Chapter 390 Straw Doll (3)
There was no sound in the small building, and there was a faint smell of turpentine in the air. It smelled so good, but it made people not even want to breathe.

Yue Churen bit her lip and took a deep breath, "It's vicious." This time, she really saw a pervert.

Stepping forward, Yue Churen walked towards the little boy standing on the edge. He looked about six or seven years old, with a pale face, big eyes, and watery eyes.

Raising his hand slowly, Yue Churen really wanted to touch him, but he couldn't do it.There are other things stuffed under this body, and she really can't bear to touch it.

"Don't touch it." Feng Yancang walked behind her, watching her reach out her hand, it was hard for him to imagine what would happen to them if she reached out to touch her.

"So many children died like this. Is this a hobby?" Yue Churen shook his head and walked in step by step. Looking at these lifelike children, she really didn't know what the Prince of Dongyang, Zhao Anyang, was going to do.

Feng Yancang was also puzzled, and for him, it was the first time he saw such a perverted thing, it was really hard to accept.

"Let's go, I can't stand it any longer." Following Yue Churen inside, he became more and more uncomfortable.These children have a vivid appearance, but they are not as ugly.

Yue Churen frowned, "Wait a minute, let me see."

Approaching the little boy standing in the middle of the opposite door, Yue Churen looked down at him.He was as tall as her armpits, and he was the tallest in the whole small building as far as the eye could see.Not very good looking, and not very cute either.

Folding his arms and looking at him for a while, Yue Churen raised his hand and stretched it out in front of his eyes, shaking his hand violently, he actually blinked suddenly.

Yue Churen immediately took a step back, Feng Yancang was also surprised, the two of them stared at him with astonishment in their eyes.

"Haha, I was spotted by you!" He moved his body, jumped up, and laughed loudly, breaking the silence of the small building, but it was even more weird.

Feng Yancang took Yue Churen's hand, and the two stepped back to stare at him. He was still dancing happily, and began to dance around the room, clapping his hands, the crackling sound coupled with his laughter, it was particularly creepy.

"Are you the little prince?" The two stared at him, Feng Yancang slightly leaned over to Yue Churen's ear and said a few words, Yue Churen's eyes tightened, and he asked casually.

"Haha, you guessed it again." The child, the Prince of Dongyang, Zhao Anyang laughed, which also indirectly proved that Feng Yancang's guess was correct.

Yue Churen stared at him with wide eyes, the two of them circled in place, and he circled them both in a big circle.

"Zhao Anyang, you are also dead." Yue Churen seemed to understand something, and tightened Feng Yancang's hand, silently conveying her thoughts to him.

The bouncing Zhao Anyang finally stopped running after hearing this, with a puzzled expression on his small face, "I am a living person."

"Then why do you have a heart made of turpentine?" Yue Churen tilted his head and looked at him, the stuff on his face was about to fall off with her excessive expression.

"Pine resin? That's not it, this is the heart that Feilong only has." Jumping around on the spot, Zhao Anyang's eyes widened, and his expression was inexplicably fierce.

"Flying dragon?" Yue Chu people sneered, Feilong!
Feng Yancang is completely puzzled, Zhao Anyang's heart is made of other materials, so why is he not like those undead?He is sane and speaks clearly.

"You don't believe me? I can tell you when my master comes back." Zhao Anyang shook his head, and returned to the innocent look of that child.

"Your master? He's already dead." Yue Churen smiled, but his teeth were clenched.She already understood what was going on with Zhao Anyang, his heart was fake, and in order to survive, he needed to eat the heart of a child.It is too much to eat the hearts of these children, but to make them into dolls.

"Dead? No, you lied to me." He didn't believe it at all, and became inexplicably happy again, clapping his hands and starting bouncing around the two of them.

"What did I lie to you for? He was indeed dead, by my hands. Hey, little prince, tell me, haven't you eaten yet?" Seeing him running around in circles, Yue Chu was a little dazed .

"My breakfast ran away, but it's okay, fresher ones will be delivered later." He knew everything, and he was not as innocent as he seemed.

Yue Churen bit his lip, he really took it easy.

Looking back at Feng Yancang behind him, he found that he was staring at Zhao Anyang without blinking.

"What's the matter?" Touching him, Yue Churen didn't know what he found.

Feng Yancang was silent, but told her with his own eyes that he was looking at Zhao Anyang's feet.

Yue Churen was even more puzzled, Zhao Anyang's body was normal except for his heart, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Little prince, can you stop running? Running around like this, you are not afraid that your weak little heart will fall off. Why don't you come and introduce me, these poor little dolls." Looking around , Her heart ached when these children saw them.

"My heart won't fall off, and they're not dolls." He stopped, and after running for so long, he didn't blush or pant, as if he wasn't running at all.

"What is it if it's not a doll?" Yue Churen couldn't think of any abnormal thoughts in him.

"They are scarecrows." Zhao Anyang told them word by word with a serious expression.That appearance is very innocent, but it reveals another kind of weirdness.

"Scarecrow? What a pervert." Yue Churen gritted his teeth, really wanting to dismantle this little bastard.

"What are perverts? They are scarecrows. If you don't believe me, look at them." As he spoke, he bouncing up to a little boy, stretched out his hand and held him in his hand easily.The other hand lightly took off the gorgeous clothes on his body, then pulled it out from the back, and then stretched out his hand, it was indeed a handful of straw.

The two of them watched, Feng Yancang was relatively calm, but Yue Churen's chest heaved violently, looking at the child in his hand who was a little bit slumped because the straw was taken out, she couldn't describe the feeling in her heart.

"Take it here and let me have a look, it's really exquisite." Let go of Feng Yancang's hand, the purple bamboo flute slipped out of the sleeve and held it in his hand, the other arm raised up and waved at him, the delicate palm was completely different from the face Full of feminine tenderness.

(End of this chapter)

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