The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 391 East King, Dragon Scale

Chapter 391 East King, Dragon Scale (1)
Blinking and blinking, Zhao Anyang shook off the crumpled straw man in his hand, raised his head slightly to look at Yue Churen, those eyes were clearly clear, but they looked so weird.

"You're not an old lady." Looking at her hand, Zhao Anyang was happy, and the next moment he jumped up to Yue Churen, looking at her wrinkled face and gray hair curiously.

Yue Churen smiled, and the wrinkles on his face looked like they were about to fall off, "I took good care of it, but unfortunately I forgot to take care of my face at that time." He took his hand, and the little hand was cold , there is no temperature that a normal person should have.

After being grabbed, Zhao Anyang looked down, "I don't like your body temperature."

"The temperature is the same for living people. You, a dead person, won't understand." Yue Churen slightly pulled him closer, and at the same time raised his other hand. As a result, just a little bit, she caught him. The person in his hand slipped away like a loach.

Yue Churen was stunned, Feng Yancang beside him pulled her back, and Zhao Anyang, who had escaped over there, jumped back to the place where he was standing before, jumped hard, and stood firmly in the same place.

When his feet landed, there was a rumbling sound from the ground of the entire small building, and Feng Yancang had already floated towards the door with Yue Chu people.

In front of the rows of children standing around the small building, the floor collapsed from the middle with a bang, and even the threshold of the door was instantly dark under the feet.

Feng Yancang jumped up with Yue Churen in his arms, grabbed the window lattice with one hand to keep it from falling, raised his long legs and kicked towards the window, with his courage to break through the gate of this mansion with one kick, if he wanted to break through the window, he should is totally fine.

However, when he stepped past the window, it didn't move at all, but Feng Yancang's eyes tightened, hitting his leg so painfully that it almost broke.

"Haha, you can't get out." Across the dark hall trap, Zhao Anyang clapped his hands and laughed, he really looked like a child who had no intention of doing that day.

Yue Churen, who was hugging Feng Yancang tightly, was hanging in the air. Although his eyes were fixed on Feng Yancang's legs, he could hear Zhao Anyang's laughter.

"Pervert, if I can't get out, you don't want to jump out again." Gritting your teeth, this perverted and vicious thing.

"I said that if you can't get out, you can't get out. There are countless masters buried here, why don't you two go down and have a look." After saying that, Zhao Anyang, who was standing there in the shape of a child, suddenly turned into An afterimage, almost before he could blink his eyes, he was already in front of him.

It stuck to the door panel like a gecko, and with the other hand holding a shiny dagger, it slammed into Feng Yancang's hand fixed on the window lattice. Excitement, the excitement that the eyeballs seem to jump out.

Feng Yancang reacted quickly and raised his hand quickly, but the two of them only relied on his hand to hold them in place. As soon as he let go, the two of them immediately fell down.

While falling down, Feng Yancang grabbed Zhao Anyang's leg, and the person in his arms also threw a golden stone Gu, hitting him in the face accurately in a split second.

He can completely dodge Feng Yancang's hand, and it will be very easy according to the ghostly speed.But Yue Churen also attacked him at the same time, he saw the shiny golden stone Gu flying over, he was obviously stunned for a moment, then Feng Yancang grabbed his calf, the three of them together fell down.

Bang Lang Lang.




In the pitch darkness, there was a muffled murmur at first, and then several voices of different severity.The cries of pain fell for less than half a minute, and the sound of fighting broke out again.

Yue Churen couldn't see anything, lying on the ground, his mind was buzzing.She knew that those two people were fighting, but she was not in the mood to watch the battle, let alone the strength to get up. This fall was not light, and she suspected that she might have a concussion, although Feng Yancang blocked her with half of his body. together.

"Oh! Look at the trick." Zhao Anyang started yelling, and then he didn't know what happened, only heard a dull impact, and the whole world was quiet the next moment.

The Yue Chu people who were lying on the ground listened quietly, blinked their eyes, and all they saw was pitch black, "Little Cangzi?"

"En." About three or four meters away, Feng Yancang's voice sounded, and Yue Churen's hanging heart instantly relaxed.

"Where's that little pervert?" Why is there no sound?Could it be that he was slaughtered by Feng Yancang?

"Run away." A simple answer, he was still there and didn't move, and he didn't know what happened.

"Run away? Xiao Cangzi, are you injured?" Standing up with support on the ground, Yue Churen stepped on something and almost slipped after taking a step.

"It's okay, be careful, the ground is full of bones." Feng Yancang could see her, and he could also see the ground.

"Ah? He really didn't lie. Many people died down here." Yue Churen didn't care about the bones on the ground, and walked towards Feng Yancang gropingly.

"Not necessarily, most of these bones belong to children." Feng Yancang replied with a calm voice.

After walking more than ten steps, Yue Churen groped to Feng Yancang's side, stretched out her hand, and was held by a warm hand, and she took advantage of the opportunity to lean against him.

"You're bleeding." As he approached, the smell of blood rose from the thick damp breath, and Yue Chu could easily smell it.

"It's just a small injury. Are you okay? Did you hit your head when you fell?" The warm hand gently touched her head, and the smell of him floated into her nose.

"It's just a little dizzy. I can't see you, and I can't bandage it for you, but I have medicine, so you can handle it yourself." He took out a thumb-sized porcelain bottle from his clothes and handed it to him.

Feng Yancang took it, and his eyesight was not affected much in this place where he couldn't see his fingers.

"I fell in here, and I didn't see you panic." He should be giving himself medicine, and said warmly.

Yue Churen laughed lightly, "What stupid things are you talking about? Didn't you have you? Where did that little pervert go?" It was pitch black, and she really didn't know what to do around here.

"There are three roads 50 meters away on the left, and he took the middle one." Although he was attacked and injured, he also saw clearly where Zhao Anyang disappeared.

"There are still many roads, and I don't know where to go? Hey, if he runs away, will he find someone to block us? Xiao Cangzi, let's go quickly." Thinking of this, Yue Churen was startled.

"No rush." ​​Feng Yancang responded, and a spark lit up in front of him at the next moment, and then suddenly, a cluster of small flames lit up.

The fire on Feng Yancang's body, but it won't burn for long like that.

Through this dim light, Yue Churen finally saw Feng Yancang, his face was painted so that she couldn't see his face clearly.Looking down at his other hanging hand, the sleeve was rolled up, and the wrist was wrapped with bloody silk.

(End of this chapter)

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