The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 252 Patriarch, 2 flanks attack

Chapter 252 Patriarch, attacking from both sides (1)
Zhongdu in northern Xinjiang is different from the tough and open city that Yuechu people imagined, but it has a different kind of softness.

The people in Zhongdu are not all showing their muscular arms, there are also many people wearing long gowns. Although they are equally strong and lack the elegance of Dayan people, they still look very pleasing to the eye.

On a long street, one of the main streets of Zhongdu, on the second floor of a small tea house, a window was half open, half a face was loomingly exposed, watching the people coming and going on the street.

That's right, this person is from Yue Chu.

In two days, she and Pei Xiye arrived in Zhongdu, which is the capital of northern Xinjiang. The imperial palace is located in this city, which can be vaguely seen from the tea house.

Entering Zhongdu, Pei Xiye did not bring her into the palace, but directly came to this teahouse, which made Yue Chu people suspect that he, the Northern King, is a fake, and dare not enter his own palace?

However, Pei Xiye was very relaxed, leaning on the soft couch in the private room, with his straight long legs resting on the small table outside the couch, making him look particularly tall.

The people of Yuechu sat by the window and looked out. It was no worse than Dayan's imperial city, and it was also very prosperous.And there are so many witches, that you can smell it every time you breathe.

Lying by the window and watching for a long time, Yue Churen sighed, wondering where Feng Yancang and the others are now?Did you meet those men in white?
"Don't sigh, after the sun goes down, I will take you into the palace." Pei Xiye's voice came from behind, the tone was lazy, and the voice was a bit hoarse, as if he had just woken up.

Yue Churen frowned slightly, then turned back to look at him suddenly, his eyes were like knives, "Pei Xiye, tell the truth, have you been kicked out? Or is it a hoax that you are the King of the North?"

Pei Xiye smiled dimpledly, and looked at her with two crescent moons in his exquisite eyes, "In your eyes, is this young master so unreasonable?"

"Then why don't you dare to enter the palace openly now? That's your home, and you have to wait until dark to go back?" She didn't look aboveboard.

Pei Xiye laughed, with a look of pride appearing in his brows, and then looked at Yue Churen and shook his head slightly, "This young master didn't come out of the palace openly, so how can he go back openly? You think the emperor is so easy to do, he can do whatever he wants ?too naive."

"Did you run out secretly? No one in the palace will notice that you are missing?" Yue Churen raised his eyebrows, it seems that no occupation is easy to do.Even the person who dominates a country has helplessness.

"It's common for my young master to spoil Aiji and not courteously for a few days, no one will notice." He laughed nonchalantly, and was really full of coquettish air.

Yue Churen let out a soft scolding, turned his head and continued to look at the scenery of the long street.

"Talk, why don't you talk?" Pei Xiye stared at the back of Yue Churen's head, opened his mouth, wouldn't it be boring to just sit silently and wait for dark?
"Pei Qianhuo, do you really have the world in your hands?" After a long while, Yue Churen spoke, although he didn't look back at him, he could hear clearly what he said.

Pei Xiye's eyes dimmed, and then he laughed, Li Dio was shallow and cute, "Of course it belongs to Master Ben, do you think Master Ben will let others control him?"

Yue Churen shook his head slightly, "It's hard to tell the truth from what you said, but can you tell me who is going to arrest me? To you, that person is quite threatening, right? Otherwise, why did you sneakily pass on Letter to tell us the truth?" Turning around, Yue Churen felt that even if Pei Xiye controlled Beijiang, he was still afraid of that person.

The corners of Pei Xiye's lips were curved, and he couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he watched her turn around, and then said: "Why don't you tell me who your master is first? She is very interested in this."

Yue Churen tilted his head, got up the next moment, walked to the other side of the couch and sat down, looked at him seriously for a while, and then laughed, "That's why that man arrested me?"

Pei Xiye's body continued to tilt down, and he was a little closer to her. He winked at her with a cute smile on his face, "Tell me, tell her when the time comes, and she will be able to rest in peace when she dies."

Yue Churen looked down at his face, laughing until his dimples came out, "Is that man or woman?"

"Do you really not know or are you just pretending? If you are pretending, you really look like it. Of course it is a woman, and the most vicious thing in this world is a woman." Pei Xiye shook his head slightly, anyway, from Yue Churen's face Can't see anything.

Yue Churen whispered, "Then my master is a man?"

Pei Xiye became even more confused, looked elsewhere, shook his head and sighed, "You're too fake! You should really let that woman see you like this, you will definitely be pissed off."

Yue Churen pursed his lips and smiled happily. It seems that there is a love-hate relationship in this.Although I don't know much about it, it's interesting to think about it.

It was night, and the two finally left the teahouse.

The people of Yue Chu followed Pei Xiye towards the majestic palace. They thought that Pei Xiye would be sneaky, but who knew that he was very upright.

It is estimated that it is a side gate of the palace, guarded and patrolled by the Northern Border Guards.She entered the palace gate smoothly, and then he took her to pick out places that were not brightly lit, and she was really sneaking at the moment.

The imperial palace in the northern border is also quite luxurious, the palaces overlap, and there is no end in sight in the dark night.But the palace is built on the hillside, which can be seen from the tea house.At this time, I jumped to look far away, but I could see the outline of the mountain, and there were still dots of lights on the mountain, but I didn't know where it was.

Shuttle through the palace, and soon entered a brightly lit palace, with Pei Xiye in front and Yue Chu people behind, walked in quickly.

"Kowtow to the emperor!" Pei Xiye walked into the palace, and all the maids in the room prostrated themselves on the ground, their foreheads pressed to the ground, bowing absolutely.

The Yue Chu people then came in, looked around the luxurious furnishings in the palace, and then looked at the prostrate maids on the ground. This time, they really felt that Pei Xiye was an emperor, and everyone who saw him would be cast down.

"Get up." With a casual wave of his hand, Pei Xiye walked up to the main seat and sat down. Yue Churen randomly found a seat beside him. Just as his butt touched the chair, a figure came from the side hall.

It was a woman, wearing a tulle dress, enchanting and sexy.Although it is not as good as Concubine Chen's down-to-earth style, it is definitely not bad, she is definitely a stunner.

"Your Majesty, you are back." The woman came swayingly, her voice was pleasant.

"Thank you for your hard work." Pei Xiye smiled, although he still had the same face, it seemed to be different.

"The concubine doesn't work hard, but the emperor does. How much effort does it take to bring a little pig back from thousands of miles? The concubine said at that time that it's fine to send someone to fetch it, it's just a pig Well. You just ran there by yourself, and the concubine is so distressed." The woman leaned against Pei Xiye and said softly, but the Yue Chu people who were watching the theater over there frowned instantly, and Pei Xiye swept Glancing at Yue Churen's eyes somewhat fainted.

(End of this chapter)

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