The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 202 One net, you and me

Chapter 202 A net, you and me (1)
Approaching under the towering tree, the man in the ordinary cloth shirt also stopped speaking, and looked at the two of them together with the old people. In this place, there are generally few strangers.

"Excuse me, old men, is there a place to stay in this village?" Feng Yancang asked with his hands clasped, his appearance was modest and polite, quite like a teacher.

Yue Churen stood beside him, with his eyes slightly lowered, with a well-educated, gentle and gentle appearance.

"Stay overnight? You can go to the Li Chang's house. But, where are you from?" The accent in Linzhou is not strong, and it is basically the same as the imperial city.

"To be honest, I and my fiancée are from Jinzhou." Feng Yanshao still replied politely. Jinzhou is the closest to the imperial city, and there is no difference in accent.

"Golden State! That's a good place. Why did you young couple come here?" Another old man asked, probably rarely seeing outsiders, and he was full of curiosity about them.

Feng Yancang looked a little embarrassed, and Yue Churen directly grabbed his clothes, lowered his head and refused to let him speak.

With this movement, those old men seemed to understand what was going on.An old man who seemed to be the youngest among them stood up and said, "Come with me, I will take you to the Li Chang's house."

"Thank you so much, old man." After cupping his hands, Feng Yancang led Yue Churen to bid farewell to the other old men and followed the old man into the village.

The man who had been propagandizing about the Three Kings did not make a sound during the whole process. Before leaving, Yue Churen took a special look at him.He was also looking at her, and he was quite surprised to see her face.

Smiling almost undeniably, Yue Churen left with Feng Yancang, the man turned his head to look at their backs until he disappeared.

"Old man, how far is our village from the city of Qingmiao County?" As the old man walked into the village, the Yue Chu people stepped up two steps to the old man's side, raised his hand casually, a touch of almost transparent White powder flew into the air.

The old man was stunned for a moment, and the next moment the smile returned to his face, and he said: "It's not far, just walk along the mountain road, it's only seven or eight miles away."

"That's far away from Linzhou City. When I was at the entrance of the village just now, I heard that person talking about Linzhou City." Yue Churen then asked.Walking on the small road in the village, there are not many people in the earthen houses built against the mountains. Maybe it is still busy at this time.

"Xiao Li Gou is just talking nonsense. He has been idle all day. How can he know something important? It's unbelievable." The old man shook his hand, and the beard on his chin twitched with his movements.

Yue Churen nodded, turned around and glanced at Feng Yancang, Feng Yancang nodded slightly, he didn't think what the three kings would do, after all the secret guards in Linzhou had never reported the abnormalities of the three kings.

The old man sent them to the home of the head of the village. The head of the village is a man in his 40s. He is not tall, but he looks quite educated.There is also his wife at home, who looks very simple and honest.The two mud houses are nothing special compared to other houses, except that the fence walls are very strong.

Feng Yancang was talking with the chief in the yard, and the wife of the chief took Yue Churen into the west room, which was separated from the east room by an aisle. At the end of the aisle was the kitchen, where there were piles of firewood and so on. Everything was very ordinary.

"Usually few outsiders come into the village. This house is where my daughter lived before she got married. You can live here as long as you can. Seeing that you are not the children of ordinary people, but this is the condition of our family, just let it go .” She looks simple and honest, but her speech is not bad at all.

The people of Yue Chu looked around the room, which was an ordinary earthen house. There was a bed against the wall, and a dressing table on the other side. The bronze mirror vaguely reflected the figures of the two of them standing at the door.

"This is already very good. These days, we often spend the night in the mountains." In response, Yue Churen tried to slow down his speaking speed, looking like a well-educated lady.

Hearing this, the woman laughed, and looked at the clothes on Yue Churen's body, there was dust she deliberately smeared on them. "It seems that you have suffered a lot, but your husband also gave you money just now, so you are not short of money, why do you always stay in the mountains at night?" Just before entering the door, the woman turned her head and saw Feng Yancang in the yard. A li long silver.

The Yuechu people smiled, this woman's eyes are really good, "To tell the truth, my husband and I eloped. He is my family's teacher. We are in love with each other, but our parents don't agree. We had no choice but to run away, not daring to take the big road, for fear of being found by the servants sent out by our father to look for us." Speaking of this 'elopement theory', Yue Churen didn't blush, but thought it was quite interesting.

The woman nodded, "So that's the case. Actually, it's not a big deal. After two or three years, you'll give birth to a baby and take it home. When they see their grandson, they won't object any more. At most, Your weak-looking husband will take a few whips."

The Yuechu people couldn't help laughing, how many whips did they take?Who in this world would dare to beat him?

Maybe it was because of the money, or maybe it was because the people in this village were simple and simple. The wife of the head there, Mrs. Li, also stewed chicken for dinner.Feng Yancang didn't eat much, because the stew was somewhat oily, and he seldom eats heavy food.

On the contrary, the people of Yuechu eat very delicious food. The chicken stewed in ordinary iron pot has a taste of iron pot, which is very fragrant.

The head of the village is indeed a man of some culture. After dinner, he chatted with Feng Yancang. It turns out that he is also a scholar of Qingmiao County.However, he failed the imperial examination several times, and then returned to the village to be the head of the village, which has been up to now.

The Yuechu people returned to the West Room vacated for them. There was only one oil lamp in the room, and the whole room was dim.

Sitting on the bed, there was only a layer of mattress on the bed, which was very hard.Listening to the voice of the room chief chatting with Feng Yancang, Yue Churen was surprised that Feng Yancang was so talkative.He speaks so politely like a schoolteacher, has a very humble tone, and is so handsome, no one can hate him.

It was completely dark outside, and Yue Churen almost sat quietly in the room for an hour and a half by himself, and the guy finally came back.

Close the wooden door, but there is still a big gap, and the lights from that room sneaked into the room through the gap.

"Are you tired?" Feng Yancang seemed to be in a good mood with joy in his brows and eyes.

"It's okay." Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Yue Churen looked at him, and couldn't help but curl his lips.

"The bed is a bit hard, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep well tonight." Sitting on the bed, Feng Yancang felt the hardness, and said in a warm voice.

"Isn't there you? You can use me as a mattress." Tilting his head, looking at his simple appearance, he is still so moving.

The phoenix eyes were deep, and he stared at her like that for nearly a minute. He shook his head slightly and sighed, "Do you have to torture me like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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