The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 263 Meeting Yan Jin, the war will start

Chapter 263 Meeting Yan Jin, the war will start (2)
These rumors have no effect on Yue Churen, and she is not out for money, so she is very calm in her heart, even if there are wild beasts, she is not afraid.

The night passed quietly, and early the next morning, most of the people in the inn had left, and all of them brought a lot of tools and headed towards the mountain.It takes a long way to go from this town to Taiju Mountain, and you can't get close to the place where the army is stationed, you have to go around far, so most people set off early.

When Yue Churen and Feng Yancang came down from upstairs, there were only two or three people eating on the first floor, it was very clean.

"They're all very active. They're much more diligent than I was back then." Youyou sighed, and sure enough, money is everything.It can make people move forward bravely regardless of danger and fatigue.

"How did you gather herbs before?" Sitting down at the table near the window, Feng Yancang asked with a smile on his lips.

Yue Churen raised her eyebrows, the sunlight coming in from the window shone on her face, she was almost rosy, healthy and alive.

"It's no different from eating and drinking water. It's just a very common thing. My favorite thing is to dig graves in the middle of the night, but I've only been there a few times. I rarely do things that are too cloudy." He said casually, On the opposite side, Feng Yancang's eyebrows moved almost indistinctly.

"Digging a grave?" Seeing her, she seemed to like it.

"Yeah, Yin Gu is necessary. Some human bones and hair are needed. Hehe, do you feel sick?" Seeing Feng Yancang frowning, Yue Churen smiled happily.

Shaking his head slightly, Feng Yancang would never admit being disgusted.

"Yin Gu is more powerful?" It turns out that there are two types of Gu, Yin and Yang, but Feng Yancang feels that he has learned a lot.

"It's okay. For me, I don't like Yin Gu. It hurts myself. The so-called hurting the enemy by one thousand hurts eight hundred, and the person who does the Gu will also be hurt. The ancestor who was killed by Pei Xiye Have you seen it, look at her full of yin energy, that is the end of being immersed in yin Gu all day." Because you can't see too much sunlight, otherwise the lethality of the Gu will be greatly reduced.

Feng Yancang nodded slightly, "Your decision to have less contact is right." It would be a pity if she was full of yin.

"Look, I scare you, I have my own measure, so don't worry." He couldn't help laughing, guessing that he was very worried that she would turn into the appearance of the holy old woman.

When the food was served, the people of Yue Chu were not very elegant.On the opposite side, Feng Yancang's every movement is quite good-looking, he can tell at a glance that he is of extraordinary background, and he can also take care of Yue Churen.

On the street, a group of people and horses passed by. The people on the horses were wearing military uniforms. The weather was so hot that they were still wearing armors, with swords at their sides. Passers-by on horseback avoided.

The person in front of him was dressed in black strong clothes, covering his tall and strong body.Sword eyebrows, star eyes and facial features are beautiful, but the lines are cold and indifferent, which makes people feel that the air is a bit cooler at a glance.

By the window of the inn, Yue Churen put down his chopsticks and poured a cup of tea, raised his head and brought it to his lips, and looked out of the window at the same time, just in time to see the person passing by the street, his eyes lit up immediately, he took the cup away and shouted, " Yan Jin."

The person on the horse looked over at the shout, and his clear eyebrows stretched a little when he saw the person.Raising his hand, all the horses behind stopped, and he got off his horse and walked towards the inn.

In the inn, Yue Churen also stood up, and looked at the people who walked in with a smile on his face, "I didn't expect to meet you here. I wanted to come down from the mountain to see you and Fei Bold."

When Yan Jin walked in, he saw not only Yue Churen, but also Feng Yancang and the guards of Prince Qin's Mansion.The indifference between his brows and eyes became a bit more, and he walked towards Yue Churen and Feng Yancang.

"King Qin and Princess Qin just came back from Northern Xinjiang?" He knew they were going to Northern Xinjiang, but he didn't expect them to appear here.

"Exactly, General Yan came back after his inspection?" Feng Yancang got up, his body was full of elegance, he was unscathed, Yan Jin had a unique masculinity on the battlefield, and the two belonged to two extreme styles.

"That's right, Dayan has opened up trade with Northern Xinjiang, and the number of people entering and leaving the gate is also increasing day by day, so the investigation should be more rigorous." Every word, every word can be clearly heard.

"There are quite a lot of foreigners, but it's really lively. The so-called coming to the DPRK is a symbol of prosperity." The words of Yue Chu people mean that the so-called powerful country is like this.

Yan Jin nodded slightly. Although he agreed, he could not relax his rigor. After all, the safety of the border was too important, and if there was a slight mistake, the consequences would be disastrous.

Feng Yancang looked down at Yue Churen with a smile on his face, as she said before, foreigners can be seen everywhere in her world, so he understood what she meant.

"My concubine is going to Taiju Mountain today. There are many herbs in the mountain, and there must be what she needs." Feng Yancang explained the reason why they were here. I said that I will come here for a walk in the mountains when I have time.

"It's better to go to the camp, it will be closer to the mountain from there." Yan Jin said, although the camp is an important place, it is no problem to invite King Qin and Princess Qin.What's more, many people in the camp wanted to meet Yue Chu people.

Turning her head to look at Feng Yancang, Yue Churen was very happy, besides, she wanted to see Fei Bold, but she hadn't seen him for more than half a year.

Glancing at Yue Churen's bright eyes, Feng Yancang nodded, "Of course."

Leaving the small town and heading towards the camp with Yan Jin, they walked out of the small town on a wide gravel road, and after a long way they went into the mountains.The road opened between the two mountains, if you look at it from a distance, you can’t see the inside, and you can only know the mystery when you come in. There are sentry posts all over the mountains on both sides. As long as someone steps into the gravel road area, look here It's crystal clear.

After about 500 meters, the front suddenly opened up. Thousands of military tents are located here, and a fence as high as one person is surrounded far away. The watchtower of the sentry post is [-] or [-] meters high, and a black flag is fluttering. The dragon, the flying, the phoenix dancing are vigorous and powerful, that is the handwriting of Old General Yan.Looking at his characters, it can be seen that the old general has an extraordinary character.

The general returned to the camp, the fence gate opened, and the group finally entered the camp.

This is the first time that Yuechu people have seen the camp of this era with their own eyes, and it is much more imposing than those in movies and TV dramas.And looking at all the generals, they all have extraordinary momentum, which opened her eyes.

"General, you're back. Eh? King Qin? You're here, sister." Just as he dismounted, he heard a familiar voice.Fei Song, with a messy beard on his face, strode over and was very happy to see Yue Churen.

"I haven't seen you in half a year. You are sloppy again, Fei Bold. You don't care about your own image without your sister-in-law by your side." Yue Churen walked over to meet him. After more than half a year, he still looked the same.

"Sister, I heard that you went to northern Xinjiang with King Qin. Are you back? By the way, the general said at that time that someone was going to arrest you. Why are you still wandering around?" Fei Song looked as strong as a hill, Because of his burly, people ignored his height, but in fact he was not tall.

(End of this chapter)

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