussed.

"Why not next year? The day when I come to this world is also the day when the Seven Kings marry Yue Zhizhou's daughter, Yue Churen?" It happened to be the two years since she came here. What about the body of this ancient man?, , It will be completely fine.

"Next year? So now we are a fiancée?" The engagement was so simple that the two made it casually.No matchmaker, no parents, very novel.

"Yes, my fiancé!" Grinning, Yue Churen held his face and kissed him heavily.

"Speaking of getting married, I remember that Fifth Brother and Yan Su's big wedding will be next month?" It seemed to be June at that time.

"Yes. But fifth brother decided to keep everything simple, after all, there will be a grand ceremony for conferring the empress in the future." Nodding, Feng Yancang said warmly.In fact, Feng Yanshao's decision is correct, to put an end to grandiose actions will leave a good reputation among the people.

"That's fine. Originally, I was thinking of giving some big gift. It would be better to leave the big gift in the post-closing ceremony." With her relationship with Yan Su, she had to give a big gift that was never seen before or since.

"So thoughtful? I don't know what gift the concubine wants to give?" Her phoenix eyes were like abysses, and her face was reflected in those dark pupils.

"I won't tell you, lest you reveal the secret." He hooked his chin with his finger, like a dude teasing a good woman.

"In this way, I'm looking forward to it even more." Let her tease, her eyes full of connivance.

Traveling all the way south, this time they are going to a small place, a small county under the rule of Linzhou. The local prefect was No. 1 in the imperial examination six years ago, and was hand-picked by Feng Zhaotian as the number one scholar.

Later, he came to Qingmiao County as the prefect. Although he didn't have outstanding achievements, he was upright. Whenever there was an injustice, he would definitely go to the governor of Linzhou to make trouble.

In the past month, the people of Qingmiao County have gathered crowds to make trouble no less than five times, and each time the streets and alleys were disturbed.Moreover, the prefect of Qingmiao County led officers and soldiers to suppress it, and was hit in the forehead by stones thrown by the rioting people. Until now, his head was wrapped in gauze and he couldn't go out.

Listening to Feng Yancang's explanation, the people of Yuechu couldn't help laughing, thinking that the prefect named Sun Zhongyi was an interesting person, even if he was hit in the head, he didn't ask the officers and soldiers to fight the rioting people with all their strength, just because of this , would prove that he was indeed a man of integrity, though he might be a little dull or prim.

"Then we still have to sneak into Qingmiao County this time, and secretly investigate those behind-the-scenes people who instigated the people to make trouble. But to be honest, it doesn't look like you pretending to be a beggar. How can you be so handsome?" Beggars? How about this, anyway, Scholar Zhang is behind us, and he also brought a lot of disciples of the Beggar Clan, if they want to investigate further, we just pretend to be a couple passing by here.” Besides, Feng Yancang and those secret guards, Being able to bend and stretch, and taking a two-pronged approach, the investigation will be faster.

"That's fine. But it's okay for us to pretend to be elopement lovers. It's logical that we can walk in every village." Feng Yancang looked at her with a smile, and liked the elopement proposal very much.

"Elope? I really haven't eloped before, Cheng! I call you Brother Er Niu, and you call me San Yamei, haha!" This name is so unique.

"Your appearance, it is said that the name is Sanya, but no one believes it." Shaking his head, Feng Yancang actually didn't like that second bull.

"Then how about pretending to be the lady and the teacher of a rich family?" He looked at him up and down, if he changed into ordinary clothes, he should be able to deceive people by saying that he is the teacher.

"This proposal is okay, but you are not allowed to jump up and down again. How can a young lady from a rich family look like a monkey?" He deliberately teased her, and sure enough, he got a few punches.

The team stopped when they first entered Qingmiao County, everyone divided into teams, and entered Qingmiao County intermittently in a team of two or three people.The two teams entered the city, while the others scattered to the nearby villages, each dressed up, but no flaws could be seen.

Among all the clothes, he found the one that looked the least upscale and put it on for Feng Yancang, which concealed his aura of nobility.The golden crown that binds the hair is removed, and it is tied with an ordinary headband. Looking at it this way, it is quite similar to a teacher who has no strength to restrain the chicken.

Yue Churen took off the jewelry on his body and made his clothes a little dirty. He really looked like a lady from a wealthy family who had eloped.It's just that this young lady is too excited, she deviates from the official path and walks in the woods, not forgetting to look around, and from time to time, she will catch a bug to scare the 'powerless' man behind her.

Near the evening, the two finally entered a village.At the entrance of the village is a big tree that is nearly a hundred years old. Next to the tree stands a stone monument, which is written to Dongwa Village.

There were a few elderly people sitting under the tree, and four or five children who were digging and playing.

Before the two of them approached the village entrance, their eyes were attracted by a person under the tree, because that person was talking about the things in Linzhou City to those old people.The three kings are in Linzhou, which is well known throughout the world.And that person was talking about the three kings of Linzhou, who said that he was righteous, loyal to the emperor and patriotic, and he was not angry that the prince imprisoned the current emperor, and was planning to recruit troops to rescue the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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