The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 251 The man's plan, the king of the north meets

Chapter 251 The man's plan, the king of the north meets (4)
The corners of Feng Yancang's lips were slightly raised, and he was dressed in a white shirt, and his whole body was elegant and elegant. Because the light in the room was getting darker, he couldn't see other places clearly, but he could see him clearly, with its own light-emitting function.

"Don't just smile, laughing can't solve the problem, answer directly." Looking at his appearance, Yue Churen frowned slightly, although he was very good-looking, it was too annoying to not say anything.

"Okay, answer positively. Next, you will enter the northern border, and there will be more dangers. You must know why the secret guards of Tianzi were transferred this time, but I can't take you all the way. Therefore, I will Someone is coming to pick you up, you take a step first, and I'll stop." Feng Yancang finally spoke, and it was obvious that he wanted to part ways with her.

Yue Churen blinked slowly, and then sneered, "Brother, can you figure it out? They're arresting me. If I'm not here, they don't necessarily care about you, and they will look for me everywhere." What kind of shit plan is this.

Feng Yan smiled faintly, her beautiful phoenix eyes were shining brightly, "Don't worry, the real one is gone, there will naturally be a fake one." There is quite a backup.

Yue Churen frowned, "Are you serious?"

"How about letting you meet?" Feng Yancang tilted his head slightly, his appearance was quite cute.

Yue Churen absolutely believed this time, and also understood what Feng Yancang meant.If she was asked to go first, they walked in a generous manner all the way to attract people's attention.In other words, they wanted to be a meat target to transfer her safely.

"Are you with me?" Yue Churen frowned slightly, but he couldn't imagine what would happen if they lost.

"If I were with you, wouldn't it be running away again?" Feng Yancang got up and walked in front of her, raised his hand to hook her chin, asking her to look up at him.

"You won't run away this time, and plan to confront them head-on?" Yue Churen looked up at him following his strength, and finally understood his plan.

The night was thick, a shadow quickly swept across the street, and a few jumps reached the closed city gate at this time.With a click, a hook connected to the iron chain was placed on the city wall, and the black figure grabbed the iron chain and climbed up the smooth city wall, quickly disappearing into the city.

Leaving the city without taking the official road, and going into the mountains, the visitors in the dark night awakened the birds in the forest.

"Hey, Pei Qianhuo, don't you want to run away anymore? I'm going to throw up." Yue Churen's stomach felt very uncomfortable when he was dragged from the ground by his feet.The person holding her was in the wrong posture, face down, disgusted even if she didn't vomit.

Hearing this, the person who was holding her slowed down, finally stopped and put her down.

With both feet on the ground, Yue Churen immediately let out a long breath.

The night was thick, and it was even more difficult to see each other clearly in this dense woods, only a black shadow standing opposite could be seen.

"You know it's this young master, and you're getting smarter." It really was Pei Xiye, with a slightly cynical tone, and there was no one else but him.

"How would I know it was you? The smell on your body gave you away." There was a faint smell of pear blossoms, and there was no one else but him.

"Tsk tsk, if you insist on saying that, then this young master will be thinking wrong. Could it be that you have been thinking about the smell of this young master?" The person in front of him took a step forward, and his smell floated over again.

Yue Churen raised his hand and pushed him, and then said: "Why did you come in person? It seems that you, the king of the north, are really leisurely." Leaning on the tree trunk behind him, Yue Churen said leisurely.

"Because picking you up, even the big things have to be let go? Do you feel your heart beating?" Pei Xiye smiled. Although he couldn't see his face, he could imagine the expression.

"No heartbeat, it's true that I'm about to vomit. Xiao Cangzi actually cooperates with you, I'm out of my mind." Shaking his head, Yue Churen didn't understand, obviously Feng Yancang hated him very much.Perhaps it may be true to answer that sentence, there are only eternal interests, and there are no eternal enemies.

"This young master is going to be very sad. If this young master hadn't informed you, when would you have found out who was going to arrest you?" Pei Xiye was dissatisfied, but still grinning.

"Have you secretly contacted Xiao Cangzi?" She didn't know at all.

"Your husband didn't tell you?" The word "husband" was somewhat ironic.

"I was afraid that I was worried, so I didn't tell me. What else can I say?" Yue Churen scolded lightly, even if he was dissatisfied, he couldn't say it in front of him.

"I have nothing to say, can't it be done if I have nothing to say? You, bewitched!" Pei Xiye sighed, still feeling that Yue Churen was obsessed with obsession.

"Let's talk nonsense, enough rest, let's go." Hei Tian was just on his way, and grinding teeth with him here was a waste of time.

"Are you not at all excited about this young man coming to pick you up overnight?" Before walking forward, Pei Xiye joked a little bit unwillingly.

"Excited about your size, lead the way carefully, I can't see clearly." Looking at his feet, Yue Churen was almost blind, unable to see anything clearly.

"Woman, duplicity." Pei Xiye didn't know whether he really didn't believe it or was teasing her, sighed frivolously, causing Yue Chu people behind him to kick him.

The night was thick, and the two shuttled through the mountains and forests, hoping to arrive safely.

(End of this chapter)

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