Chapter 389 Straw Doll (2)
"Curiosity is true. But I am more worried that I will be disappointed. The rumors are fierce, but the facts are very plain." For example, Pei Xiye.At that time, all kinds of rumors poured into her head violently, which made her always feel that it was too regretful not to know the Northern King.As a result, it was even more regrettable to meet and get to know each other.

"Unwilling to be mediocre." He raised his hand and tapped on the back of her head, Feng Yancang had nothing to refute.

"It's too dull and boring. I've been bored for more than [-] years. It's hard to start something exciting. It must be exciting until the end." With his head back, Yue Churen turned around in his arms, leaned against the wall, and Can talk to him personally.

"Then what is the most exciting thing for you." Feng Yancang really wanted to hear.

Yue Churen rolled his eyes, "Of course I met you! The first time I saw you was the most exciting, and I will never forget it in my life."

Smiling lightly, these words successfully please him, he likes to hear them.

Thinking that the night passed so peacefully, Yue Churen also lay down on Feng Yancang's lap to sleep.

The sky is getting brighter, and the layers of fish-scale clouds on the horizon are becoming clearer and clearer, and the people lying or lying down by the wall seem to be asleep.

Suddenly, Yue Churen, who was lying sideways on Feng Yancang's lap with his face facing his stomach, shook violently. The movement was not too big, but it woke Feng Yancang up.

Opening her eyes and looking down at her, she was still lying on his lap like that, but one hand grabbed his clothes, her palms tightened, her knuckles turned white.

Slightly frowning, Feng Yancang knocked on the wall with his backhand, the sound was not loud, but he successfully called everyone up.

Everyone stood up without saying a word, and walked to the vicinity one after another. They were dressed as refugees and beggars, but they all had sharp eyes.

In silence, Feng Yancang looked down at the person lying on his lap, his eyes were full of worry behind that layer of camouflage.

About a quarter of an hour later, Yue Churen let go of his hands, opened his eyes, and got up very quickly, "The two of them ran out."

Feng Yancang stood up, "We'll go to meet him right away."

"Wait a minute." Raising his hand to stop him, Yue Churen stepped out of the corner and looked at the still silent Prince's Mansion, "There are undead chasing them."

Feng Yancang walked behind her, on the street behind them, people from other streets gathered continuously, just for a while, this not-so-large street was full of people.

Staring at the quiet mansion without blinking, I couldn't see the expression on her face clearly, but I could see her concentration through those eyes.

"Three." He opened his mouth suddenly, and Feng Yancang immediately gestured behind him.Dozens of secret guards who were mixed with the disciples of the beggar gang quickly left the team and gathered at the entrance of the alley.

"Two, one." After the word fell, a golden flower suddenly lit up over the house over there, and the next moment, a pitch-changed roar sounded like a wild beast.

This side also rushed out when the countdown of the Yuechu people came to an end. The speed was extremely fast. Almost in the blink of an eye, they fought against the guards outside the mansion a hundred meters away.

"Let's go too, I saw something." Yue Churen hugged Feng Yancang's waist directly, his movements were a little faster than his words.

"What did you see?" Embracing her, the two of them left the spot in an instant.

"It was just a glance, but I didn't see it clearly. He was too flustered at the time." Yue Churen hugged him tightly and replied. In the blink of an eye, he arrived at the gate of the mansion. Feng Yancang led her through the fighting crowd. The closed door was kicked open by him.

"Good strength." Yue Churen praised fiercely, and what he got was Feng Yancang's chuckle.

The mansion also became chaotic because of the escape of the two 'children', but compared to the outside of the mansion, there are not many guards in this mansion, but there are many undead.

Before the two rushed into the mansion and followed Yue Churen's instructions to find the place she thought was weird, four or five undead rushed over.

The undead in this mansion are no better than those they dealt with back then. They are not strong in physique, not strong in combat power, and not fast in speed. They just look scary.It looked like it was rotting, although it didn't smell much.

Feng Yancang was fast, leading the Yuechu people to dodge among them with ease, jumped onto the white marble arch bridge, jumped again, and jumped straight into a group of willow forests and rockery.

Swimming lightly, Feng Yancang was about to land on the ground after a few jumps, but when his feet were only a dozen centimeters away from the ground, he spun around, stepped on the rockery next to him and landed on another rockery a few meters away.

Yue Churen was dizzy from being shaken, "What's wrong?"

"There are nails all over the ground." Feng Yancang glanced down and said in a low voice.

"Huh?" Turning her head to look down, it was already dawn, but she still couldn't see clearly.

"Don't look, think about where is the thing you just glimpsed?" Feng Yancang didn't know what she saw, but it must be very unusual to get her attention like this.

"Let me think about it." Standing on the rockery with his arms around his waist, Yue Churen carefully recalled the escape route of the little dwarf, and after a long while pointed out, Feng Yancang took her away immediately.

The mansion was quite luxurious, with exquisite pavilions and pavilions. They passed through a corridor, and the fence beside the corridor was inlaid with precious stones wrapped in silver foil, which made Yue Chu people sigh.This is an absolute waste of money!
After going around a few times, I met the guards in the mansion, and there were no less than a hundred undead. Fortunately, Feng Yancang was fast, and the undead were not sensitive, so they all dodged.

After bypassing a pool of exquisite green lotus, I finally found the abnormal place that Yue Churen said, which is a small building occupying a huge area.The surrounding area was empty, and the two little dwarves passed by this small building when they escaped.The male dwarf turned his head and took a look here, so the people from Yue Chu saw it too.

The two hid in the flowers not far away for a while, after a group of guards passed by, Feng Yancang led her and quickly jumped away from the flowers, like a ray of light, rushed across the open space and rushed into the small building in the blink of an eye.

The two were fast, they kicked open the door of the small building and quickly closed it. When the two looked up to the inside of the small building, they were stunned for an instant.

In a house of more than 200 square meters, there are children up and down, left and right.

Needless to say, the shock in Yue Churen's heart, just for a moment, her eyes were covered with tears.

Feng Yancang frowned slightly, the stuff on his face made him uncomfortable, but it was not as good as the unbearable and frenzied in his heart!
I can't count how many children there are here, but there are many, many.Wearing all kinds of gorgeous clothes, her hair is neatly combed, her eyes are wide open, her skin is white, and she looks like she is alive.

The boys posed in various poses, standing like private soldiers, all looking in the direction of the door, as if they were welcoming people from outside.

On the platform one and a half meters above the ground, there are girls with fluttering colorful skirts and red lips, like the little fairy daughters from the fairy side in the portrait.

(End of this chapter)

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