The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 262 Meeting Yan Jin, the war will start

Chapter 262 Meeting Yan Jin, the war will start (1)
The Dayan Border Pass is also as lively as before. There are many traders passing by. People from the northern border of Dayan even go to the western border. All kinds of people gather here. If there is no strong army here, I am afraid it will be true. Easy to mess up.

After entering the Dayan Pass, all the secret guards who escorted them back dispersed, and the people of Yuechu almost didn't pay much attention, and when they paid more attention, more than half of them were missing.

To go to Wushan, Taiju Mountain, you have to turn to the northwest. It takes about a day's journey and you can arrive quickly.

Rested overnight in the small town, and set off the next day, there are only six secret guards left today.The guards who were injured when they went to the northern border were all waiting here. Gathered in one place, the team was still huge.

Out of the small town to the northwest, there are many people coming and going on the road, most of them are convoys escorting goods. Since Dayan opened up trade with Beijiang, traders no longer sneak around, and the two countries travel more frequently.

Riding on a horse, the speed is not very fast, and you can enjoy the surrounding landscape to your heart's content.Although the sun was scorching hot in the sky, the constant breeze from the north, coupled with the running horses, made it even more cool and pleasant.

Feng Yancang was always by Yue Churen's side, even if she dashed out suddenly, he could catch up quickly and still maintain that distance.

"Xiao Cangzi, look at the tallest gray rocky cliff that day, is it Taiju Mountain or Ziwu Mountain?" The Yuechu people were very happy. Although they didn't have the ability to gallop wildly, it was rare to be so reckless.

Feng Yancang glanced in the direction where her fingers went out, with a faint smile on his lips, "That's Tianya."

"Tianya? That's a good name." Yue Churen turned to look at him with dimples.

"That is the tallest rock cliff in the surrounding countries, and the top of the cliff is covered with snow all the year round. Standing on it, you can see the Three Kingdoms in your eyes." Feng Yancang said, with a glance of overlooking.Standing at the peak must be the dream of all those who are determined to compete in the world.

Yuechu people can't help yearning for it, but it's not so easy to climb up because of the snow all year round.In this era, there is no complete equipment, and she has no martial arts for body protection, so if she wants to climb up, she can only think about it.

"Speaking of the Three Kingdoms, I thought of something and didn't ask you. You haven't told me anything about southern Xinjiang. When are you and Fifth Brother going to do it?" Yue Churen asked, pulling the reins and walking with him. .

"General Shang's Eagle Riders have gathered at the southern border for a long time, and now we are waiting for the southern border to be overwhelmed." He is indeed the kind of person who won't talk about some things without asking them. Then he never said anything.

Raising eyebrows, Yue Churen turned to look at him without blinking, "Who is General Shang?" Some people, she really didn't know.Although I thought that Dayan could not be just Yan Jin as a general, but as long as he is there, no one else can be called a general.

"Shang Taiwei's eldest son." Feng Yancang smiled lightly, she spoke in a pretentious manner with a ridiculous tone.

"Oh, that little brother who is going to marry the tenth princess is his brother." Shang Shuo's brother Shang Lei, merchant Congwen, can also come out as a general.

"That's right." Feng Yancang nodded and didn't say much.

"It seems that war will break out someday. On that day, what will Princess Pingyang do? Poor man, if you marry Nanwang, you will become a member of Nanjiang." Shaking her head, she When he said this, the tone was a bit strange, and it was very inappropriate to mention the Pingyang Princess for no reason.

The smile on the corners of Feng Yancang's lips widened, and he glanced at Yue Churen who was shaking his head and his brows were full of joy, "It's really pitiful, but it's not a bad idea to bring her back. Under the name of Princess Pingyang, marrying a prince as a concubine is also a good idea." OK."

Yue Churen frowned slightly, "Yeah, he's not ugly, and he has a father who is in the prime of his life. I guess it's possible to marry the emperor."

"It's impossible to marry Fifth Brother, not just anyone can enter the palace." Feng Yancang replied, and said it in a serious manner.

"Then it's entirely possible to marry you?" Turning his head, Yue Chu looked at him with a half-smile, and the blade was hidden under that charming face.

Feng Yancang laughed out loud, and the horse's speed also slowed down.

"That also requires the consent of the princess. If the princess doesn't agree, how can I dare to take a concubine?" He smiled slightly, but the joy in his eyes could not deceive anyone, he was very happy.

"Agreed, why don't you agree? I'll host it for you personally. I'm very good at matching yin marriages." The Yue Chu people were very heroic, and the accompanying guards all lowered their heads and pursed their lips to hold back their laughter.

Feng Yancang raised his eyebrows, then shook his head, "Shadow marriage? It's cruel enough. This king has to think about it more. Is it more cost-effective to guard the princess alone for the rest of her life, or to take a concubine to match the yin marriage."

"Stop pretending, tell me, why did you send someone to protect her in southern Xinjiang?" Naturally knowing that he was deliberately teasing her, Yue Churen cooperated with a few threats and successfully coaxed him into elation, she asked topic.

"In any case, she is Dayan's Princess Pingyang, so she can't die in a foreign land." Feng Yancang replied frankly, he didn't tell her these things, it doesn't mean he deliberately concealed them.

"That's right, it doesn't look good to die outside." Dayan is a big country, and a big country pays more attention to face, and the married daughter is naturally also Dayan's face.

"Do you have any other questions? If you have any doubts, just ask me directly. There is no need to deliberately hide it from you." She turned around and said about Nanjiang, presumably to ask about Princess Pingyang.Since there are many things that Yuechu people don't understand, she doesn't ask about them if she doesn't understand. It's more because she is not interested, so Feng Yancang doesn't say anything.She asked, and he told her, it was as simple as that.

"Not yet, I'll ask you when I think of it." Turning his head and smiling, his brows brightened.

The beautiful phoenix eyes are rippling with gentle waves, looking at all her expressions, he loves them all.Especially the bright smile, every time he couldn't help but laugh along with him.

At night, he arrived at the nearest town to Wushan, Taiju Mountain. Twenty miles away from this town was the place where Yan Zijun was stationed all year round.Ordinary people don't know where the army is stationed, because generally as long as they enter the territory circled by the army, soldiers will appear to stop those who intend to enter, so after a long time, no one will go in that direction.

A group of people from Fengyan Cangyue Chu settled in the town. This town is different from the town they settled in yesterday. There are not many vendors passing by here, probably because it is too close to the place where Yan Zijun is stationed, and they don't want to suffer bad luck here. .

However, there are many people who come here because of the rich herbal medicines in Taijuzi Wu'er Mountain. If they are lucky, they can pick valuable ones and become rich.

It is said that there was a local herb farmer who got a man-shaped Polygonum multiflorum by chance for nearly a thousand years. After selling it, he became a rich man.This kind of story spread far and wide, so many opportunistic people who fantasized about getting rich overnight ran to the mountains.There are quite a lot of wild animals in the deep mountains, and many people lost their lives or became permanently disabled because of this.

(End of this chapter)

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