Chapter 441 The same person (2)
"Let's talk about it next time. Let's go back." Yan Jin's face turned pale, and he let go of his hand as he spoke.

Yue Churen turned around and saw his pale face, "Are you really hurt? Did you make that scream just now?" As she spoke, she grabbed his hand and put two fingers on his veins. door, with a serious expression, "internal injury."

"Well, go back quickly." Nodding, Yan Jin looked a little weak.

"Let's go, let's go. I'll ask the old woman to come out of the mountain. With her here, I will be able to catch him." Looking back at the place where the man disappeared, the Yue Chu people sighed, turned their heads and took Yan Jin's hand Go into the mountains.

Being pulled by her, Yan Jin slowed down and adjusted his breathing slowly, the pain in his chest eased a lot.

He has improved a lot in martial arts, he was very good before, in the battle that day, he joined hands with King Qin Fei Song and more than a hundred people and still suffered countless casualties, today he can resist this for a long time by himself, it is already extraordinary.

"You ancients fought like this. It's really beautiful. It's just that the lethality is too great. Seeing that you are unharmed on the surface, but you are seriously injured." Pulling him, his pulse was beating so fast that she could feel it.

"Well, his martial arts has improved again. I have to think of a way to catch him in one fell swoop." Yan Jin looked at his feet and adjusted his breathing. When he was speaking, his eyes couldn't help but shift, and finally moved to the interlocking hands of the two.

Seeing their hands holding each other, Yan Jin lost his mind for a moment. Not long ago, he and she also held hands like this.But at that time, she already had someone else in her heart.

"Chuchu." Unconsciously, he blurted out.

"Huh?" The person in front responded naturally, walked a few steps, and turned to look at him slowly, "You know my name too? Could it be that the Yuechu person you know also has this nickname?"

Yan Jin looked at her, and at a certain moment, the face in memory gradually overlapped with the face in front of him, unexpectedly becoming the same person.

Startled, he immediately shook his head, and then let go of her hand, "No."

Yue Churen raised his eyebrows indifferently, "This name is not unusual, there are many people named Chu Chu. The old woman also likes to call me Chu Chu, but her tone is not good, not as good as yours."

Yan Jin nodded, and lowered his eyelids to cover the trace of uneasiness flowing through his eyes.

"Okay, why are you so coy, a big man? Let's go, go back quickly, and I'll treat your injuries." Pulling him, Yue Churen continued to walk forward, the corners of her lips pursed, and she kept chuckling in her heart.From her point of view, this Yan Jin may be a Yuechu person who likes that world.

Tsk tsk, it's really interesting, the love of the ancients is interesting.

When they got home, the people from Yue Chu made medicine for Yan Jin and called the old woman at the same time, but no one answered.

I don't know where she went, this old woman, maybe some old man.

Curling his lips, Yue Churen put his mobile phone in his pocket, and the medicine on the magnetic stove was almost boiled.

Pour it into a cup, and Yue Churen carried it out of the kitchen.

"Come on, General Yan, finish this bowl of medicine." Yan Jin was lying on the sofa. The sofa was originally very long, but he took up the whole sofa while lying there, which shows how long this person's body is. .

"Thank you." Yan Jin glanced at her, then lowered his eyes, took the cup, and drank it all in one go.

"Take these again." Handing him a few more white pills, he didn't look at her, and she didn't look at him.

After eating it simply, Yan Jin didn't say bitter, and didn't even show an ugly expression.

"Go to sleep, but don't sleep on this sofa anymore, it's ugly, go to the guest room." Holding the cup and walking away, Yue Churen's back is very beautiful, because of the close-fitting clothes, it is even more beautiful. The outline of the figure is very attractive.

Yan Jin raised his eyelids and looked at her until he disappeared at the kitchen door before retracting his gaze. Now he is more and more afraid to look at her. Every time he looks at her, the two figures in his mind will overlap and become one person.It was a horrible feeling, and he feared that something would be out of his control.

They are not from the same world, and he will go back eventually. Besides, he knows in his heart that he will always only have her in his heart, so how can there be anyone else?

Leaning back on the sofa, Yan Jin sighed silently, and the shadow of that person appeared in his mind again.Every frown and smile of hers was deeply in his memory.

But gradually, the person in his mind changed, and turned into the person who just made medicine for him.

Surprised, he opened his eyes wide in an instant, just as Yue Churen came out from the kitchen.

Seeing him staring at him with wide eyes, Yue Churen followed his example and said, "What's the matter? What are you looking at me like that for?"

"Chu Chu." Seemingly unconscious again, he called out in a low voice.

Yue Churen laughed, "Are you thinking about that Chuchu? General Yan, open your eyes and see clearly, I am not your Chuchu."

Yan Jin's eyes flashed, and then he looked away, and the Yuechu people over there couldn't stop laughing, "It seems that General Yan loves quite deeply." Although I think the love of the ancients is also very interesting, but it is regarded as a substitute , she is really not happy.Especially when he looked at her name Chuchu with eyes full of hope and affection, he was not usually awkward.

I called the old woman several times but no one answered, but the next day, her old man came, and the speed was unusually fast.

It was a very tasteful looking lady with snow-white hair cut short and curled, very trendy.

Wearing a dark green suit and a pair of pointed-toed leather shoes with small heels, it can be seen from a glance that they are from the city.

"Old lady, I called you so many times yesterday and you didn't answer the phone. Before you come here today, please let me know if it's okay or not?" After taking her purse, the two walked up to the second floor. He stopped when he was about to enter the door.

Looking at the extra person in the living room, the old lady looked up and down, and then looked at Yue Churen, "Did you fall in love?" Her voice was a little cold, and the old lady was by no means a passionate person.

"What about falling in love? It's a long story, let's talk about it first." Pulling the old lady in, Yan Jin in the living room took a few steps back, and then bowed his hands politely.

Seeing his gesture, the old lady was even more surprised. She sat down and looked at Yue Churen, "Where did you come from?"

"It fell from the sky. Old lady, this is Yan Jin, a great marshal." Tilting his head, Yue Churen told everything.During this period, Yan Jin didn't say a word, but according to Yue Churen's explanation, the old lady looked him up and down.The eyes of the two women, the old and the young, are sharp enough, and this old lady is definitely a step above Yue Churen. Just being looked at by her will make people bow their heads unconsciously.

After a while, Yue Churen finished explaining, walked into the kitchen quickly, took out a can of herbal tea, and walked back while drinking: "So I called you here, just to ask how to deal with him? By the way, Yan Jin said That man can control corpses, he may be a necromancer."

The old lady didn't say much all the time, but when Yue Churen said that she was a dead teacher, her expression changed, "Really?"

Yue Churen turned his head to look at Yan Jin, his eyes sparkled, "Tell me."

Yan Jin's face was indifferent, and his handsome features were filled with a cold temperature.Glancing at Yue Churen, she smiled happily and her face was like a flower, which made him soften the edges and corners of his face unconsciously.

"That's right, he once had an army of undead, and he could also control dead birds to attack people, a huge number." But with her at that time, she resolved them one by one.

"Although the death master is very capable, he doesn't dare to make such a big commotion in this world. It alarmed the government. It's not a joke. Over the years, we have never killed anyone, so don't act rashly Chuchu, don't you know Xiaojiang from the city's Criminal Investigation Brigade, leave this matter to them." The old lady leaned on the sofa and said in an orderly manner.

Yue Churen blinked, and then said: "It's easy to say, but his martial arts are very high. Old lady, you haven't seen the martial arts of the ancients, so you may not think it is very powerful, but it is really powerful. It is similar to that in movies and TV shows." It’s not bad at all, flying around, coming and going without a trace, it’s not so easy to catch him.”

The old lady looked at her like an idiot, "Then do you think that all the weapons in the country are made for idle food? Don't worry, if he dares to commit crimes, just call the police and arrest him." Ah, avoid it if you can.

Yue Churen was speechless, turned to look at Yan Jin, "What do you think?"

With bright eyes, Yan Jin nodded slightly after staring at the old lady for a few seconds, "Listen to the old lady."

The corner of Yue Churen's mouth twitched, "Then listen to the old lady."

The old lady glanced at her coldly and said nothing.

The old lady didn't leave, the master and apprentice were on the first floor, they didn't know what they were doing, Yan Jin sat alone on the second floor, the TV was on, and he watched quietly.

Shensi flew away, and in just a few days, he seemed to have been in this world for a long time.Obviously everything is very strange, but it seems that he seems to adapt quickly.Now, everything here looked normal to him, and the feeling of being the enemy of everything had long since dissipated.

Under the TV wall, two dark red scorpions were fighting one after the other. There were a few moths at the door. There were poisons everywhere in the room, but he never felt unwell.

At one point, when she thought of that world, she seemed to be surrounded by these things.Therefore, people in the two worlds overlap again, and he can no longer tell who is who.He couldn't find any superficial or subtle differences, and those two people seemed to be the same.

(End of this chapter)

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